

According to the Decree of the RK government dated on October 16, 2018 year № 646 «On creation of non-commercial joint-stock company "Karaganda Medical University" the main subject of activity of "KMU" NCJSC has been determined, namely : undergraduate education, operation of wild profile hospitals, specialized hospitals and other medical institutions with hospitals and general medical practice.

By the Order of Chairman of the state property and Privatization Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan №82 dated on 25.01.2019 year, the Charter of "KMU" NCJSC , according to which:

The main goal of the University activity is to promote to development of the RK public health care system by creation of the necessary conditions for high quality education directed to the formation, extension and professional development of based on the national and human values, progresses of science and practice. The main branches of the University activity are undergraduate education, operation of wild profile hospitals, specialized hospitals and other medical institutions with hospitals and general medical practice.

To achieve the goals the University has been carries out the following activities:

  • Training of specialists under the educational programs of the undergraduate and postgraduate education as well as scientific, technical and research activity including basic and applied research;
  • Implementation of general educational programs of the primary, secondary and general secondary education as well as educational programs of technical and professional, post-secondary and additional education;
  • Organization and holding of sports and cultural events;
  • Publishing and printing activity to ensure the educational process, researches, training and social and cultural activity;
  • Organization and participation in different event of republican and international levels: in Olympiads, competitions, contests, conferences, seminars among students and teachers;
  • Training students for military service according to the reserve officers program;
  • Creation of technopolises, technology parks, business incubators, innovation centers, centers for commercialization and technology transfer, design bureaus and other structures according to the profile of activity;
  • Participation in the development, testing and implementation of innovative methods, teaching and research technologies aimed at further development and improvement of the education and science system;
  • Organization, creation and development of digital interactive educational resources and educational films for all levels of education;
  • Participation in the integration of education and science with production;
  • Organization, financing of research and development, innovation and investment projects involving financial resources of subsidiaries and other organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign organizations, as well as participation in the formation of mechanisms and infrastructure for venture financing of projects in the field of education and science;
  • Delivering of premedical care, qualified, specialized, medical care as well as medical and social aid and medical services;
  • Delivery of outpatient, high-technological primary health care, diagnostic consultant assistance, inpatient, inpatient replacement, emergency medical care and air ambulance, traditional medicine, traditional medicine (healing) to the population, including foreign citizens and stateless persons;
  • Expert activity in the field of education, science and health care, under the University activity;
  • Organization of the methodological and consulting assistance under the university activity;
  • Medical and social, medicinal rehabilitation;
  • Holding of the preclinical, laboratory and clinical tests of medicines, dressing supplies, medical devices as part of research activities;
  • Sanitary and hygienic inspection of various profiles objects.


