НАО «МУК» объявляет конкурс на замещение штатных вакантных позиций университета.



Квалификационные требования

Статус вакансии

Дата открытия вакансии

Тип отбора на вакансию

Департамент развития инфраструктуры

Инженер по ремонту

Профессиональное образование без предъявления требований к стажу работы, со специальной подготовкой по установленной программе



Резюме, собеседование

Научно-исследовательская лаборатория

Медицинский лаборант

Среднее медицинское образование, с допуском к работе лаборанта по действующим нормативным документам, имеющий сертификат специалиста.



Резюме, собеседование

Служба безопасности

Специалист по информационной безопасности

Высшее (или послевузовское) образование по соответствующей специальности без предъявления к стажу работы, сертификат повышения квалификации по информационной безопасности



Резюме, собеседование

Контактные данные:
8 (7212) 50 39 30, Внут.: 1206

Резюме высылать по адресу:

Правила конкурсного замещения вакантных должностей некоммерческого акционерного общества «Медицинский университет Караганды»

Необходимые документы:

  • Заявление;
  • Копия удостоверения личности;
  • Личная анкета, с указанием контактных данных;
  • Документы, подтверждающие профессиональное образование: отсканированные копии дипломов о высшем, послевузовском образовании, академической /или ученой степени, ученом звании, заверенные нотариально либо по месту предыдущей работы;
  • Копии документов, подтверждающих трудовой стаж претендентов;
  • Справки с о наличии/отсутствии судимости, о наличии/отсутствии психиатрического, наркологического учета, сведения о совершении лицом коррупционного преступления, копия медицинской справки 075/у для граждан Казахстана и 028/у для иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства граждан.

  • Послужной список

    Заявление (проректоров, сотрудников службы внутреннего аудита, комплаенс-офицера)

    Заявление (управляющего директора, профессорско-преподавательского состава, научных работников и руководителей структурных подразделений)

    Конкурс на замещение вакантных должностей в Кафедрах, Школах, и Лабораториях

    «Karaganda medical university» NCJSC

    100000, Karaganda city, Gogol Str, 40

    Тel.: 8 (7212) 50-39-30,

    Fax: 8 (7212) 51-89-31

    Announces a competition for a vacant position:

    Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 4 units.

    Department of Biomedicine

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Internal Medicine

    Professor – 2 units.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology

    Professor – 2 units.

    Associate Professor – 4 units.

    Department of Computer Science and Biostatistics Associate

    Professor – 4 units.

    Department of History of Kazakhstan and the LDS

    Associate Professor – 7 units.

    Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 2 units.

    Department of Morphology

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation

    Professor – 2 units.

    Associate Professor – 2 units.

    Department of Oncology and Radiation Diagnostics

    Professor – 2 units.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Family Medicine

    Professor – 2 units.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

    Professor – 2 units.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    Department of Physiology

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 2 units.

    Department of Surgical Diseases

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 2 units.

    Language Development Center

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 3 units.

    School of Public Health

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 2 units.

    School of Dentistry

    Professor – 1 unit.

    Associate Professor – 4 units.

    School of Nursing Education

    Professor – 3 units.

    Associate Professor – 6 units.

    Department of Family Medicine

    Head of the department – 1 unit.

    Research Laboratory

    Head of the laboratory – 1 unit.

    The date and time of the end of the receipt of documents – from August 14, 2024 to August 27, 2024, until 18.00 hours.

      The candidate personally or via e-mail/ courier service sends to the secretary of the Competition Commission the documents necessary for participation in the competition, no later than the specified period.

                The application for participation in the competition is written to the Chairman of the Competition Commission. List of documents required to participate in the competition

    1) a copy of the identity card and the original for verification;

    2) copies of diplomas of higher education, academic and academic degrees, a document of academic rank and originals for verification;

    3) copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if available) and originals for verification;

    4) list of scientific papers and inventions (if available).

    The participant of the competition has the right to submit additional information concerning his education, work experience, professional level (list of scientific publications, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work, etc.).

    Persons working at the university and wishing to participate in the competition submit an application addressed to the Chairman of the Competition Commission and a description.

    Qualification requirements for the participants of the competition:

    For the position of associate professor - higher education, academic degree (Doctor/Candidate of Sciences, PhD).

    The highest category is the presence of at least 2 articles in journals indexed in Clarivate analytics, Scopus, for the last 3 years (quartile=Q3 and higher). The Hirsch index is at least 2 based on Clarivate analytics or Scopus.

    The first category is the presence of at least 2 articles in journals indexed in Clarivate analytics, Scopus, over the past 3 years (quartile=Q3 and higher). The Hirsch index is at least 1 based on Clarivate analytics or Scopus.           

    For the position of professor – higher education, academic degree (Doctor/ Candidate of Sciences/ PhD), academic title – Professor/ Associate Professor (COXON).

    The highest category is the presence of at least 3 articles in journals indexed in Clarivate analytics, Scopus, over the past three years as the main author (quartile = Q3 and higher). The Hirsch index is at least 4 based on Clarivate analytics or Scopus.

    The first category is the presence of at least 3 articles in journals indexed in Clarivate analytics, Scopus, over the past three years as the main author (quartile = Q3 and higher). The Hirsch index is at least 2 based on Clarivate analytics or Scopus.

    For the position of professor of general education disciplines and the Center for the development of languages – higher education, academic degree (Doctor / Candidate of Sciences / PhD), academic title – professor / associate professor (HAC), experience of scientific and pedagogical work as an associate professor / associate professor for at least 5 years.

    The highest category is the presence of at least 3 articles and/or reviews indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Clarivate Analytics/ Scopus Web of Science Core Collection database over the past three years.

    The first category includes at least 5 publications in publications recommended by COXON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at least 1 article in Scopus over the past three years           

    For the position of associate professor of general education disciplines and the Language Development Center – higher education, academic degree (Doctor/ Candidate of Sciences/ PhD), teaching experience of at least 7 years.

    The highest category is the presence of at least 2 articles and/or reviews indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Clarivate Analytics/ Scopus Web of Science Core Collection database over the past three years. The first category is the presence of at least 4 publications in publications recommended by COXON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and/or at least 1 article in Scopus over the past three years.

    For the position of head of the Department of Family Medicine - higher education, academic degree or academic master's degree, at least 10 years of teaching experience. The presence of at least 1 article in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics, Scopus over the past 5 years.

    For the position of head of the laboratory - higher education, academic degree of doctor (candidate) of sciences, PhD, scientific papers, author's certificates for election, as well as practical results, scientific authority in the relevant field of knowledge.

    For all questions, please contact:

    Karaganda, Gogol Str. 40, Department of Human Resources Management

    Secretary of the Commission - Kalashnikova Liliya Ivanovna


    (room 218) tel: 8 (7212) 50-39-30 (1672)