Student-centered learning, teaching and assessment

1. Training and teaching at the University are based on the credit technology of training on the basis of the choice of learning path (formation of an individual curriculum) with the use of credit as unified unit of volume of educational work of students and teacher. The main objectives of the organization of the educational process are unification/standardization of the amount of knowledge; creating the conditions for maximum individualization of education; strengthening the role and efficiency of independent work of students; identification of the academic achievements of students on the basis of an efficient and transparent procedure of their control.

2. Organization of the educational process within one academic year is carried out based on the academic calendar, which is approved by the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NCJSC “KMU” in accordance with the Charter and internal regulatory documents. The academic year consists of academic periods, periods of intermediate certification, holidays/breaks and practice/internship. Orientation week is included in the first year of the academic year, at the graduate course – the period of the last examination, and for students of the military department – training sessions.

1) An orientation week for the first-year students of all educational programs is held at the University, the purpose of which is to promote successful social and psychological adaptation of the first-year students and integration of students into the new educational environment, acquaintance with the history and traditions of the University, principles of credit technology of training (including the process of enrolment in discipline and choosing a teacher) and prospects of future professional activity, academic policy and internal regulations. Organization of the orientation week and development of the program are assigned to specialized schools/deans.

2) The tasks of an orientation week are:

  • carrying out psychological and pedagogical systematic actions, contributing to the successful adaptation of students;
  • preparation of the first-year students for the new learning environment;
  • establishment and maintenance of social status of the first-year students in a new team;
  • formation of positive educational motives for the first-year students;
  • preventing and relieving psychological and physical discomfort in the first-year students related to the new educational environment;
  • optimization of the process of adaptation of the first-year students to the new conditions of the University.

3) During the orientation week, students meet with advisers/supervisors, representatives of student organizations, are introduced with structural divisions of the University (library and publishing center, Schools/Dean’s Offices, Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies, laboratories, etc.), their rights and obligations.

4) The dates of the orientation week are recorded in the academic calendar.

1) Procedure for formation of an individual curriculum of students is organized in accordance with the Rules of organization of educational process on credit technology of training.

2) Individual curriculum (further – IC) determines the individual educational path of each student.

3) IC is formed by students independently or with the help of an adviser, based on educational programs, сatalogue of elective disciplines (for technical and professional education – based on the working curriculum) and the academic calendar for each academic year. Students of the first year form the IC after the issuance of an order on enrollment.

4) The Schools post an academic calendar on the student portal, curriculum and catalogue of elective disciplines. Advisers inform their assigned students on the volume of compulsory and elective disciplines for mastering for the next (or current – for the first-year students) academic year. Advisers organize and consult on the formation of the IC and the choice of an educational path, guide students in the selection of relevant elective disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the educational program, and introduce with the conditions of refusal of the chosen course.

5) Advisers are responsible for providing qualified consultation on the choice of disciplines.

6) Students have the opportunity to choose a teacher simultaneously in the selection of disciplines. The Schools form a list of faculty members by the disciplines of the working curriculum and transfer to the block of the Office of the Registrar of the Department of Academic Work for adding into the AIS “Platonus”.

7) In determining the individual learning path of the student within the framework of the university component and component of choice, he/she chooses:

  • disciplines on the main educational program (Major);
  • disciplines on additional educational program (Minor), in this case credits for Minor disciplines are part of the core program.

8) Choice and mastering the Minor discipline is conducted for acquisition of additional competencies in related or profile/specialized EP, and to fulfill the personal needs of the student. The component of choice for the basic and specialized disciplines should be organized in the form of several Minor. In this case, the student chooses only one Minor program in the second year of the bachelor’s degree.

9) Students choose disciplines, using instructions posted on the portal. The student is responsible for the formation of the IC and comprehensiveness of the training course in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum of specialty and educational programs. After the approval by the Dean of the School /Faculty the formed IC is available in the personal account of the student in AIS “Platonus”.

1) Algorithm of entry to the educational disciplines of students in all courses/years of study includes the following steps:

  • acquaintance with an adviser;
  • attendance of teacher’s presentations and elective courses by students .
  • consultation with an adviser, choice and discussion of elective courses by the catalogue of elective disciplines, if necessary, the design of projects of individual plans;
  • enrolment for academic disciplines in accordance with the established procedure;
  • re-registration after the closure of unprofitable disciplines.

2) Procedure for enrolment of first-year students into the academic disciplines is conducted during their participation in the orientation week.

3) Academic calendar determines the date and time of enrolment for elective subjects.

4) Schools set minimum number of students, required to study the discipline, and for each teacher – the maximum number of students in the academic stream. In case, if the number of students enrolled in the discipline on schedule is less than minimum, then discipline does not open and not included in the curriculum. Students enrolled in a closed discipline, should re-register within the established deadlines.

1) University creates conditions for introduction of innovative teaching methods and use of new educational technologies. Teachers choose teaching methods collectively, ways, forms of organization and conducting training sessions based on the educational program and syllabus, considering feedback from students.

2) Using methods and forms of education offered by the responsible teachers for a discipline, methodologists, are discussed at meetings of the Departments/School Council, meeting of School Quality Assurance Committees (hereinafter – SQAC). Teachers have the right to offer new and innovative teaching methods with mandatory further evaluation of their implementation efficiency. The introduction of new teaching methods is accompanied by the development and approval of methodological recommendations/guidelines for their conducting. Teachers, SQAC get feedback on student’s satisfaction with the teaching methods used by conducting a survey (questionnaires, focus group method, etc.)

3) General management of educational and methodological work of structural divisions is carried out by the Vice-Rector for Academic Work, direct control of the implemented EP – heads/managers of EP’s, deans.

4) Approved forms of lectures, practical and laboratory classes, student’s independent work under the teacher’s supervision (SIWT) and student’s independent work (SIW) are recorded in discipline syllabuses. The Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies (CSET) is the division that performs the coordinating function for the introduction and implementation of new teaching methods.

5) The University can use the following forms of organization of educational process and methods of teaching:

Lecture – a form of organization of the educational process, aimed at forming an indicative basis for the subsequent assimilation of training material by students. The main purpose of a lecture is to provide a theoretical basis for learning, to develop interest in learning activities and a specific academic discipline, to form guidelines for students to work independently on the course. The choice of forms, methods and techniques of lecturing depends greatly on the specifics of the academic discipline taught and the composition of the academic audience.

The types of lectures:

- Introductory lecture gives the first holistic view of the discipline and guides the student in the system of work on this course. Lecturer introduces students to the purpose and the designation of a course, its role, and place in the system of academic disciplines. Provides a brief overview of the course, milestones in the development of science, names of famous scientists. Outlines the prospects for the development of science, its contribution to practice. Theoretical material is linked with the practice of future work of a specialist. At the lecture the methodological and organizational features of work within the framework of the course can be expressed, as well as educational and methodological literature, which is recommended to the students, specifying terms and reporting forms can be analyzed.

- Introductory lecture is a systematization of scientific knowledge at a high level, which allows a significant number of associative connections in the process of understanding information, in disclosing the intra- and inter-subject relations, excepting detailing and specification. As a rule, the core of presented theoretical positions is the scientific and conceptual foundation of the entire course or its larger sections.

- Problem-oriented lecture – in this lecture new knowledge is introduced through the formulation of a problem, task or situation. In this case, the process of cognition of students in cooperation and dialogue with the teacher approaches to research activity. The content of the problem is disclosed by searching for its solution or summing and analyzing traditional and modern points of view.

