Basic provisions

1) This Academic Policy (hereinafter – the Policy) has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the goals and objectives of state programs in education and internal documents of the Non-commercial Joint Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University” (hereinafter – the University or NCJSC “KMU”).

2) The Policy is determined by the strategic goals and mission of the University and is a system of measures, rules and guiding principles for planning and managing educational activities and the efficient organization of the educational process, aimed at improving the quality of education and the implementation of student-centered learning.

3) The goal of the Policy is to achieve high quality at all levels of professional education that meets the needs of the labor market, society and the state, and corresponds to the global best practices.

4) The University defines the following guiding principles for academic activities:

  1. providing all students with equal opportunities to receive quality and affordable education;
  2. non-discrimination against students with special needs, based on race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, social status, physical abilities, age and other subjective criteria;
  3. providing academic freedom to students in choosing individual learning paths and developing the necessary skills by choosing elective disciplines and tracking their own progress by students in the electronic educational portal;
  4. training of professionals who meet the requirements of the national healthcare system and international standards through the introduction of innovations in education, science and practice;
  5. observance of the principles of academic integrity and intolerance to any type of deception and fraud in scientific and educational activities;
  6. ensuring transparency and access to information for stakeholders
5) The Policy is intended for students, faculty members, heads/managers and employees of the structural divisions of the University, as well as other stakeholders.

6) The Policy can be revised in case of changes in the regulations governing educational activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University and the strategy, revision of the requirements of educational programs within the framework of recommendations based on the results of international institutional or specialized accreditation.