Are you energetic and talented?

Student associations

The Student Republic «Samruk»

The main activity of the members of SR «Samruk» is to assist the management of the university to implement the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the consolidation of the student community to fulfill the mission of the university.

SR «Samruk» interacts with all departments of the university, coordinates practical actions with the university management, cooperates with the Department for youth work.

SR «Samruk» represents all university students, including college, bachelor's, internship, residency, Master's and doctoral students.

President of SR «Samruk» - Dosmagambetov Arystan Baurzhanovich

The local committee «KazMSA»

Independent non-profit non-political Kazakhstani medical student association representing the interests of medical students of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The goal of «KazMSA» is cooperation with universities, research institutes of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

Head – Iriskulov Havas Farhadovich

The local committee of the republican movement «Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan»

Consolidation of active students to ensure the protection of the rights and interests of students. The activity of the committee members is to assist university students in realizing their intellectual, creative, spiritual, and innovative potential.

Head – Orynbasar Yerbolat


The Student Support Team conducts its work in order to provide high-quality, affordable and effective assistance to university students in solving problems that arise in the learning process.

Head – Bolatbek Ayazhan

«Medical English Club»

This is a community that aims to learn medical English, it is an investment in personal development, which is necessary for a future doctor.

Head – Madieva Dilnaz


International non—profit organization dedicated to the development of youth entrepreneurship. The purpose of the organization is to develop business projects to achieve sustainable development goals.

Head – Nurmanova Gulnaz

Scientific circles

Student Scientific Society (SSS)

A voluntary public organization of students engaged in research work in student scientific circles of the University for the purpose of organizing and developing the system of research work of students of NC JSC «KMU»

Head – Amangeldi Aruzhan Yerlankyzy

The Lumos Surgical Circle

Public association of students at the University of the Department of Surgery with the aim of developing professional skills of students in general and clinical surgery, mastering new methods and technologies of modern surgery, searching, studying and developing new directions in general and clinical surgery.

The participants of the Circle conduct experimental and scientific activities in an improvised operating room. During the academic year, the Lumos team takes part in various Olympiads on surgery.

Head – Kapanova Ayana Yerbolatovna

Discussion Clubs

The Namys Discussion Club

This is an open platform for a comprehensive discussion of the most pressing problems of society

Members of the discussion club participate in regional, republican, and international debates

Head – Daulet Balzhan

The Insight Discussion Club

It is not only a lot of meetings, discussion of global problems, but it is also a community where you will easily find new acquaintances, confidence in your own public speeches and unforgettable emotions.

Head – Aruzhan Kozhentaeva

Volunteer organizations

«StudMed volunteers»

It is a medical organization that is engaged in social medical community work. Promotion of a personal example of humanism and patriotism

Head – Maksatova Zarina

The volunteer organization «Next Generation»

This is a community of students who are ready to share their resources, forces, time, skills and professional skills for the benefit of other people free of charge.

Head – Marina Sultanova

The volunteer organization «Y-PEER»

It is an international youth network of equal learning (English: Youth peer education), promoting a healthy lifestyle through the peer–to-peer approach aimed at enabling young people and adolescents to make responsible decisions for their health.

Head – Kurmangalieva Mоldir

The Youth Health Center «Zhuldyz»

It is a voluntary association of students with the aim of preventing harmful habits in the student environment: smoking, alcohol, drugs, psychotropic substances.

Head – Amreeva Madina Amrekyzy

Vocal clubs

The trio «Seriler»

Performs folk and modern songs. Their musical performance combines the harmony of ancient sounds with modern arrangements, giving each song a special character. Paying attention to the harmony of the participants' voices, their ability to convey emotions and create a musical journey for listeners. Instruments such as bayan and dombra create a unique atmosphere, transporting listeners through the times and styles of music

Head – Orynbasar Yerbolat

Vocal circle

Where classes develop hearing and a sense of rhythm, improve memory, develop the ability to improvise, stimulate speech activity, normalize breathing.

Vocal music is music in which the voice dominates, or is equal with instruments, with accompaniment or acappella.

Head – Serik Rosa Armankyzy

Choreographic associations

The folk ensemble of oriental dances «Karakoz»

Introduces to the dance art, promotes aesthetic and moral development, the ability and skills to listen to music and transmit its diversity and beauty in motion.

Head – Abdinazar Kamila Nurlankyzy

The circle of modern dances «New wave»

Where choreographic art teaches beauty and expressiveness of movements, forms a figure, develops physical strength, endurance, dexterity and courage.

Dancing classes help to cultivate strength of will, sociability and develop creativity.

Head – Alimukanov Alisher

The «Golden Step» dance Theater

It is the development of aesthetic feelings, the ability to perceive music, own your body and develop the talent that is inherent in us by nature itself.

Head – Manezova Amina

Creative circles

The dombra ensemble «Zhiger»

It is a demonstration of the connection of national instrumental traditions with modern musical language and composition techniques.

Head – Moldayyp Aidan

The Club of Young Journalists «KMU-Life»

It is an organization in which each student develops their individual abilities.

Head – Meldekhanova Aruzhan Yerbolkyzy

The Circle of Fine Arts

It is an artistic exploration of the world, helps people discover more of themselves, realize themselves, promotes the development of fine motor skills, and this is the stimulation of brain areas responsible for thinking, speech, visual and motor memory, coordination.

Head – Amangeldi Aruzhan Yerlankyzy


Club members get rid of complexes, improve acting and directing skills, raise the level of culture, gain the ability to make managerial decisions, develop creative thinking.

Head - Urinbayev Bauken Abbasaliuly.

The women's club «Akzhunis»

Allows participants not only to adapt to new conditions, especially in a relocation situation, but also to normalize their own experience, both personal and professional, through communication with others.

Head – Syrlybayeva Zeynep

The circle «Entertainer»

Classes in the circle develop logic and sequence of actions, attention, the ability to act in the proposed circumstances, the ability to improvise, the ability to interact with a partner, to cultivate artistic taste

Head - Aisha Akhmerova

Student poetic author's club «Zhyr zhauhar»

For those who love poetry and want to get acquainted with the works of Kazakh poets.The club has all the conditions for self-realization and satisfaction of the aesthetic needs of amateur poets and the popularization of the poetic genre.

Head – Orynbasar Yerbolat

Local History club

The historical and local lore circle «Kuretamyr»

Introduces everyone to local cultural traditions and the development of a student's value-oriented personality: respect for the history, traditions and culture of his native land, the formation of a civic position.

Head – Pshenbayeva Dana Bulatovna