- Visualization lecture is a visual form of presenting lecture material by means of technical means of training or audio-video equipment (video lecture). Conducting this lecture comes down to detailed or summarized comments on the viewed visual materials.

- Lecture-press-conference is conducted as a scientific and practical lesson, with a predetermined problem and a system of reporting, lasting 5-10 minutes. Each presentation is a logically complete text prepared in advance within the framework of the program proposed by the teacher. The set of the presented texts will make it possible to cover the problem comprehensively. At the end of the lecture, the teacher summarizes the results of the students' independent work and presentations, supplementing or clarifying the proposed information, and formulates the main conclusions.

- Lecture two together (binary lecture) is a type of delivering a lecture in the form of a dialogue between two teachers (either as representatives of two scientific schools or as a theorist and a practitioner). It is essential: demonstration of the culture of discussion, involvement of students in the discussion of the problem.

- Lecture with pre-planned errors is designed to stimulate students to constantly control the information offered (searching for errors: substantive, methodological, methodical, spelling). At the end of the lecture, the diagnosis of participants is carried out and the errors made are analyzed.

- Lecture-consultation can take place in different scenarios. The first option is a questions-and-answers type of lecture. The lecturer answers the questions of the students during the lecture on the whole section or the whole course. The second option of such a lecture, presented according to the “questions-answers-discussion” type, is a threefold combination: the lecturer presents new educational information, formulates questions and organizes a discussion in search of answers to the formulated questions.

- Lecture-information. It is focused on presentation and explanation of scientific information to be interpreted and memorized by students. Nowadays it is an outdated form and it is used in the practice of higher medical schools only to a limited extent.

2) Practical class – one of the main forms of organization of the educational process, which consists in deepening, expanding and consolidating the knowledge of students, formation of skills and abilities. Practical classes develop clinical, scientific thinking and speech of a student, allows to check and evaluate the knowledge of students. In the traditional method of conducting practical classes, the priority in them is focused on the subject of study. The teacher becomes someone who distributes information.

Active forms of conducting practical classes:

- Interactive learning is a method based on continuous monitoring of the results of mastering the educational program, current control and interaction (interactivity) of a teacher and a student throughout the learning process.

- Situational tasks – based on the analysis of a specific case from practice, i.e. situational tasks contribute to the formation of clinical thinking of a student, encourages creative debate, significantly stimulates the students and give a sense of satisfaction from their work.

Types of situational tasks:

- Tasks with missing original data, for the solution of which it is necessary to obtain additional information from the history of the disease, instrumental and laboratory studies, etc. It is only with this significant data, independently obtained by a student, that a diagnosis can be made and treatment prescribed.

- Tasks with excessive original data, containing information that does not represent the necessary basis for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. These tasks contain some “information noise” for its consistent exclusion from the thinking activity of students to find the correct answer.

- Tasks with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, requiring additional reasoning to identify causes and effects, statements and justifications, phenomena and signs at different stages of the course of the disease.

- Tasks with contradictory (partially incorrect) information in the condition, reflecting: the results of studies using different methods; indicators taken at different stages of the course of the disease; entered data on related diseases, etc. The students’ activity in solving such problems is aimed at eliminating contradictions, clarifying the data adequate to the patient’s condition and, on their basis, finding the correct answer.

- Tasks that allow only a probabilistic solution, which is quite characteristic of medicine, which does not fully relate to the exact sciences. In this case, students make a series of reflections, establish logical connections, with a precise orientation of the justification to the statement and their interdependence.

- Tasks with limited solution time, formulating extreme medical situations, the solution of which is aimed at practicing the rapidity of diagnosis and treatment.

- Tasks requiring the use of objects with an unusual function (a spoon when examining the throat, a branch when splinting, etc.), in unusual situations.

Interactive forms of conducting practical classes:

- Business (simulation, operational, educational, didactic) game is a method of teaching professional activity through its modeling, close to real conditions, with a mandatory branching dynamic development of the situation, task or problem to be solved in strict compliance of subsequent events with the nature of decisions and actions taken by the players at previous stages.

- “Snowball” method – individual time is given for reflection. Then the discussion begins in groups of two, four, eight people and so on until the whole group has participated in the discussion. The method aims to allow each member of the group to express their point of view and, using the knowledge and experience of the whole group, to offer a rich mix of information and comments.

- The “pen in the center of the table” method – based on the involvement of all group members, helps to the concentration and stimulates students. The group is offered to solve one task together (questions of etiology, clinic, treatment…). Each student writes down one possible answer on one sheet of paper and moves the sheet to a companion, while moving his/her pen to the center of the table. If there is no answer, the pen remains with the student. All answers are discussed together, correct and incorrect answers are analyzed. Analysis and repetition of correct answers increase the level of learning and memorization of the material.

- Everyone learns – the strategy allows students to participate in the learning and passing on their knowledge to their classmates. Using this method will give students an overview of the concepts and facts to be learned during the class, as well as raise questions and spark interest.

- The student in the role of the teacher – before the lesson the material is analyzed with one student, and then the student explains this section of the topic to the whole group, “teaches” the classmates, answers their questions.

- Brainstorming is an operational method of problem solving based on stimulating creative activity, in which the participants of the discussion are suggested to express as many options as possible, including the most fantastic ones. The most successful ideas are then selected from the total number of ideas that can be used in practice.

- Discussion is exchanging views on a particular issue. It is an active method that allows to learn to defend one's opinion and listen to others. It ensures the conscious assimilation of educational material as a product of its thought process, organizes and consolidates knowledge.

- Debates – learning technology in an adversarial form. A special form of discussion, conducted according to certain rules, familiarizes students with the norms and values of civil, scientific or professional community, in adaptation to the conditions of modern society, market and production, assuming the ability to compete, to engage in polemics, to defend their interests.

- Method of Problem-based learning (PBL) is a well-structured lesson, related to active learning methods, which is based on a student-centered approach. This method poses a problem and promotes problem solving through the development of search and cognitive activity, analysis of the obtained data and teaches the student decision-making skills.

- Team-based learning (TBL) or team training is an active learning method, clearly structured in phases, focused on the development of communication and teamwork skills in students.

- Research-based learning (RBL) or research-focused learning is a form of active learning method based on the use of research as a tool in the educational process. The purpose of training is to teach to identify problems and issues that need to be solved, to evaluate and analyze the resources at its disposal, to choose the best ways to solve them, using critical thinking skills and analytical skills. This method poses a problem and promotes problem solving through the development of search and cognitive activity, analyzing the obtained data and teaching a student decision-making skills.

3) The Virtual Patient is an interactive program for reproducing clinical tasks (cases) with realistic 3D patient models. The program simulates a dialogue with a virtual patient, as well as various simulations of physical examination, check-up, diagnosis and treatment of a “virtual patient”. The program includes only clinically reliable dialogue, educates, allowing the user of the program to influence the result of the patient’s admission, allows testing in conditions close to the real one and checks the student’s preparedness, identifies his/her strong and weak points.

4) The Standardized Patient is a specially trained person who participates in the training and assessment of the student's competences. A standardized patient stages/simulates a clinical case (clinical task) according to the given clinical scenario.

5) Simulation training – acquisition of professional competences and practical skills in a safe educational environment by means of mannequins, simulators, special equipment under the guidance of qualified instructors. This allows to acquire and improve practical skills before applying them in real practice without potential risks to patients.

