Rules of admission to the NCJSC “KMU”, students’ progress, acceptance and certification

Rules of admission

1. Rules of admission to the NCJSC “KMU” are regulated by the Admission Policy of students to the NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University”.

Students’ progress

2. The main types of monitoring related to the educational process are monitoring the quality of admission, monitoring the current academic performance of students, monitoring the residual knowledge of students, progressive training of students, monitoring the quality of graduation of students, monitoring the quality of the organization of the educational process, monitoring the quality of teaching disciplines, monitoring student satisfaction with the quality of services provided, employers – the level of graduate training, teachers – the management system and working conditions.

3. Monitoring of the quality of admission involves the assessment of the preparedness of applicants admitted to the educational program. Monitoring of the quality of admission is carried out within the framework of analyzing the results of entrance tests of applicants. The analysis should include an assessment of the quality of mastering the examination material, dynamics in the context of previous years of admission. The results of the analysis are the source for assessing the academic progress of students of a particular admission.

4. Monitoring of current academic performance is carried out in the framework of analyzing the results of exams and practical skills of students. The analysis should contain an assessment of the academic progress of exams, including the dynamics of growth of absolute performance and quality of knowledge of students in the context of educational programs, examination disciplines.

5. Monitoring the achievements of the students of learning outcomes involves the effectiveness evaluation of current monitoring of the achievements of the students. Analysis of the achievement of learning outcomes is carried out through progressive testing and involves the assessment of academic progress of students, who in the process of training should confirm the theoretical knowledge obtained. The analysis should contain a comparative assessment of the results of progressive testing and the results of independent examination, critical performance gaps and identify typical reasons for the decrease or insufficient growth of the student's mastery of some learning outcomes.

6. Graduation quality monitoring involves the evaluation of the effectiveness of monitoring the progress of students at different stages of their studies at the university. Graduation quality monitoring is carried out within the framework of analyzing the results of final examinations and defense of graduation papers. The analysis should include the assessment of the general academic picture of the academic performance of the students in the final year and the level of theoretical training of potential specialists.

7. Progressive testing of students is a mechanism for assessing the degree of assimilation of the educational program and individual development of students throughout the entire period of study. This methodology is used annually for undergraduate students starting from the second year and up to the end of their studies, including 150 questions covering knowledge and competencies in general education, basic and specialized disciplines of each program. The test results are analyzed and further discussed at school board meetings in order to comprehensively assess the effectiveness and quality of students' learning programs. The established minimum thresholds for passing progressive testing at various stages of undergraduate studies — 25% in the second year and 60% in the final year — reflect the requirements for a satisfactory level of development of the educational program. These criteria assume that the student's progress should be evenly distributed throughout the entire period of study, ensuring a gradual and systematic deepening of knowledge and skills. 

Certification of students (rules for issuing documents on education).

8. The basis for issuing to students who have passed the final certification, a diploma of technical and vocational education, a diploma of post-secondary education, a diploma of higher education with the award of a bachelor's degree, a diploma of higher education with the award of qualifications, a diploma of postgraduate education with the award of a master's degree is the decision of the attestation commission. The basis for issuing certificates of completion of an internship or residency is the decision of the attestation commission. The basis for issuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) diploma to persons who have defended their dissertations in dissertation councils at educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education in the field of healthcare, who do not have a special status, is the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on awarding the degree of doctor philosophy (PhD), doctors in the profile.

9. A graduate who has passed the final examination and confirmed the mastering of the educational program of higher or postgraduate education, the degree of “bachelor” or “master” is awarded by the decision of the Attestation Commission, or awarded the qualification in the relevant educational program, and is issued on a free basis a diploma with a supplement.

In the supplement to the diploma (transcript) the recent assessments on the point-rating letter rating system for all academic disciplines, completed coursework/term paper (projects), research or experimental research work, types of professional practice/internship, final examination with indication of their volume in academic credits and hours are indicated.

10. A graduate of an educational program of higher education who passed examinations with grades A, A- “excellent”, B-, B, B+, C+ “good” and has an average grade point average (GPA) not lower than 3.5 (excluding grades on additional types of training), as well as who passed a comprehensive exam or defended a thesis (project) with grades A, A- “excellent” is awarded a diploma with honors. If there is a retake or re-passing the final control during the entire period of study, the diploma with honors is not issued.

