Military subdepartment

Жиенбаев Бауржан Акимжанович
Заведующий кафедрой
Жиенбаев Бауржан Акимжанович
+7 7212 503930, внутр.1403

The military department trains highly qualified reserve officers and reserve sergeants of medical services.

Much emphasis is given to the development of students' skills in organizing and carrying out medical and evacuation, sanitary and hygienic, and antiepidemic actions in wartime and peacetime.

After completing the military training curriculum, students take a comprehensive final exam and take military oath.

The department has a limited number of educational opportunities available. Enrollment is carried out on a competitive basis, including the student's grade point average!

Advantages of training at the military department:

  • After graduation, you will receive not only a diploma, but also a military ID confirming that you are a “reserve officer” or “reserve sergeant”;
  • Training in the military department consists of both theoretical and practical components. Theory is taught in the form of regular lectures, seminars, and practical classes, which alternate with the study of marching drill. The practical part includes familiarization with weapons and firearms training;
  • At the end of the training, students go to a training period (5 weeks);
  • After completing their training, students pass exams and take the military oath. They are awarded the title of reserve soldier/reservist.

The Military Department trains reserve officers and sergeants in military occupational specialties:

  • Officers – “Medical care in ground forces” (on a free and fee bases);
  • Officers – “Organization of psychological work” (on a fee basis);
  • Sergeants – “Secondary medical specialists” (on a fee basis);
  • Sergeants – “Riflemen (commander of the department)” (on a fee basis).

Training period at the military department:

  • on the reserve officers program – 2 years;
  • on the reserve sergeants program – 1 year.

Between 1979 and 2023, more than 22,000 reserve officers and 240 reserve sergeants were trained.


The department employs retired reserve officers who have had practical experience in the military and medical organizations.

Teachers in the department actively participate in international, republican scientific and practical, online conferences; they have published over 100 scientific articles and abstracts, including in foreign publications with an impact factor of 5, and have received one patent and five certificates of state registration of rights to the copyright object.

28 textbooks and training manuals were released at the republican level in Russian and Kazakh languages.

Admission rules

Full-time students, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the age of 24 for the year of the competition are allowed to participate in the competition.

The competition for the selection of students is carried out in 4 stages:

  • Stage I – passing a medical examination in accordance with the Rules for conducting military-medical examination;
  • Stage II – conducting professional and psychological testing;
  • Stage III – testing the physical preparedness;
  • Stage IV – meeting of the commission for the selection of students to train at the military department.

Documents are accepted by the military department in the year of the competition from February 1 to May 25. This requires:

  1. Application;
  2. Identity card (original and copy);
  3. ПRegistration certificate or military ID (original and copy) for young men;
  4. Photo sizes 3x4 (2 pcs.);
  5. Certificate of no criminal record;
  6. Document (if any) confirming a sporting achievement;
  7. Certificate of the student's actual training at the university, signed by the dean of the school (faculty).


The Military Department was founded in 1950 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 5, 1949, No. 19630-R

The first chief (from 1950 to 1962) was Colonel of Medical Service (m/s) Nikolai SMERDOV, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War, the Red Star and military medals of the USSR.

  • From 1962 to 1974, the department was led by Colonel of m/s Mikhail MAKHOV, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Orders of the Red Star, the Patriotic War and military medals of the USSR.
  • From 1974 to 1981, the chief of the department was Colonel of m/s Pyotr YEFIMOV, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Orders of the Red Star, the Patriotic War and military medals of the USSR.
  • From 1981 to 1993, the chief of the department was Colonel of m/s Oleg PAKHUNOV.
  • From 1993 to 1994, the chief of the department was Colonel of m/s Askarbek DAULETOV.
  • From 1994 to 2003, the chief of the department was Colonel of m/s Viktor BATPAYEV.
  • From 2003 to 2007, the acting head of the department was Colonel of m/s Sergei IONOV.
  • From 2007 to 2018, the chief of the department was Colonel of m/s Amantai MUKHAMETZHANOV, MD, academician of the RANH.
  • From 2018 to 2019 – the manager of the military department was reserve Lieutenant Colonel of m/s Bolatbek ASKAROV
  • Since 2019, the chairman of the military department is reserve colonel Baurzhan ZHIENBAYEV.

Department news