The Code of Academic Integrity

1) The Code of Academic Integrity (hereinafter – Code) of the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University” (hereinafter – NCJSC “KMU”) was developed and compiled in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 No. 193-VI “On public health and health care system”;
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III “On Education” (with amendments and supplements as of 19/04/2019);
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2011 No. 407-IV “On Science” (with amendments and supplements as of 10/04/2019);
  • The Charter of the Academic Integrity League;
  • The Charter of the NCJSC “KMU”;
  • Labor (Internal) Rules of the NCJSC “KMU”;
  • Regulatory Legal Acts in education.

2) The Code defines the basic concepts of integrity and ethic of the professional community, the principles of academic integrity, the rules for the relationship of participants in the educational process, establishes the rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process in terms of academic integrity, determines the types of violations of academic integrity and the procedure for taking measures if they are committed.

3) The purpose of this Code is to establish rules regulating the behavior of all participants of the educational process in order to ensure academic integrity, the formation of a process of a strong moral stand that excludes any manifestations of unfairness, ethical violation.

4) The objectives of the implementation of the policy of academic integrity are to promote the improvement of the quality of training of specialists, scientific and pedagogical staff, the creation of conditions to ensure the academic integrity of students, faculty members and employees, the prevention of violations of academic integrity by means of settlement of problematic issues and situations.

5) As a member of the Academic Integrity League, the NCJSC “KMU” guarantees the conscientious performance of its obligations and recognizes that the promotion and protection of academic integrity is the result of the mutual efforts of all participants in the educational process.

6) Definitions used in this Code:
  1. Academic integrity is a set of values ​​and principles that establishes the code of conduct in the development of educational programs and the implementation of educational activities, including written work (test, term papers/coursework, essays, diploma work/thesis, dissertation/thesis work), as well as the style and conduct of the student and teacher, based on intolerance to any manifestations of unfairness among all participants in the educational process, excluding the obtaining learning results, pedagogical and / or research work using any form of deception/cheating.
  2. Participants in the educational process are students, faculty and staff of the University.
  3. Student is a person studying at each level in the NCJSC “KMU”.
  4. Faculty members is the teaching staff of the University, including teachers (see. - teacher), heads of departments, directors of departments, professors, associate professors (docents), senior lecturers, researchers, clinical instructors, trainers.
  5. Teacher is a scientific and pedagogical worker of a higher educational institution, who trains students in educational programs of pre-university, higher and postgraduate education in accordance with their specialty and scientific qualifications and the terms of an employment contract.
  6. Employee is an employee of the administrative and management or teaching and support staff of the University.
  7. General control is monitoring procedures used at the University in the educational process, during the current, intermediate, final control and State Final Examination.
  8. Documentary control is a type of control carried out based on the study and analysis of documents for reliability, accuracy and originality in order to prevent falsification and plagiarism.
  9. Evaluated/assessed work is a work or assignment performed by a student within the framework of current, midterm and final control to determine his/her academic achievements in a certain period of study (written work, test work, laboratory work, practical work, independent work, research work, tests, coursework/term paper, dissertation/thesis work, project, etc.).
  10. Citation (reference) is a reference to the source, an indication that the material used is not the material of the student. Ways of citing: direct speech, indirect speech.
  11. Abstracting: if the statement is not given in the text itself, however, the author of the work refers to other people's ideas or information.
  12. Reference / footnote is complete data about the source used in the work. If the source is not mentioned or cited in the papers, it should not be cited.
  13. Graduation work is diploma work/thesis (project), master's thesis (project).