6) Seminar is one of the basic forms of organization of the educational process, which is a collective discussion of theoretical issues by students under the guidance of the teacher.

7) Laboratory (practical) class is a set of learning tasks in order to master the scientific and theoretical foundations of the discipline carried out by students under the guidance of the teacher, the acquisition of skills and experience in creative activity, mastering modern methods of practical work with the use of technical means.

8) Practice/internship is a special form of organizing the training process at work (in the clinic, simulation environment, etc.), aimed at consolidation of theoretical material received by students in the process of academic training, and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills of professional activity by them.

9) Training camp of students in the military is the final stage of military training, conducted in order to consolidate the practical skills acquired by students at the military department during the study of military and military-medical disciplines, and to conduct the final examination.

10) Student’s independent work under the teacher’s supervision (SIWT) – work of a student under the guidance of teacher on a certain list of topics allotted for independent study, conducted according to the schedule of office hours of the teacher. Forms of conducting SIWT and mandatory attendance are determined in discipline’s syllabuses.

11) Student’s independent work (SIW) – work on a certain list of topics allotted for self-study, provided with educational and methodical literature and recommendations; the entire volume of SIW is supported by tasks that require the student’s daily independent work.

- The main types of student’s independent work are preparation of control/test, term papers/coursework, diploma works/theses and projects:

- Control work/test is one of the types of student’s independent work, aimed at identifying the level of mastering the educational material on a particular topic of a particular academic discipline for a certain period of study, documenting the form of reporting on the student’s independent work in the process of studying a particular academic discipline.

- Coursework/term paper is one of the main types of independent work of students, aimed at consolidation, deepening and generalization of knowledge on academic disciplines of professional training, mastering the methods of scientific research, the formation of skills to solve creative or practical problems during the research, artistic creativity on a particular topic, documenting a form of reporting on the independent work of a student, containing systematic information on a particular topic.

- Training project is an independent, detailed solution by a student, or a group of students, to a problem of research, creative or practical nature.

- Diploma work/thesis is one of the main types of independent work of students, which has a research character, a final paper, which is a summary of the results of the student’s independent study of the relevant problem corresponding to the specialization of the educational program;

- Diploma project/thesis project is a final paper of the student, representing an independent solution of applied problems, corresponding to the specialization of the educational program, performed with the use of project approaches and (or) in the form of preparation of business projects, model, as well as projects of creative nature and other projects.

12) Resident’s independent work (RIW) is one of the types of academic work involving independent work of the resident on each module/discipline included in the curriculum. During the independent work, the resident learns theoretical material in a practical way (duties, cure of patients, mastering practical skills, etc.); applies the gained knowledge and practical skills to analyze the situation and develop the right solution (group discussions, business games, situation analysis, project development,, etc.); applies the gained knowledge and skills to form his/her own position, theory, model (participation in research work). Control of independent work and assessment of its results are organized as a unity of two forms: self-testing and self-assessment; control and assessment by teachers and, etc.

13) Master student’s independent work under the teacher’s supervision (MSIWT) is an extracurricular type of work of a master’s student, which is performed by him/her with a teacher on a separate schedule, which is not included in the summary schedule of training sessions. In the course of MSIWT consultations on the most complex issues of the curriculum, homework, course/term projects (works), control of MSIW tasks are conducted.

14) Portfolio is a collection of personal achievements of a student, resident, which shows the actual level of his/her training and activity in various educational and extracurricular types of activities in the university and outside.

6. The University welcomes the introduction of other innovative teaching methods as well.

  1. For the formation of students' responsibility for their learning, independent and critical thinking in the learning process at the University, student’s independent work is organized, which is an extracurricular type of work, which is performed by them both independently (SIW) and in contact with the teacher (SIWT).
  2. The University organizes independent work of students, based on the final results of learning and their readiness for independent learning. The role of independent work of students, as a rule, increases with the progress of students. The University determines the forms and methods of independent learning and guarantees the timely submission of feedback to the students by the faculty members in the course of completing assignments for independent work, as well as determines the criteria for their evaluation.
  3. All types of independent work are described in the syllabus and educational-methodical complex of the discipline with the indication of specific assignments, evaluation criteria and the submission deadline.

1) Comprehensive assessment of academic achievements of students of the University is regulated by the “Rules of rating system for evaluating the academic performance of students”, compliance with which is compulsory for all students and structural divisions of the University – participants of the educational process.

2) Academic achievements (knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies) of students are graded in points on a 100-point scale, corresponding to the internationally accepted letter system of assessment with a numeric equivalent (positive grades, in descending order, from “A” to “D”, and “unsatisfactory” – “FX”, “F”) and grades in the traditional system.

Scoring and rating letter system of assessment of students’ academic achievements

3) Students are required to attend all forms of classroom instructions – lectures, practical and seminar classes, laboratory work, and to complete all assignments, including SIWT and SIW.

4) Students (except for technical and professional education) work off only practical classes and laboratory work missed for a valid reason, during consultation hours, within one month after getting admission, but not later than the last week of the term. Classes missed for insufficient reasons are not worked off. If the number of hours of absence for insufficient reasons is 50% or more of the total number of hours allotted to practical classes and lectures related to this assignment, a student is not allowed to complete the assignment and “0” is put in the electronic log.

5) Technical and professional education students work off the classes for a valid and insufficient reason.

6) The document confirming a valid reason for missing classes is submitted to the digitalization office of the Department of Informatization and Infrastructure Development not later than three working days from the date of receipt of this document, in a state of emergency – not later than 5 working days.

7) Certification of students’ attendance is carried out by schools according to the data of AIS Platonus monthly by the 25th day of the month.

8) The rules for working off missed classes are determined by the policy reflected in the syllabus.

9) If a student missed classes in the last two weeks of the term for a valid reason, including the last class, the Dean of the School/Faculty allows the student to work off classes and exams on an individual schedule.

10) If a student misses more than 1/3 of the total number of days of the term due to illness, he/she has a right to apply to the medical institution at the place of attachment to summon a medical control commission (MCC) in order to consider the issue of obtaining a medical report on the grounds for granting academic leave.

11) The monitoring the current progress, SIWT and SIW on the discipline is carried out by the teacher, who conducts classes in the group. The policy of grading for the assessment with the indication of its components, content, criteria and timing of assessment of assignments for disciplines are defined in the syllabus. Test questions of assignments include questions on lecture materials.

12) The teacher is required to evaluate any work of the student in an unbiased manner according to predetermined criteria indicated in the syllabus of the discipline. The teacher is not authorized to evaluate any additional criteria not specified in the syllabus. Assessment criteria cannot include social, community, religious, ethnic and gender status of a student. When evaluating the academic achievements, the teacher does not consider the opinions and requests of outside parties, including the student, other teachers and the university administration.

13) The student is required to request the teacher to make an assessment using all of the above-mentioned principles.

14) The teacher is personally responsible for the timeliness and correctness of filling in the electronic logs. Filling of grades in the electronic logs is done weekly, according to the policy of assessment of disciplines by level of training of students. It is not allowed to transfer the responsibilities of filling in the electronic log to another person.