The students of technical and professional education, who mastered and passed the educational program with “excellent” assessments not less than 75 percent of credits and exams on academic disciplines and (or) modules, term projects (papers), reports on the practice of the curriculum, and for the remaining – with “good” assessments, and who passed exams with “excellent” assessments, are awarded a diploma with honors by the decision of the final attestation commission of the organization of education.

In case if the number of diplomas with honors exceeds 5%, the Academic Committee of the Senate will conduct a critical analysis with a report to the Senate meeting.

11. The University issues a common European supplement to diploma to the graduate in English, on request, free of charge. The supplement to diploma provides the data on the holder of the diploma, the qualification obtained, the qualification level, the content of the curriculum, the results, the functional purpose of the qualification, as well as information about the national education system.

1. The Rules for recognition of formal and non-formal education outcomes at the NCJSC “KMU” are developed in accordance with the Rules for Recognition of learning outcomes and the Rules for Recognition of learning outcomes obtained by healthcare professionals. Recognition of the outcomes of previous levels of education is carried out upon admission, or upon transfer from other organizations of higher and postgraduate education, or upon reinstatement. Documents confirming the achieved learning outcomes are: diploma with a supplement, transcript of a student, certificate of completion of training.

2. The learning outcomes of formal and non-formal education that are available for recognition are considered to be knowledge, skills and competences:

1) acquired through prior technical and professional, post-secondary or higher education;

2) acquired within the academic mobility;

3) the studied disciplines upon transfer and reinstatement of students to the same or another educational discipline;

4) on the disciplines of the organized educational activities cycle studied in “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, “Bilim-Innovation” boarding schools;

5) foreign language skills acquired through international assessment systems;

6) acquired through popular open online courses from the world's leading higher education institutions;

7) acquired through professional qualification and retraining courses.

3. To recognize the outcomes of non-formal education, a commission is created, comprising the Dean of the School, the Associate Dean for Academic Work, a specialist of the school, the head of the educational program and experts of the relevant profile from among the faculty. The Commission Chairman is selected by voting and a secretary is appointed.

4. The decision of the Commission is made by a majority of votes of the total number of those participating in the meeting of the Commission. The decision of the Commission is drawn up in a protocol.

5. The Commission, based on a written statement of the applicant, compares the learning outcomes of disciplines passed by the student at the previous stage with the learning outcomes of the declared educational program, if necessary, conducts interviews to determine the degree of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student, and determines the disciplines, the learning outcomes of which can be recognized.

The Commission recognizes previously mastered learning outcomes in the academic disciplines of the OOD cycle to persons studying in abbreviated educational programs based on technical and vocational, post-secondary or higher education. At the same time, persons enrolled in reduced educational programs based on technical and vocational, post-secondary education study the discipline "History of Kazakhstan".

6. Positive assessments obtained at previous levels are recognized taking into account the achieved learning outcomes, the name of the discipline, forms of control.

7. In case of a request for recognition of the results of the discipline “The History of Kazakhstan”, the final control of which is the state examination, the applicant, at compliance with the achieved learning outcomes, has the right to be admitted directly to the final control.

8. The Commission's responsibilities include the procedure for verifying the authenticity of the submitted documents: the presence of degrees of protection (watermarks, ultraviolet protection), verification of the online course certificate through the student's personal account, verification directly through the founders (for example, for IELTS IDP: IELTS Australia or British Council).

9. The Commission recognizes the learning outcomes mastered in non-formal and formal education with a grade according to assessment system of educational achievements of the students. If the final control assessment is indicated as “credit” in the transcript, its percentage is determined in accordance with the table below:

IELTS certificate scores are converted into grades as follows:

10. Students with an overall IELTS score of 4.0 or above may qualify for a recalculation of scores followed by an alternative:

1) exemption from “Foreign Language” classes;

2) аttendance of “Foreign Language” classes in order to move to the next level;

3) аttendance of classes on “Professional Oriented Foreign Language”;

4) attendance of “Second Foreign Language” classes.

11. The student, in order to increase the assessment on the discipline, has the right to refuse to recognize the learning outcomes of the discipline, in that case, he/she completes that discipline and passes the final control on it.

12. An extract from the protocol of the Commission's meeting on the recognition of learning outcomes and the credit transfer table for each student is transferred by the secretary of the Commission to the Office of the Registrar’s block within three days of the meeting for the disciplines to be entered on the transcripts.