7) Principles of academic integrity of participants in the educational process:

  1. Academic integrity. Academic integrity is the foundation of the University's academic and scientific process.
  2. The quality of education. The University provides an opportunity only for the best students to complete their studies and is fully responsible for the quality of training, which is confirmed by the diploma of the NCJSC “KMU”.
  3. Compliance with standards, author’s rights and his/her successors. Compliance with clear, fair and objective standards of academic integrity and recognition of the authorship of works that is copyright subject, through the correct transfer of someone else's speech, thoughts and indication of sources of information in evaluated and / or publicly presented works.
  4. Responsibility. Each participant in the educational process guarantees the conscientious performance of his/her duties and is responsible for ensuring mandatory plagiarism checks for all written works (regardless of their nature, content and volume) submitted for academic and / or research purposes.
  5. Independence/autonomy in working on assignments received by the student for the development of training material and evaluated as an academic achievement: the student independently performs an individual task or makes an independent contribution to group work on a project, the degree of which is also evaluated.
  6. Mentoring/guidance. University’s teachers act as mentors (instructors), instilling a responsible attitude to the principles and standards of academic integrity, intolerance to their violation, fostering a sense of mutual respect and justice.
  7. Transparency. Transparency, free exchange of information and ideas between all participants in the educational process.
  8. Equality. Mutual respect for the rights and freedoms of all participants in the educational process, their compliance with this Code and equal responsibility for the violations committed.
  9. Insistence. Each participant in the educational process imposes strict requirements on himself/herself and his/her students within the framework of their system of fair and objective assessment of learning outcomes.

8) All participants in the educational process have the right:

  1. for familiarization with this Code;
  2. require participants in the educational process to comply with the basic principles of academic integrity;
  3. to freely express one's own opinion in the learning process, to freely receive and spread scientific, educational information and ideas subject to ethical standards and restrictions that are provided for by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the interests of national security, public order, protection of the reputation and rights of others;
  4. to get information regarding any changes and / or changes in the documents regulating relations in the field of academic integrity;
  5. to guarantee privacy when initiating consideration of impending or completed cases of academic misconduct;

9) The students have the right:
  1. for assistance in learning citation, self-testing and verification of their own work using licensed information programs;

10) The University’s faculty members have the right:

  1. to conduct an examination of educational and research works (abstracts, term papers/coursework, essays, practice reports, theses and dissertations, scientific articles) of students for compliance with the principles of academic integrity;
  2. for receiving assistance in training in the use of licensed information programs for checking written works, dissertations, projects for authenticity/originality;

11) The teaching and support staff of the University has the right:

  1. to get accurate information about current tasks and the deadlines necessary for their high-quality performance;

12) The administrative and management staff of the University has the right to:

1) issue acts regulating the work of divisions to ensure the principles of academic integrity, and binding on all participants in the educational process within its authority;

13) All participants in the educational process are required to:

1) strictly follow the principles of academic integrity;

2) use reliable and trusted sources of information;

3) observe the norms of professional ethics in communication with all participants in the educational process;

4) prevent any possibility of violation of this Code within the limits of their job duties;

14) In addition, students are required to:

  1. perform written work under the individual curricula (abstracts, term papers/coursework, essays, practice reports, theses and dissertations, scientific articles) based on their own ideas, indicating authorship and ideas of other people;
  2. require assessment only in strict accordance with the criteria established by the University and with which the student was familiarized in advance;

3) independently perform all types of evaluated work.

15) University’s faculty members are required to:

1) carry out academic control and assessment of the knowledge and skills of students in strict accordance with the criteria established at the University, with which the student was familiarized in advance;

2) independently develop training materials based on current academically and scientifically confirmed data;

3) not to use criteria that were not announced in advance when assessing the academic achievements of students;

4) to be objective when assessing academic achievements, not to take into account requests, no matter who they come from; be guided only by the criteria established in the academic policy (discipline policy);

5) strictly observe the requirements of information security and privacy when working with materials of all types of control of academic achievements;

6) provide students with reliable information on all aspects of the educational process within their competence and use the forms and methods of teaching and assessment in strict accordance with the syllabus of the discipline taught;

7) teach the search and selection of reliable and trusted sources, and how to use footnotes, references; citation rules based on international recommendations;

16) Teaching and support staff of the University is required to:

1) strictly observe the requirements of information security and privacy when working with materials of all types of control of academic achievements.