15) Current assessments of the student is assigned by the teacher for each completed assignment (including integrated task, which may include several topics) in the electronic log. When assigning a current assessment for the task, all types of academic work (classroom and extracurricular) should be taken into account, including for clinical disciplines – mastering practical skills using simulation technologies and duty on clinical bases. Academic achievements of students in languages (Kazakh, Russian, foreign) are evaluated in accordance with the level model of their study.

16) Academic rating of the student (AR) consists of the admission rating (RA), which is determined by calculating the simple average of all current assessments, and the rating of the final assessment

(FA): AR = RA*0.6 + FA*0.4.

according to the standard: final grades in disciplines and (or) modules for which differentiated credit is provided are set by teachers on the basis of assessments of current academic performance control as an arithmetic average score, for disciplines and (or) modules for which an exam is provided, calculated according to the formula:

where: РО - the result of the training, N – number of learning outcomes, Э – examination assessment.

17) The admission rating for the discipline must be at least 50%.

18) Current assessments are not assigned for training and production, work practices, pedagogical and research practices.

19) For all kinds of practices the AR is equal to the FA. When conducting the final control for all types of practices, the FA is evaluated on a 100-point system. When two practice supervisors are appointed, the final grade is assigned taking into account the assessment of the practice supervisor from the base of practice, the share of which is 40% of the final grade, and the assessment of the practice supervisor from the University, based on the defense of the submitted report, the share of which is 60% of the final grade.

20) All forms of written papers of students are tested for plagiarism. In case of plagiarism in the work, the results of such work will be canceled.

21) Academic achievements are available in the student's personal account in AIS “Platonus”. All academic disciplines and (or) modules studied by a student with the indication of the final grade, including grades “FX” and “F”, are recorded in the transcript.

22) Transfer of a student to the next course is performed on condition that he/she fully carries out the requirements of the individual curriculum.

23) The relevance of the teacher's assessment of the student's academic achievements is conducted by the bell curve of distribution of the grades assigned by the teacher in accordance with a normal distribution according to the approved criteria for evaluating students’ learning outcomes based on the general principles of the Academic Integrity League (

24) Bell curve of distribution is based on the level of a student in a particular assessment and is used to analyze their performance in the discipline with reference to other students.

After the completion of the academic period, the SQAC analyzes the quality of evaluation using a normal distribution diagram. In case if the number of “excellent” grades exceed 15%, the Academic Senate Committee conducts a critical analysis and may decide to cancel the results of the final control. In case of deviation from the norm, the SQAC has the right to initiate personal proceedings and analysis of the quality of teaching in specific disciplines at the Academic Committee of the Senate.

1) Intermediate certification of students is carried out in accordance with the academic calendar, working curriculum and syllabuses of disciplines. Each academic period ends with a period of intermediate certification of students.

2) Intermediate certification of students is conducted in the form of final control of disciplines and reports on professional practice, and serves as a form of verification of learning outcomes of students for the academic period of the educational program. The form of final control is determined by the working curriculum.

3) The final control may consist of one or several stages. The relative importance of each stage of the final control is written in the syllabus.

4) Permissible forms of conducting the final control or its stages are:

  1. computer testing based on clinical cases and/or situational tasks;
  2. written examination (WE);
  3. defense of the project / term paper;
  4. Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) (Group Objective Structured Clinical Exam, GOSCE)/ Objective Structured Practical Exam (OSPE);
  5. assessment of practical/clinical skills (APS/ACS) using a standardized checklist;
  6. defense of the portfolio;
  7. academic certification;
  8. the practice report;
  9. passing the standards.

5) Organization of intermediate certification (elaboration of the draft schedule of intermediate certification, coordination with structural divisions, posting the approved schedule on the University’s student portal) is assigned to the Office of the Registrar’s block.

6) In order to conduct intermediate certification in accordance with the deadlines and requirements for issuance, the department / school conducts work on the formation of examination material. Examination material for all disciplines is reviewed by 30% for each intermediate certification. The responsible teacher for the discipline/module coordinator posts individual examples of control and measuring means and specification of the final control on the student portal in the section of his/her discipline two weeks before the intermediate certification. The responsible teacher of the discipline/module coordinator imports the examination material into AIS “Platonus” or AS “Session” one week before the beginning of intermediate certification.

7) The Office of the Registrar’s block monitors the compliance with the deadlines for submission of examination material by the departments/schools.

8) In order to ensure transparency and impartiality of intermediate certification, the Office of the Registrar’s forms a pool of proctors from the faculty members who have no conflict of interest during the period of intermediate certification. The Office of the Registrar’s block conducts briefing of proctors before the beginning of intermediate certification and forms the schedule of proctors' duty for the period of intermediate certification.

9) For conducting and evaluating of the final control, examiners from the faculty members with qualifications corresponding to the specialization of this particular academic discipline are appointed. When conducting the final control in a form that involves face-to-face contact with a student, if possible, examiners who did not conduct training sessions in this particular academic group (stream) are appointed. The list of examiners is approved at the meeting of the department / centers / school. Final control in the form that does not involve face-to-face contact with the student is conducted using double “blind” coding.

10) Admission of students to intermediate certification or making a decision on the individual procedure of passing the final control (in case of elimination of academic difference or debts, due to illness based on a certificate, and for other valid reasons based on the confirming documents) is carried out by the school / faculty of the specialization of the educational program. Admission of students to intermediate certification or individual procedure of final control is issued by the dean's order.

11) The students who have arrears in tuition fees, who have academic debts in prerequisites, who are on academic leave or long-term treatment are not allowed to intermediate certification.

12) In case of “unsatisfactory” assessment corresponding to the sign “FX”, a student has an opportunity to retake the final control without re-passing the program of the discipline/module.

13) In case of “unsatisfactory” assessment corresponding to the sign “F”, a student is re-enrolled in this particular academic discipline/module, attends all forms of classes, performs all forms of academic work in the next academic period.

14) All final grades of the student, including positive exam retakes are recorded on the transcript.

15) For students of Technical and vocational training who have no more than one "satisfactory" grade according to the results of the interim certification, retake is allowed in order to increase the grade on the basis of a student's application in any form addressed to the Chairman of the Board – Rector. Repeated retake of the exam (test) is issued by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector. The deadline for retaking the exam (credit) upon receipt of the "unsatisfactory" grade is determined by the schedule of the intermediate certification of the VET. A student who has more than three "unsatisfactory" grades according to the results of the intermediate certification is expelled for academic failure with the issuance of a transcript to him (her).

16)All the student's final grades are recorded in the transcript, including the positive results of repeated exams.

17) The absence on the final control of a student in the examination record is noted “was not present” beside his/her last name. If there is a sufficient reason for the order of the dean of the school / faculty of this student, an individual examination schedule is arranged. Failure to attend an examination without a valid reason is comparable to “unsatisfactory” evaluation.

18) The main documents confirming the results of intermediate certification are as follows:

  1. examination record;
  2. examination sheet;
  3. summary statements (including in electronic form from AIS “Platonus”).

19) In order to ensure compliance with unified requirements and resolution of disputable issues in the evaluation of examinations during the period of intermediate certification of students by order of the dean, Appeals Commission of teachers whose qualifications correspond to the profile/specialization of the appealed disciplines is established.

20) Appeals Commission:

  1. accepts and considers appeals of students;
  2. ensures compliance of the assigned grade with the established requirements for evaluation of works;
  3. makes a decision on the correspondence of the assigned grade or on the assigning of a different grade (both in case of its increase or decrease);
  4. issues a protocol of the decision and hands it over to the Office of the Registrar’s block.

