Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

These are 17 interrelated goals developed by the UN General Assembly as a "Blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all." They are comprehensive and indivisible in nature and ensure a balance between all three components of sustainable development:
economic, social and environmental.

«Karaganda Medical University» is aware of the importance of its influence on the economy, ecology and society and implements an approach of responsible, thoughtful and rational interaction with stakeholders for its sustainable development.

The main principles of the University's sustainable development are reflected in the Sustainable Development Policy approved by the University Senate in 2023.

The sustainable development of the university in accordance with ESG standards consists of three components:

  • governance,
  • environmental,
  • social.

In addition, special attention is given to the achievement of sustainable development goals, identified in the UN General Assembly resolution "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".

Policy for sustainable development Karaganda medical university



I. Environmental Sustainability

The ecological component ensures the minimization of the impact on biological and physical natural systems, the optimal use of limited resources, the use of environmentally friendly, energy- and material-saving technologies, the creation of environmentally acceptable products, minimization, recycling and destruction of waste.

The policy in the field of sustainable development of the «KMU» 2023 includes issues of combating climate change, sustainable procurement and sustainable investment.

The student communities of the «KMU» are involved in the activities of the university to ensure sustainable development, the volunteer organizations "Studmed volunteers" and "Next Generation" are engaged in environmental sustainability issues. These organizations take part in solving environmental problems of the city and the region; interact with government agencies, public organizations and other volunteer organizations in order to implement joint projects, exchange experience and improve the effectiveness of volunteer activities.

«Studmed volunteers» и «Next Generation»

The «KMU» carries out activities that do not have a negative impact on the environment, and, according to environmental expertise in accordance with paragraph 40 of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, belongs to category IV.

Issue of final report of the state ecological expertise for the objects of IV categories

The university uses renewable energy sources - solar electric panels (photoelectric) to provide street lighting of buildings.

Environmental Education

With regard to environmental education, the «KMU» offers educational programs for training specialists with competencies in the field of environmental sustainability:

Bachelor course:

Master's degree:

Doctoral studies::

These and other educational programs include disciplines dealing with environmental issues, climate, environmental safety, etc.

Disciplines in the field of environmental education

Environmental Research

Topical issues of sustainable development are included in the priority areas of scientific research of the «KMU». Fundamental and applied research, student papers, master's and doctoral dissertations are carried out.

The structure of the university includes the Institute of Life Sciences and the Institute of Public Health and Occupational Health, based on which scientific and educational activities are carried out.

Institute of Life Sciences

Социальная устойчивость

II. Social Impact

The social component is focused on the principles of social responsibility, which, among other things, include ensuring occupational safety and preserving the health of employees, fair remuneration and respect for the rights of employees, individual development of personnel, implementation of social programs for personnel, creation of new jobs, sponsorship and charity, environmental and educational campaigns.

The policy of the «KMU» in relation to equality, diversity and inclusivity in higher education is reflected in the following documents:

  • Regulations on the organization of inclusive education of the «KMU»
  • Regulations on the Working Group on inclusive education
  • Regulations on psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education
  • Regulations on Student Self-government
  • Regulations on the Student Ombudsman
  • Regulations on the Student Support Service

The policy of NC JSC "KMU" in relation to equality, diversity and inclusivity, respect for human rights

Thanks to the policy, people with disabilities, representatives of different ages, religions and races, representatives of more than 17 nationalities, rural residents and foreigners study and work at the university. During pregnancy and childbirth, students are granted academic leave, and employees are granted work leave.

The proportion of women among students (at least 60%) and employees (at least 60% among the heads of departments) prevails in the «KMU».

To support accessible inclusive education, a working group is being created, whose tasks include:

  • formation of an effective system of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social support of students in an educational institution in order to maximize the correction of the shortcomings of their psychophysical development;
  • assessment and study of problems in the development of educational programs by students in accordance with state educational standards;
  • formation of a tolerant attitude to the problems of people with disabilities among all participants of the educational process;
  • creation of equality in the university and the educational environment of conditions favorable for the realization of personal and intellectual potential, emotional, communicative, physical development of persons with disabilities.

All requirements for providing accessible inclusive education are taken into account during the construction of new buildings of academic buildings and dormitories. They are also taken into account when reconstructing previously built buildings: elevators, lifts, ramps, equipped toilets, railings, access to the auditorium and the dining room.

In order to serve the Kazakh society, «KMU» is widely involved in the implementation of information and propaganda activities among the population.

Student organizations of «KMU» participate:

  • in activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and physical education among residents of the city: actions, social experiments, hygiene lessons in schools and kindergartens, informing the population of the city on the prevention of seasonal diseases, sexual and reproductive health, including HIV / AIDS,
  • in social projects to prevent the use of synthetic drugs among young people,
  • in activities to attract elderly people to actively participate in public life, to teach older people the skills of using Damumed, Egov systems and social networks,
  • in public events to provide charitable assistance to large, low-income families, lonely elderly people,
  • in city and regional festive events with concert programs: poetry evenings and exhibitions of fine art in libraries, museums of the city and region, publication of a collection of author's student poems, a disc of the student vocal association.

Teachers of «KMU» participate:

  • in public education events on topical health and healthcare issues: online lectures, meetings, seminars,
  • in the development and placement of educational videos on the university's portal for wide access,
  • in the development of methodological manuals for healthcare workers on topical issues,
  • in expert activities to assess the quality of educational and medical services.

The «KMU» pays special attention to the health and well-being of students and employees.

Each academic building has a canteen and/or buffets, and dormitories have all the conditions for cooking.

The university has clinics where students and staff have the opportunity to seek medical help, including within the guaranteed volume of free medical care, in addition, there is a medical center in each academic building.