17) The administrative and management staff of the University is required to:

1) coordinate the work on taking measures under this Code in case of violation of the norms of the Code;

2) resolve conflicts occurring in the process of establishing the facts of violation of academic integrity, in accordance with this Code, the Labor (Internal) Rules of the NCJSC “KMU” as well as in accordance with the current legislation;

3) keep records of cases of violation of the principles of academic integrity.

18) All participants in the educational process must not allow:

1) using any mobile phones and other transmitting, receiving electronic devices: smartphones, communication equipments, tablets, laptops, various players, multifunctional watches, wireless headphones and other illegal ways of obtaining information and / or transfer it to someone else during the exam / midterm control, regardless of the form of the exam;

2) cheating and seeking help from other students during the exam/midterm control, as well as providing data or assistance to another person during the exam/midterm control;

3) assisting in actions contradicting to these rules;

4) fabrication and falsification (an attempt to give incorrect data as reliable, forging an assessment or assignment answers, forging records, signatures in documents, etc.);

5) selling or otherwise helping to buy and/or sell assignments, answers to assignments, finished works;

19) All participants in the educational process have the right to be protected by all legal ways from unfounded accusations of violating the Code.

20. This Code provides for the following types of violations of academic integrity by students, faculty members and employees of the NCJSC “KMU”:

1) Plagiarism: partial or complete appropriation of materials from other sources without providing proof of authorship or indicating the source. Plagiarism is the deliberate presentation of the products, works and ideas of other authors as one's own.

2) Plagiarism can manifest itself in various forms:

  • citation of the source without the use of required punctuation (quotation marks) and/or without indicating the source;
  • using someone else's work as one's own without attribution;
  • rephrasing the work without reference to the source;
  • substitution of abstracting work by copying;
  • using someone else's ideas or argument without reference to the source or the absence of the author in the list of sources used;
  • presentation of a written work as one's own, written in whole or in part by another person;
  • presentation of one’s term paper/coursework (project), which was completed for another course (autoplagiarism).
  • Sources from which ideas, expressions of ideas, or works of others are taken include (but are not limited to): books, articles, documents, literary works and phrases, speeches, chemical formulas, artwork, laboratory reports, research results, calculations, and their results, diagrams, developments, computer reports, machine code/software. Duplication – providing the same work (a part of work), performed by another student, graduates or former student.

3) Cheating on exam, test, during the final examination (also using clues, including the verbal reply, the use of cheat sheets, prepared form of answers, textbooks and other sources (primary sources, maps, charts, tables), computers, tablets, telephones and/or other technical/ printing means during the assignment, copying off another student's work);

4) Conspiracy:

  • agreement on the performance of any assessed work by others;
  • agreement of the participants in the educational process deliberately violating the principles of academic integrity;
  • deliberately avoiding collaborative work and getting an unfair assessment with the help of others;
  • deliberate overestimation and underestimation in all types of monitoring of academic achievement.

5) Secret agreement of participants of educational process for illegally providing materials

Examples on the secret agreement of the participants of the educational process are considered cheating of written work, providing one’s own work for cheating, one student doing work for another student; the delivery of work, performed by another person (other students, parents, private tutors, teachers and etc.) as one’s own, transfer of the test content, control work, test tasks by another student without permission of the teacher, various forms of collective deception with the aim of misleading other participants of the educational program (students, parents, faculty members).

Teamwork/group work is not regarded, as an example of a secret agreement, but is a form of organization of the educational process. The teamwork/group work is activities with a group on a learning task. The teamwork/group work implies open forms of interaction between students within a group. Results, achieved within teamwork/group work are common to all group members, which should be reflected in any form of fixing the result (in verbal reply or in written forms) with all participants of the group.