21) To perform its functions, the Commission has the right to review the materials of the final control conducted in the form of a written examination, testing, as well as protocols of the results of verification of answers, information about the individuals who attended the examination, compliance with the examination procedure, etc.

22) A student who disagrees with the result of the examination appeals no later than the next working day after the assigning of the grade in AIS Platonus.

23) Appeal is carried out on the initiative of a student in the following cases:

  1. test tasks or written examination questions are incorrectly worded;
  2. test tasks do not contain a correct answer;
  3. test tasks contain several correct answers, and the instructions ask the student to choose the only correct answer;
  4. test tasks or the content of the written examination are outside the scope of the curriculum.

24) The teacher submits into the electronic log of AIS “Platonus” the assessment of the final control of the student on the discipline; after the appeal procedure, the specialist of the Office of the Registrar’s block opens access to change the examination grade, the teacher makes changes in accordance with the decision of the Appeals Commission.

25) The examination record is provided by the specialist of the Office of the Registrar’s to the teacher from AIS “Platonus” after the appeal. The teacher signs the examination report, the specialist of the Office of the Registrar’s block signs and submits it to the relevant school, not later than 3 days after the completion of the intermediate certification.

26) On completion of the intermediate certification, schools prepare a final report on the results of intermediate certification for consideration by the School Council and the SQAC to make decisions on improvement of assessment framework.

27) The Office of the Registrar’s block conducts continuous monitoring of the results of intermediate certification of students and their analysis in accordance with the score table reflecting the actual percentage distribution of absolute assessments above the passing grade.

1) According to the Rules of the organization of the educational process on credit technology of training at the University, summer term is organized to meet the needs for additional training, providing students with the opportunity to eliminate academic debts or the difference in the curriculum, the study of academic disciplines and the development of credits by students in other educational organizations with the mandatory credit transfer in the NCJSC “KMU”, the study of disciplines to increase the grade point average (GPA), mastering a related or additional educational program, including within the framework of double-degree education, on a paid basis.

2) Graduate students and residents, in connection to the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, the summer term is not organized.

3) The duration of the summer term depends on the academic calendar and is not less than 6 weeks.

4) No more than 15 ECTS credits can be studied during the summer term.

5) Summer term can be conducted with the use of distance learning technologies.

6) Monitoring the summer term is the responsibility of the School/Faculty.

7) The following categories of students are allowed to enroll in the disciplines of the summer term:

  1. not admitted to the examination session according to the term rating results;
  2. who received an unsatisfactory evaluation in the final control during the intermediate certification period;
  3. who has an academic difference upon reinstatement, transfer or after the academic leave;
  4. students who have expressed their wish to improve their academic rating (students who have completed the course program completely and want to increase their grade point average (GPA));
  5. who study under international programs, double degree programs;
  6. students transferred from one specialty/educational program to another;
  7. mastering of the disciplines of the additional educational program (Minor);
  8. students who have expressed their wish to undergo additional training.

8) The student submits an application for the summer term to the Dean of the School/Faculty in the digitalization department of the Department of Informatization and Infrastructure Development (hereinafter – the Digitalization Department), the application should be attached by a receipt of payment. Within the deadline the student attends all types of training sessions, passes all types of current control of disciplines of the summer term, gains admission and passes the final control (on the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” student gains admission and must pass the state examination during the period of work of the State Examination Commission).

9) At the end of the summer term, on the submission of the Dean of the School/Faculty, an order is issued to transfer the student from course to course or an order for expulsion for academic failure, or a memo on the entry.

1) Re-passing disciplines and eliminating the academic difference are carried out on a paid basis as for students on the state educational grant/ order, and for students on a fee basis. The cost of the one credit of discipline is defined by the price list of the paid services, approved at the University for the academic year.

Preparation of a diploma work/thesis

2) Rules for re-passing disciplines at the University have been developed in accordance with the Rules of organization of the educational process on credit technology training.

3) In case of F “unsatisfactory” assessment or admission rating below 50% on discipline/module, a student re-enrolls to this subject/module, attends all types of training sessions, performs all types of educational work according to syllabus and re-takes the final control ( on the discipline “History of Kazakhstan” state examination in the period of work of the SEC (State Examination Commission)).

4) Re-passing the discipline is allowed no more than once.

5) Student who has not eliminated academic debt in one academic period re-passing disciplines-prerequisites , he/she is expelled from the number of university students for academic failure. In case, when the discipline of academic debt is not prerequisite, the discipline must be re-passed until the end of the current academic year, including summer term.

6) The dean of the school / faculty, based on the requirements for the maximum academic workload of students, sets a deadline for submitting applications for the elimination of academic debt, which is approved by the order of the dean of the school / faculty.

7) A student who has not started the procedure for eliminating academic debt within the specified period is expelled from the university for academic failure.

Preparation of master's thesis (project)

8) Academic difference in the disciplines in curriculum is determined when transferring or reinstating students, as well as after from academic leave. The procedure and terms of elimination of academic difference are approved by the order of the Dean of the School/Faculty.

9) The academic difference is determined by the comparing academic results, passed by the students at the previous stage, with the results of the declared educational program, based on the submitted documents and, if necessary, interviews to determine the level of learning, skills and abilities.

10) IC is formed for a student taking into account the discipline of the academic difference and transfer of formal and non-formal education outcomes.

11) To eliminate the academic difference in the disciplines of the working curriculum, a student attends all types of training sessions during the academic period, passes all types of current control and, with the corresponding admission rating, passes the final control.

12) Academic difference in the disciplines of the working curriculum, not eliminated on time, is further considered as an academic debt.

1) Regulations on preparation of diploma works/diploma theses, master's and doctoral theses define the procedure for preparation of graduation works of students studying in educational programs of higher and postgraduate (master's degree, doctoral studies) education of the NCJSC “KMU”.

Preparation of a diploma work/thesis

2) Diploma work/thesis is a graduation work, which is a summary of the results of the student's self-study of the topical issue corresponding to the specialization of the educational program; thesis/diploma project is the student's graduation work, which is an independent solution of applied problems corresponding to the specialization of the educational program, completed with the use of project approaches and (or) in the form of preparation of business projects, models, as well as creative projects and other projects.

3) Preparation of graduation work should be carried out by the student independently in the final period of theoretical training, under the guidance of a qualified scientific adviser – a teacher on the specialization and (or) a specialist, corresponding to the 8th level of the National Qualification Framework with a work experience of at least 3 years.

4) The graduation work must contain the share of originality within the limits regulated by the Rules and Procedure for the verification of papers for the degree of originality of the NCJSC “KMU”.

5) The diploma work/thesis demonstrates the level of learning, the methods of scientific analysis of complex social phenomena, the ability to make theoretical generalizations and practical conclusions, reasonable proposals and recommendations to improve the legal regulation of public relations in the study area by the graduate. Materials of term papers/coursework, research work, research in student scientific clubs, reports at scientific conferences, as well as materials collected during the work practice/practical training and pre-diploma practice can be used for the preparation.

6) The graduation work must:

  1. be creative, using general theoretical provisions, relevant statistics and current regulations;
  2. have a practical orientation according to the profile/specialization of the educational program;
  3. meet the requirements of logical and clear presentation of material, evidence and authenticity of facts, consistent presentation of information, internal cohesion and coherence of legal material;
  4. represent the student's ability to use rational methods of searching, selecting, processing and systematizing information, the ability to work with regulations;
  5. represent the relevance of the chosen topic: theoretical and practical significance, its sufficient development;
  6. include a combination of reasoned points and conclusions;
  7. be correctly designed (clear structure, logical completeness, correct execution of bibliographic references, list of references, accuracy of execution) in accordance with the requirements for works to be printed.