1. Rules for transfer and reinstatement of students of technical and professional education are carried out in accordance with the Rules of provision of public services in the field of technical and professional, post-secondary education.

2. Rules for transfer and reinstatement of students of higher and postgraduate education are developed in accordance with the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and determine the procedure of transfer and reinstatement of students of these levels of education.

3. Transfer and reinstatement of students is carried out from one educational organization to another, from one form of education to another, from one language department to another, from one educational program to another, from course to course. Transfer and reinstatement of students is carried out during summer and winter breaks.

4. The student is transferred, or the applicant is restored after expulsion, if they have fully completed the first academic period of the program being mastered, according to the individual curriculum.

The applicant is reinstated to any educational organization, regardless of the time of expulsion, while those who were expelled for academic failure can be reinstated to the educational programs of the NCJSC “KMU” no more than twice.

An educational grant student can transfer to another educational organization while retaining the educational grant. Transfer to a national university is subject to additional payment by students of the difference in the cost of an educational grant.

5. Transfer of a student from the paid basis of training to training on the state educational order is carried out in accordance approved under with subparagraph 5) of the Article 4 of the Law “On Education”, the Rules of awarding educational grants to cover higher or postgraduate education with the award of the degree of “bachelor” or “master”, the Rules of awarding vacant educational grants of the Academic Policy of the NCJSC “KMU”.

6. The transfer of a student from one educational program to another is carried out if there is a certificate of Unified National Testing (UNT) with a score not lower than the required threshold score according to the Model Regulations approved in accordance with subparagraph 11) of Article 5 of the Law “On Education”.

7. The reinstatement of individuals who were expelled earlier as not having reached the threshold of UNT before the end of the academic year is possible if they have a valid UNT certificate with a result not lower than the threshold score established by the Model Rules for Admission for the course to which they are reinstated.

8. When transferring and restoring, the School takes into account the direction of training and the profile of the educational program, the number of vacancies, the language of instruction, the student's academic achievements (GPA for the entire period of study), as well as cases of violation of academic integrity by students. Persons permanently residing in the regions assigned to the NAO "MUK" for training personnel with higher and postgraduate medical education have a preferential right: Karaganda, Kostanay, Ulytau and Kyzylorda regions.

The number of vacant places of the school / faculty / institute is determined based on the personnel and material and technical resources of the contingent of students. Information on the number of places for transfer and restoration is posted on the university's website until August 1 and a week before the start of winter holidays.

The GPA for the entire period of study should be:

Educational program

Bachelor's Degree and Continuing Integrated Medical Education Program

Residencies EP

For applicants from the NCJSC “KMU”



For applicants from other OHPE (Language of education – Kazakh, Russian)



For applicants from other OHPE (Language of education – English)



9. Individuals expelled by the results of the final examination for unsatisfactory evaluation can pass the final examination in the next academic year based on the application to the Chairman of the Board – Rector. Repeated final examination is carried out on a paid basis, payment is made in accordance with the number of credits of final examination according to the working curriculum.

10. Students studying on a paid basis, expelled during the term for non-payment of tuition, in case of debt repayment are reinstated within 10 working days after the day of expulsion, the University reinstates the student upon presentation of a document on the debt repayment, within three working days.

11. In case of the transfer of the student to another educational organization or from one educational program to another, the individual contract on provision of educational services with the educational organization should be changed or terminated.

12. Reception of documents for transfer and reinstatement at the University is carried out by the Student Service Center during the winter break – within five working days before the beginning of the next academic period according to the academic calendar and during the summer break – from August 1 to 10, for resident doctors – from August 1 to 10 of the current year.

13. During the transfer, reinstatement, as well as training within academic mobility, the achieved learning outcomes, positive assessments of the student are recognized with the transfer of academic credits from one educational program to another, from one educational organization to another.

14. The academic difference is determined by the School of the corresponding specialization of the educational program the following ways:

1) on the total number of credits mastered by the student in general education, basic and major disciplines;

2) on the compulsory component of the organized educational activities cycle: by the name of the discipline and the number of credits; in case of differences in the mandatory component of the organized educational activities cycle, the transfer of disciplines is carried out by the content of the discipline;

3) on the university component: by the list of prerequisites and the total number of mastered credits; in case of the mismatch of the disciplines’ name, the difference is determined by the content of the discipline, taking into account the prerequisites of the discipline and the formed learning outcomes of the educational program;

4) for the component of choice, the difference is not determined, the number of mastered credits is counted.