6) Deception:

  • presentation of false excuses in case of non-performance, delayed performance of the assessed/evaluated works;
  • knowingly assisting to deception: permission to copy from the assessed work, hints, giving cheat sheets, textbooks and other sources of information in all monitoring of academic achievements;
  • deliberate forging or damage to the evaluated work of another student;
  • obtaining partial or complete material prior to conducting of the control activities with the help of another student, teacher or employee (test tasks with answers, examination papers and tasks, tasks for the written exam);
  • buying or otherwise obtaining the work in the course of control activities for submission as one’s own (term papers, diploma works, master's theses and etc.);
  • selling or other ways of assistance in the purchase and/ or selling finished works (term papers, graduation works, etc.).

7) Falsification of documents and assessments:

  • fabricating and providing fictitious experimental data, materials, surveys, reports without actual performance;
  • listing of referred sources, not used in writing the work;
  • submission of forged or false documents and materials;
  • forgery of assessments, the results of evaluation of answers to the task;

8) Misuse of information or devices:

  • the use of information on electronic, digital, papers, technical devices during the control activities, testing;
  • getting any responses to the work in the course of the control activities by any means;
  • taking away from the office/room and/ or copying from the computer the materials of the teacher, concerning the control activities on paper and electronic media;
  • illegitimate use of audio and/or video equipment in the classroom to get a recording of the demonstration task, performed by another student or for the purpose of recording the class as a whole;
  • unauthorized access to protected information.

9) Impersonation during exams, tests, performing laboratory or other tasks, as well as during diagnostic procedures.

10) Obstruction and hindrance – blocking or obstruction of educational or scientific activity of other people for an unfair academic benefit.

11) Disruption of classroom training and consultations, any action or behavior aimed at disrupting the class or consultation.

12) Unauthorized access to confidential information, such as examination materials, test questions and other materials in order to benefit.

13) Unauthorized distribution of data – publication, distribution or disclosure to third parties without prior agreement. Confidential information includes academic information, data and documents that have been collected and are stored without general access.

21) Both students and faculty members, employees of the NCJSC “KMU” are responsible for violations of academic integrity.

Faculty members, administrative and management staff, student organizations of the University are responsible for detecting and preventing academic misconduct.

22) Teachers ensure that students are informed, that students' work is checked for plagiarism using a software and other reliable methods, confirmed by the authorized officials of the University.

23) Librarians provide information to the students and teachers, materials on the design of the resources used in the works, bibliography, references to the books, magazines and websites, which is available to all participants of the program for use.

24) Disciplinary punishment for violation of academic integrity is imposed by the Management of the University submitted by Dean’s Office and Disciplinary Committee of the University.

25) Participants in the educational process should remember that they are morally responsible for violating the principles of academic integrity.

26) Any case of violation of academic discipline will be considered on the basis of the principles of impartiality, consistency, justice, timely resolution and further inquiry. The cases of violation of academic integrity are considered in an individual procedure by the Committee for supervision of compliance with the rules by students.

27) The preventive measures:

  • careful monitoring of the organization and conduct of all types of monitoring of academic achievements.
  • checking the evaluated and/or publicly presented works by means of information program of anti-plagiarism.
  • introduction of automatic services of verification of the originality. Verification of all graduation, research, educational and methodical works for text uniqueness should be carried out with mandatory use of the anti-plagiarism information program.

28) In order to prevent violations of the Code, it is prohibited to bring mobile phones with them during all controls; tablets; calculators; digital watch with alarm functions, computers or memory; pagers; audio and video recording devices; radio, digital players; reference materials (books, notes, papers, etc.); briefcases, bags and etc.; any food; outerwear; drinks with stickers and labels.

29) Conducting constant targeted work on the development of academic integrity of all participants in the educational process, involvement in performing research-related tasks with the formation of skills, relevant to research culture and scientific ethics.