7) The student is responsible for the reliability of the data presented in the graduation work.

Preparation of master's thesis (project)

8) Master's thesis is an independent scientific research containing theoretical and/or practical developments of the topical issue in the field of the chosen educational program, based on modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of science and technology; master's project is a graduation work of a master student of a specialized master's degree program, which is an independent research containing theoretical and (or) experimental results, enabling to solve applied problems in the field of the chosen educational program.

9) Scientific adviser and research topic of the master's student and the implementation plan of master's thesis (master's project) are approved by the decision of the Senate of the NCJSC “KMU” within the first two months after enrollment.

10) Master's thesis determines the level of professional qualification of the student and the degree of mastering the methodology of scientific knowledge and compliance of the acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies to the requirements of the State Compulsory Education Standard in the relevant educational program.

11) Master's thesis must meet the following requirements:

  1. contain new science-based theoretical and (or) experimental results, that solve a theoretical/applied problem or being a major achievement in the development of specific research areas;
  2. comply with the main points of the specialty in which the master's thesis is defended;
  3. include scientific novelty and practical significance;
  4. to be based on modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of science, technology and production, include specific practical recommendations, independent solutions to management tasks of a complex, cross-functional nature;
  5. to be based on modern methods of processing and interpreting data using computer technologies;
  6. to be carried out using modern scientific research methods and advanced information technologies;
  7. include research/experimental-research (methodological, practical) sections on the main defended positions;
  8. to be based on advanced international experience in the area of expertise.

12) The thesis/dissertation should be written single-handedly, include a set of new and reliable scientific results, and positions put forward by the master student for public defense, have an internal cohesion, determined by the links between the results obtained in the work within the elaborated or studied theoretical or applied problem, reflect the personal contribution of the student to science and/or practice, the new solutions proposed by him/her should be strictly argued and critically evaluated in comparison with well-known solutions.

13) Key results of the master's thesis, submitted for defense, should be presented in at least one publication and/or reported at a scientific and practical conference. Abstracts of regional, republican, international conferences, symposiums, meetings, overview information reports, analytical reviews, information sheets with the volume of not less than 0.3 printed pages and pre-patents (patents) can be equivalent to publications.

14) Master's thesis (project) must be checked for plagiarism in accordance with the Rules and Procedure for verification of work for the degree of originality of the NCJSC “KMU”.

Preparation of doctoral thesis/dissertation

15) Doctoral thesis is a scientific work of a doctoral student, representing an independent research in which theoretical positions are developed, the combination of which can be qualified as a new scientific achievement, or where a scientific problem is solved. The content of the thesis research is aimed at the implementation of national priorities, state programs, fundamental or applied research program of the University.

16) By the decision of the Senate of the NCJSC “KMU,” a scientific supervision is assigned to the doctoral student within two months of enrollment. During the first term, the topic of the doctoral thesis is defined.

17) Scientific supervision of doctoral students for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is carried out by advisers of at least two people, one of whom is a researcher from a foreign university. Scientific advisers ensure the implementation of the doctoral thesis and compliance with the principles of academic integrity, and timely submission of the dissertation/thesis work for defense and it is approved by the decision of the Senate of the NCJSC “KMU”.

18) Implementation of the doctoral dissertation/thesis is carried out during the Doctoral Student’s Research Work period.

19) The dissertation/thesis is submitted in one of the following forms:

1) dissertation/thesis work;

2) series/editions of at least two articles and one review published in editions in the first and/or second quartile according to Journal Citation Reports by Clarivate Analytics. In one of the articles, the doctoral student is the first author or first author for correspondence.

20) The dissertation/thesis is performed in compliance with the principles of independence, internal cohesion, scientific novelty, reliability and practical value, and academic integrity.

21) The main scientific results of the dissertation/thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are published before the defense of the dissertation in scientific editions in accordance with the Rules for Awarding Degrees.

22) Doctoral dissertation is checked for the detection of borrowing text of other authors, which is carried out by the National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation. Sources of cited materials or individual results with indication of full output; protection documents for developments acquired by the doctoral student independently or in co-authorship; scientific works on the topic of the dissertation/thesis, performed by the doctoral student independently or in co-authorship are marked with references in the dissertation.

23) If plagiarism is detected in the dissertation/thesis by the Dissertation Council or the Committee for Control in education and science, a negative decision is made without the right to re-defense.

Procedure for the state examination on the discipline “The history of Kazakhstan”

  1. Students from all technical and professional education specialties and higher education programs pass the state examination on “The history of Kazakhstan” at the end of their studies during the same academic year.
  2. The organization of the state examination is held by the department conducting classes on the discipline “The history of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter – the Department) together with schools and the block of the Office of the Registrar.
  3. To conduct the state examination on the discipline “The history of Kazakhstan” the Department develops a single for all specialties/educational programs working curriculum.
  4. The format of the state examination on the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” is determined by the approved working curriculum.
  5. To take the state examination on the discipline “The history of Kazakhstan” on the submission of the Department annually issued an order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector on the approval of the chairman and members of the State Examination Commission (hereinafter – SEC).
  6. The Office of the Registrar’s block prepares the schedule of SEC meetings in accordance with the academic calendar, which is approved by the Chairman of the Board – Rector no later than two weeks before the beginning of the state examination. The SEC meeting should not last more than six academic hours per day.
  7. The results of the state examination are evaluated on a 100-point scale.
  8. To conduct an appeal, the Chairman of the Board – Rector appoints an Appeals Commission for the discipline “The history of Kazakhstan” from among experienced teachers in the discipline.
  9. A student who disagrees with the outcome of the state examination may file an appeal no later than the day after the examination is conducted by the SEC.
  10. After the end of the state examination, the Chairman of the SEC prepares a report on the SEC's work, which is discussed and approved at the Senate meeting

Procedure for final assessment of students

11) Final assessment is a procedure used to evaluate the learning outcomes and key competencies obtained upon completion of the educational program's study, as well as to evaluate graduates' professional preparedness in accordance with the state compulsory standard of the corresponding level of education.

Final assessment is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum and the academic calendar, and, if necessary, in collaboration with organizations accredited by the authorized body in the field of healthcare to evaluate the knowledge and skills of students enrolled in medical education programs.

12) By decision of the Attestation Commission, the student who passed the final assessment and confirmed mastery of the educational program of technical and professional education, higher or postgraduate education is awarded the qualification in the relevant educational program and (or) awarded the relevant degree, and on a free basis a diploma is issued with the supplement according to the Rules for their issuance.

13) Individuals who completed their studies on the residency's educational program and successfully passed the final assessment are awarded the qualification “doctor” in the relevant specialty of the residency and are given a free certificate of completion of the residency.

14) A person who has not passed the final assessment in the following academic year must submit a statement to the Chairman of the Board – Rector no later than one month before the start of the final assessment. The order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector formalizes admission to the repeated final assessment. Payment is made in accordance with the number of credits of final assessment according to the working curriculum for the repeated final assessment.