Psychologists work within the framework of psychological support for both students and employees.

Экономическая устойчивость

III. Governance

The economic component directs the university's activities to increase long-term value, ensure the interests of shareholders and investors, increase the efficiency of processes, increase investments in the creation and development of more advanced technologies, increase labor productivity.

Stimulating investment in green projects will be done with the aim of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the UN General Assembly's "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". This includes areas such as "Quality Education", "Gender Equality", "Clean Water and Sanitation", "Affordable and Clean Energy", "Decent Work and Economic Growth", as well as "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure". At the same time, the university's direct income and the attraction of private investment will both be used.

As part of the implementation of the Policy, the main areas of investment will be the following:

  • Support for innovation and technological development, including through partnerships with public health organizations, the medical industry, and the private sector in the field of medical services;
  • The sustainable development of our campus, the creation of environmentally friendly infrastructure, and ensuring the accessibility and safety of all educational and administrative buildings for students, teachers, and staff are all important goals;
  • Creating new jobs, stimulating economic growth for the university, increasing labor productivity, and ensuring decent salaries for staff, all in accordance with the principles of sustainable development..
  • The main indicators of success for achieving the policy goals will be the level of satisfaction among students, teachers, and society with the activities of the university, the number of publications about the successful implementation of projects related to sustainable development, an increase in the proportion of budget funds allocated to upgrading and improving existing infrastructure in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and the number of speeches given by employees and students of the "KMU" society on relevant issues of sustainable development policy through media and social media.

Sustainable investment and procurement policy NAO «KMU»

Issues of diversity, equality, inclusivity and human right

The «KMU» deals with issues of diversity, equality, inclusivity and human rights:

  • Student Ombudsman
  • Disciplinary Commission
  • Working Group on Inclusive Education
  • Anti-Corruption Commission and seizure of letters from the "trust box".

The policy of NC JSC "KMU" in relation to equality, diversity and inclusivity, respect for human rights

The «KMU» systematically carries out work on the prevention, prevention and counteraction of corruption:

  • Improvement of the regulatory framework and preparation of organizational solutions to combat corruption;
  • Anti-corruption monitoring and analysis of corruption risks;
  • Improvement of anti-corruption measures, including academic;
  • Interaction with civil society institutions to combat corruption;
  • Information work.

The work of the «KMU» is built in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Anti-Corruption Standards of the «KMU», the Action Plan approved by the Board of Directors of the company for each year.

Anti-corruption standard of "KMU" NC JSC

Anti-corruption action plan

The «KMU» being a member of the League of Academic Integrity since 2018, guarantees the conscientious implementation of the League's mission to improve and improve the quality of education in the country by promoting and implementing the ten fundamental principles of academic integrity.

Academic Integrity League

The «KMU» strives to develop a unified corporate culture based on high ethical standards of behavior to maintain an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect and decency in the team.

The «KMU» has a Code of Business Ethics that regulates the ethical side of the organization's interaction with all interested parties, ethical norms of corporate relations, as well as mechanisms for the influence of ethical norms on the daily activities of the organization.

Code of Business Ethics

The academic policy of «Karaganda Medical University» includes the Code of Academic Integrity, which defines the basic concepts of honor and ethics of the professional community, the principles of academic integrity, the rules of relations between participants in the educational process, establishes the rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process in terms of academic integrity, defines the types of violations of academic integrity and the procedure for taking measures in case of their commission. The purpose of the Code is to establish rules governing the behavior of all participants in the educational process in order to ensure academic integrity, the formation of a stable moral position that excludes any manifestations of dishonesty, ethical violations.

Academic policy of "KMU"

In order to protect the rights and freedoms of employees studying at the University, to ensure the rule of law, there is a "trust box» for written appeals, as well as a Commission for combating Corruption and removing letters from the "trust box".

There is a Disciplinary Commission, whose activities are aimed at reviewing complaints and appeals about unacceptable actions / omissions of university staff.

The policy of "KMU" in relation to equality, diversity and inclusivity, respect for human rights

The Student Republic "Samruk" functions in the «KMU» - a voluntary organization of university students of all levels: college, bachelor's, master's, doctoral and residency, for the independent implementation of their own initiatives in matters of education, research, organization of everyday life, wellness, leisure through student associations.

According to the Regulations on the Student Republic of the «KMU», members of the Government of the Student Republic are elected at the general meeting of delegates of the student asset.

There is a Local committee of "KazMSA" - the Kazakh organization of medical youth, representing the interests of medical students throughout Kazakhstan. The purpose of this organization- facilitating cooperation with students and young doctors from other regions and other associations, promoting medical students and young doctors in obtaining practical skills and theoretical medical knowledge, helping to create a modern, competitive Kazakhstan with an effective system of national health and medical education, as well as cooperation with universities, research institutes of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, including professional (practical) and research exchange among students all over the world. KazMSA is a member of the International Federation of World Medical Associations (IFMSA), which is the largest of all youth organizations and is officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Student unions

The «KMU» annually publishes an audit financial report on the online depository of financial statements of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Audit reports

The «KMU» has a collegial advisory body – the Senate, whose competence includes consideration of issues:

  • strategy for the development of educational activities of the university;
  • approval of the concept of the educational program;
  • priorities for the development of science at the university;
  • strategies for the development of the clinical activity clinic of the university;
  • priorities of international cooperation;
  • issues of interaction between the university and society;
  • issues of the effectiveness of the university.

The Senate consists of representatives of the teaching staff and researchers (62%), administrative and managerial staff and top managers (18%) and students (20%).

Senate of the NC JSC “KMU”