30. Participants in the educational process are responsible for violating the principles of academic integrity.

31. Violations of academic integrity can be revealed:

  • during the education process;
  • during the current (evaluation) and final control (intermediate certification/examination session);
  • during the final examination (state/comprehensive examinations, defense of graduation work);
  • when conducting research work and evaluation of its results.

32. Decisions on penalties for violations of this Code are made collectively with obligatory involvement of students of the University.

33. In case of academic misconduct, the following measures are taken:

  • in the primary detection of academic misconduct (accidental, non-systematic, a minor violation: conversations; turns; clues; irrelevant distraction of the examiner; the presence of objects prohibited in paragraph 34) during assignments/works, which are handed down on the intermediate (session) and final examination:
  • - student may be given no more than two verbal warnings (remarks) from the duty teacher and/or specialist of the Office of the Registrar. If a student is given a third warning, a report is drawn up, signed by the teacher/examiner and the Office of the Registrar’s specialist. In this case a student, who has violated the provisions of this Code, is allowed to complete assignments/works, submitted for intermediate (session) certification. The Act of Violation is submitted to the dean to record the violation in a special register and the imposition of penalties with mandatory participation of teachers of relevant discipline and on the recommendation of the Student Self-Government Committee. A copy of the act and the decision on disciplinary punishment is kept in the student’s personal file.

In case of inability to take a decision on violation of the Code within the Department or Dean’s Office, consideration is carried out by the Committee for supervision of students' compliance with the rules.

- in the primary detection of gross violation of the principles of academic integrity ( the use of objects prohibited in paragraph 6.2.; assumption of
types of violations, under paragraph 5) during the completion of assignments/works, submitted for intermediate (session) and final examination a report is drawn up, signed by the teacher/examiner and Office of the Registrar’s specialist. In this case a student, who has violated the provisions of this Code, is allowed to complete assignments/works, submitted for intermediate (session) certification. The Act of Violation is submitted to the dean to record the violation in a special register and the imposition of penalties with mandatory participation of teachers of relevant discipline and on the recommendation of the Student Self-Government Committee. A copy of the act and the decision on disciplinary punishment is kept in the student’s personal file.

In case of inability to take a decision on violation of the Code within the Department or Dean’s office, consideration is carried out by the Committee for supervision of students' compliance with the rules.

If recurrence of a violation of the Code is detected (for the second time for the entire previous study period) during assignments/works, submitted for intermediate (session) and final examination:

- report is drawn up, signed by the teacher/examiner and Office of the Registrar’s specialist, the original copy is submitted to the dean of the school, student’s results of the work are cancelled (0 (zero) is rated as a result of the examination regardless of number of stages). Violation is recorded in a special register, decision made and submitted with all documents confirming the fact of violation of the Code, to responsible structural division. A copy of the act is kept in the student’s personal file;

- if necessary, the dean arranges a meeting between parents and the teacher/ examiner/supervisor and Deputy Dean of the School or Faculty for conducting a three-way conversation on the fact of detecting the violation;

- when registering of more than two violations of the Code, the compiled act is submitted to the Committee for supervision of students' compliance with established rules for deciding disciplinary responsibility including expulsion.

3) in cases of violation of academic integrity, a memo is drawn up during the educational process by faculty members or Dean or Head of the Department and is submitted to the Committee for supervision of students' compliance with established rules for deciding disciplinary responsibility including expulsion.

34. Monitoring compliance with the principles of the Code during the educational process and in conducting current control is assigned to faculty members and Head of the Department. Control procedures should be included in the syllabus. Identified violations of the Code are activated in the report, and are sent to the corresponding School, Faculty and/or supervising Vice-Rector.

35. Schools and Faculty must store information on violations of this Code. In case if the dean finds that a violation has occurred, he/she must verify the data of the disciplinary and other violations of the student.

36. In cases of violations of the Code by a teacher or staff member, the person who reveals the violation makes a report and refers to the Compliance Office for internal investigation, on the basis of which the responsibility is determined by the University Board, including dismissal.