According to paragraph 6 of Article 39 of the Law "On Education", a certificate of the established sample (transcript) is issued to a graduate who received a negative result ("unsatisfactory") upon re-passing the final certification.

15)A doctoral/PhD student who has completed the full course of theoretical training of the educational program of doctoral studies, but has not completed the RWDC, has the opportunity to re-learn the academic credits of the RWDC and defend the dissertation/thesis in the following years on a paid basis.

16) A doctoral/PhD student who has completed the RWDC but has not defended the doctoral dissertation/thesis, the learning outcomes and academic credits are assigned and given the opportunity to defend the dissertation/thesis within one year after graduation on a free basis, and in subsequent years on a paid basis in the amount of at least 4 academic credits.

17) Thus, after 3 years after graduation, a doctoral/PhD student is allowed to defend only after re-approval of the scientific justification of the dissertation/thesis research on a paid basis.

18) Re-evaluation of the student is carried out only on those forms on which he/she in the previous final assessment received an unsatisfactory evaluation.

19) The list of graduates who graduated from technical and professional education, higher or postgraduate education programs, indicating their last names, first names, patronymic (if any), educational programs, and numbers of issued diplomas, signed by the Chairman of the Board – Rector, is submitted to the authorized body in education within one month of the issuance of the corresponding order, and is also posted on the University's website.

20) The Office of the Registrar block organizes the final assessment for students. The Office of the Registrar prepares the final assessment schedule, which is approved by the Chairman of the Board – Rector and made public no later than two weeks before the beginning of the Attestation Commission’s work.

21) The Chairman of the Board – Rector issues an order on the graduation of specialists who have completed training in the relevant specialty/educational program and successfully passed the final assessment based on the results of the final assessment.

Procedure for final assessment of technical and professional education students

22) Conducting the final assessment of students of technical and professional education is carried out in accordance with the Model Regulations.

23) After the completion of the final assessment, the chairman of the Attestation Commission issues a report that reflects the following: the level of training of students in this specialty, the characteristics of knowledge of students identified in the examination, shortcomings in the training of students on certain issues of disciplines and (or) modules, recommendations for further improvement of training of qualified staff in the specialties of technical and professional education.

24) Within one month of the Attestation Commission's completion of its work, the report is discussed and approved at the Senate meeting.

Procedure for the final assessment of students of higher education

25) An Attestation Commission is formed for educational programs or groups of educational programs to conduct final student assessment, the membership of which is approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector. The Commission has an odd number of members, but it must have at least five. The Commission's membership should include representatives from organizations that employ graduates.

The Chairman of the final attestation commission for educational programs or groups of educational programs of higher education appoints a person who has a degree, academic rank, or academic degree that corresponds to the specialization of the graduates and does not work in the NCJSC “KMU.” The final attestation commission for educational programs or groups of educational programs of higher education consists of individuals with a degree, academic rank, or academic degree that corresponds to the specialization of the graduates.

26) The Attestation Commission for medical education programs should comprise representatives from organizations that assess the knowledge and skills of students, accredited by the authorized body in healthcare.

27) All meetings of the Attestation Commission are drawn up by protocols. Protocols of meetings of the Attestation Commission are drawn up individually for each student or for the entire academic stream. In case of a comprehensive examination in the form of testing, the basis for drawing up the protocol is the examination sheet (in any form) and the protocol is conducted for the group.

28) Protocols of the meetings of the Attestation Commission are stored in the archive of the University in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 22, 1998 “On the national archive fund and archives” and the order of the Acting Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 29, 2017 No. 263 “On approval of the list of standard documents produced during the work of governmental and non-governmental organizations, specifying the storing date”.

29) The competence of the Attestation Commission includes:

  • verification of the level of compliance of theoretical and practical training of the graduates with the established requirements of educational programs;
  • awarding of qualification and (or) awarding the graduate a bachelor's or master's degree in the relevant educational program;
  • development of proposals aimed at further improving the quality of training of graduates.

30) On the last day of intermediate certification, the Dean of the School issues an order admitting students to the final assessment in the form of a list of students with the indication of educational programs, last name, first name, patronymic (if any).

31) On the first day of the Attestation Commission’s work the School/Faculty submits to its Chairman:

  • the program of the final assessment (except for EP, which provides the assessment of knowledge and skills of students, conducted by the organization to assess the professional preparedness of the graduates of educational programs in healthcare);
  • order on admission of students to the final assessment;
  • transcripts of students with the calculation of the value of the average grade point average (GPA) for the entire period of study.

32) No later than five working days before the defense of the thesis/diploma work (project) the following are submitted to the Chairman of the Attestation Commission:

  • feedback of the thesis (project) supervisor, which gives a reasoned opinion “allowed for defense” or “not allowed for defense”;
  • review of the thesis (project), which gives a comprehensive characteristics of the thesis (project) submitted for defense and a reasoned opinion indicating the grade according to the scoring and rating letter system of knowledge evaluation and the possibility of awarding the “Bachelor’s” degree or awarding qualification in the relevant specialty;
  • decision of the degree granting department on the recommendation for defense (extract from the protocol of the department meeting);
  • certificate (in any form) on passing the thesis (project) check for plagiarism.

33) If necessary, materials characterizing the scientific and practical value of the completed thesis (project) are presented to the Attestation Commission, such as informal feedback, written opinions of organizations engaged in practical activities in the profile of the thesis (project), certificates or acts of implementation of the results of scientific research, models, samples of materials, products, agricultural products, mineral collections, and herbaria.

34) Final assessment of the educational program is carried out in accordance with the program developed by the educational program's head on the basis of discipline curriculum and approved by School Council’s decision.

35) Decisions on comprehensive examination grades, defense of thesis/diploma work (project), and awarding a degree and/or awarding qualifications and issuing a diploma (without honors, with honors) are made in a closed session by open voting by a simple majority of votes given by Attestation Commission members present. In case of an equal number of votes, the vote of the Commission's Chairman will be decisive.

36) The results of the final assessment of students are evaluated on a 100-point scale. The results are announced on the day of the comprehensive examinations and defense of the thesis/diploma work (project) after signing the protocols of the meeting of the Attestation Commission.

37) The procedure for retaking a comprehensive examination or defense of a thesis (project), master's thesis (project) is carried out in accordance with the Model Regulations.

38) The student defends the thesis (project) if there is a positive feedback of the supervisor and one review of a specialist, corresponding to the profile/specialization of the defended work (project). If the supervisor gives a negative opinion “not allowed to defend”, the student is not allowed to defend the thesis (project). The student is allowed to defend the thesis (project) on both positive and negative opinion of the reviewer.

39) A student who did not attend the final assessment for a valid reason submits an application in free form to the Chairman of the Attestation Commission, submits a document confirming the valid reason, and takes the exam or defends the thesis (project) with his/her permission on a different day of the Attestation Commission meeting. Medical records presented to the Attestation Commission following an unsatisfactory evaluation are not taken into account.

Students who receive an unsatisfactory evaluation at the first stage of final certification are not allowed to proceed to the second stage and are expelled from the University for academic failure.

Bachelor's degree and internship students who have completed the educational process in accordance with the working curriculum and educational programs requirements are eligible for the final assessment.

Admission to the final assessment, as well as mastery of the educational program, is the result of self-assessment in the framework of independent examination not less than 50% for the bachelor's degree EP and not less than 60% for the internship EP for graduates of bachelor's degree (EP “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Pharmacy”) and internship.

