«Karaganda Medical University» NCJSC



Social advancement, improvement of health and quality of life of the population of Kazakhstan by achieving excellence in science, education and practice


A world – class research university serving the benefit of Kazakhstani society

Core values

  • Traditions
  • Academic honesty
  • Professionalism
  • Innovations
  • Civil and social responsibility

Within the frame of the Quality Policy, the management of «KMU» NJSC undertakes to:

  • To ensure a high level of training of specialists for the health care system of the Republic of Kazakhstan that meets the requirements and expectations of the parties concerned;
  • To ensure the high competitiveness of the university in the domestic and foreign markets of educational services, scientific, clinical and innovative activities;
  • Continuous improvement and modernization of the university infrastructure in order to improve the quality of services provided and reduce the costs of activities;
  • Continuous improvement of the internal quality assurance system in order to increase the satisfaction of customers and the parties concerned.

By adopting the Quality Policy, the management of «KMU» NJSC declares the basic principles of its activities:

  • Strategic planning and implementation of the university development strategy;
  • Formation of a dynamically developing and successful research community;
  • Satisfaction of consumers (individuals, society, organizations, state) with the quality of services provided;
  • Advancement of student council and representation of students in the management structures of the university;
  • Advancement of innovative technologies to improve the quality of services provided;
  • Advancement of human resources;
  • Advancement of corporate culture and quality culture;
  • Advancement and strengthening of partnerships at the national and international level;
  • Advancement of the material and technical base and ensuring the efficient use of resources.

The document is approved by the decision of the Senate of the «KMU» NJSC Minutes No. 1 dated October 22, 2019

Quality policy of the «Karaganda Medical University» NCJSC