Graduating students who do not meet the requirements of the working curriculum or educational programs are required to repeat the course without completing the summer term.

Bachelor's degree student (EP “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Pharmacy”) or internship, who completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum and scored a result of self-assessment in an independent examination below 50 or 60%, respectively, is not allowed to the final assessment and expelled for academic failure. During the next academic year, he/she may pass self-assessment and, if the result is not lower than 50 or 60% respectively, he/she writes a statement to the Chairman of the Board – Rector for admission to the final assessment no later than one month before the final assessment. Admission to the final assessment is formalized by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector. Final assessment is held on a fee basis, payment is made in accordance with the number of credits of final assessment according to the working curriculum.

40) To conduct an appeal, an Appeals Commission is formed by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector, on the recommendation of the deans of the Schools/Faculty, from among experienced teachers whose qualifications match to the specialization of the educational program. A student who disagrees with the final assessment results may file an appeal no later than the next working day after the final assessment is completed.

41) At the end of the final assessment, the Chairman of the Attestation Commission draws up a report that reflects:

  • analysis of the quality of training of graduates;
  • quality of diploma works/master's theses (projects);
  • compliance of the topics of diploma works/master's theses (projects) with the current state of science, technology, culture and production demands;
  • correspondence of the department's conclusion, supervisor's feedback, review to the level of the thesis/master's thesis (project) defense;
  • specific recommendations for further improvement of training of graduates.

42) The report is discussed and approved at a Senate meeting within one month after the Attestation Commission's completion of its work.

5. Procedure for the final assessment of the postgraduate education students

43) The Attestation Commission for educational programs or groups of educational programs is formed to conduct the final assessment of master's degree students.

44) The Chairman and members of the Attestation Commission are approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector no later than January 10 of the current academic year and are valid for the rest of the current academic year.

45) The Chairman of the Attestation Commission for Master's Degree Educational Programs is appointed by a person who has a degree or academic title, or a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or doctor in profile/specialization, corresponding to the profile/ specialization of the graduates, and is not employed by this organization. The Master's program Attestation Commission consists of individuals with an academic degree or academic title, or academic degree, corresponding to the specialization of the graduates; for the specialized Master's program – of qualified specialists-practitioners, corresponding to the specialization of the graduates.

46) Admission to the final assessment of master's and doctoral students is formalized on the last day of the intermediate certification by the order of the Chairman of the Board –Rector on the basis of the submission of the Dean of the School, in the form of a list of students with the indication of educational programs, last names, first names, patronymics (if any) of students.

47) It is not permissible to defend the master's thesis (project) more than once in order to raise the positive assessment to a higher one.

48) The Chairman of the Attestation Commission prepares a report at the end of the master's program, which is discussed and approved at the Senate meeting within one month of the end date of the final assessment.

49) The report of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission on the final assessment on educational programs or groups of educational programs of master's degree includes tables/charts and an explanatory note. The explanatory note records:

  • the level of training of master's students in this specialty;
  • quality of master's thesis (project);
  • compliance of master's thesis (project) topics to the current state of science, technology, culture and demands of production;
  • analysis of the quality of master's students training in this specialty;
  • shortcomings in the training of master’s students;
  • correspondence of the department's conclusion, supervisor's feedback, review to the level of master's thesis (project) defense;
  • specific recommendations for further improvement of master's degree training.

50) Persons who have completed the educational program of doctoral studies and defended a doctoral thesis/dissertation, with a positive decision of the dissertation councils of universities with special status or the Committee for Quality Assurance in the sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the results of the examination are awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or doctor in profile and issued a diploma in accordance with the Rules for awarding degrees.

51) For conducting the final attestation of students of the residency the final attestation commission is created.

52) The number of members of the final attestation commission for residency educational programs is discussed annually at the School of Residency and Professional Development Board meeting, it is approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board –Rector based on the decision of the Senate no later than December 31 and is valid during the current academic year.

53) Residency students are allowed to the final assessment if they completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum and educational programs. Admission to the final assessment, as well as mastery of the educational program, is the result of self-assessment in an independent examination conducted by the Republican Public Association “National Center for Independent Examination”, not lower than 70%.

Graduating students who did not meet the requirements of the working curriculum and educational programs are required to repeat the course without finishing the summer term.

Bachelor's and internship students who have completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum and educational programs are allowed to the final assessment.

Admission to the final assessment, along with mastery of the educational program, is the result of self-assessment in the framework of independent examination not less than 50% for bachelor's degree and not less than 60% for internship for graduates of bachelor's degree (EP “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Pharmacy”) and internship.

Graduating students who did not meet the requirements of the working curriculum and educational programs are required to repeat the course without finishing the summer term.

Bachelor's degree student (EP “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Pharmacy”) or internship, who completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum and scored a result of self-assessment in an independent examination below 50 or 60%, respectively, is not allowed to the final assessment and expelled for academic failure. During the next academic year, he/she may pass self-assessment and, if the result is not lower than 50 or 60% respectively, he/she writes a statement to the Chairman of the Board – Rector for admission to the final assessment no later than one month before the final assessment. Admission to the final assessment is formalized by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector. Final assessment is held on a fee basis, payment is made in accordance with the number of credits of final assessment according to the working curriculum.

A resident student who has completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum and has received a self-assessment result in the independent examination that is less than 70% is not allowed to the final assessment and is expelled for academic failure. During the following academic year, he/she may take a self-assessment and, if the result is not lower than 70%, submits a statement to the Chairman of the Board – Rector no later than one month before the start of the final assessment . The order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector formalizes admission to the final assessment. Payment for final assessment is paid in accordance with the number of credits of the final assessment according to the working curriculum.

54) Admission to the final assessment of residents is formalized on the last day of the intermediate certification by the order of the Dean of the School in the form of a list of students with the indication of educational programs, last names, first names, patronymics (if any) of students.

1. The University creates conditions for the representation of students of all levels of education (technical and professional education, bachelor's degree, master's degree, residency, doctoral studies) in advisory bodies for their participation in determining the Mission of the organization of education, development, management and evaluation of educational programs, and other issues affecting the interests of students.

2. The University creates conditions for the development of student self-governance, including through the organization of student associations and clubs. Student self-governance contributes to the formation of conscious, responsible attitude of students to the opportunities and prospects of their professional, cultural and moral self-organization. The structure and functions of student self-governance are regulated by the Regulations.

3. Student self-government bodies participate in the formation of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, and their activities are aimed at consolidating the student community to accomplish the Mission of the University, to achieve high quality training of students on the principles of academic integrity and social responsibility of students.

4. Youth department affairs on the basis of the Plan of educational activity of the University jointly with students and structural divisions of the University determines the main areas for professional, civil and creative development of the students:

1) forming and developing active civic stance, New Kazakhstan patriotism, social responsibility, high spiritual-moral and legal culture among students;

2) forming anti-corruption culture and compliance with the principles of academic integrity;

3) forming professional competences ensuring sustainable personal development in a competitive environment;

4) development of aesthetic and moral qualities of a future specialist's personality, skills of teamwork;

5) forming communicative and corporate culture;

6) skill development of healthy lifestyle, developing personal qualities contributing to the fulfillment of professional duty;

7) development of socio-political qualities to resist the ideas of terrorism and extremism;

8) development of the volunteer movement;

9) development of scientific and innovative potential of students;

10) environmental education, and etc.