15. At the transfer of disciplines of the educational program two options of forming of an individual curriculum of the student are possible:

1) with a high volume of credits – total credits including the academic difference in the current academic year must not exceed 72 credits (total credits in the academic year are 60 credits and the academic difference is 12 credits);

2) with a lower volume – the volume of credits for study in the current academic year, taking into account the academic difference should be at least 25 credits (or at least 13 credits per term in case of reinstatement/transfer during the winter break), while the total number of transferred credits and credits for study in the current academic year/term should be 60 or 30 credits, respectively.

16. The deadline for the elimination of the academic difference in the disciplines “Kazakh/Russian language” and “Modern History of Kazakhstan” at the transfer or reinstatement of a student from a foreign educational organization can be determined by the duration of up to 2 (two) courses, including in the summer term. Provided that the passing of the “Modern History of Kazakhstan” discipline in the summer term, the student must pass the state examination during the period of work of the State Examination Commission.

17. The transfer of a student to the next course is carried out on condition that he/she fully meets the requirements of the individual curriculum.

18. A student who has an academic debt of no more than 12 credits:

1) according to the results of the winter intermediate certification, eliminates the debts in the spring term before the beginning of summer intermediate certification on a paid basis;

2) according to the results of the summer intermediate certification, eliminates the debts in the summer term on a paid basis and is transferred to the next course only after the elimination of academic debts.

A student who has not eliminated the academic debt in the specified period in case of re-passing the discipline-pre-requisite, is expelled from the University from among the students for academic failure. In case when the discipline of academic debt is not a prerequisite, this discipline must be passed again until the end of the current academic year, including the summer term.

19. A student who has an academic debt of more than 12 credits according to the results of winter or summer intermediate certification is expelled from the University for academic failure.

20. A student who has not fulfilled the requirements of the individual curriculum, taking into account the results of the summer term, is expelled for academic failure.

21. Individuals with a bachelor's degree in the “General Medicine”, “Dentistry” and “Pediatrics” educational programs are transferred to the internship. The basis for transfer is the decision of the Attestation Commission.

22. Final year students and residents with academic debts are expelled from the University for academic failure.

23. A student can be expelled from the University in the following cases:

1) for academic failure:

- academic debts on the disciplines-pre-requisites;

- unsatisfactory evaluation at final examination;

- аcademic debt of more than 12 credits in bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies;

- academic debt in the residency program;

2) for violating the principles of academic integrity, including:

- in case of submission by the student of false documents or deliberately false information related to his/her enrollment and/or studying at the University,

- in case of the student's actions that caused the damage to the business reputation and credibility of the University;

3) for violation of the Internal Regulations and the Charter of the University, including:

- as failing to start classes in accordance with the approved dates;

- for absenteeism from academic leave;

- for a single gross neglect of duties by a student, provided by the Charter of the University, the Rules of Labor (Internal) Order and the Rules of accommodation in the dormitory;

- for systematic violation of the duties provided by the Charter of the University, the Rules of Labor (Internal) Order and the Rules of Internal Order in the dormitories, if the violator has previously been applied measures to disciplinary actions;

- for violation of the terms of the contract on the provision of educational services, including for non-payment of tuition fees;

4) voluntarily, including in connection with transfer to another organization of higher and postgraduate education;

5) on other grounds provided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including:

- in connection with the death, as well as in case of recognition by a court decision as missing or deceased;

- in case of entering into legal force of a court verdict, according to which the student is imprisoned or convicted, eliminating the possibility of continuing education.

24. The package of documents to be submitted to the Student Service Center upon transfer or reinstatement:

1) identification document (copy with notarized translation – for foreign citizens);

2) document on education (original – for foreign educational organizations, copy – for domestic organization of higher and postgraduate education);

3) certificate of recognition of document on education (original – for foreign educational organizations);

4) transcript (original – for foreign educational organizations, copy – for domestic organization of higher and postgraduate education);

5) the result of the entrance examination (original – for foreign educational organizations, copy of the UNT certificate – for domestic organization of higher and postgraduate education);

6) the result of a special examination (for “General Medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Nursing”, “Pediatrics” educational programs)

7) portfolio (for residency educational programs);

8) copies of orders for calculating scholarships according to the results of winter and summer intermediate certification of the current academic year (for students studying under the grant);

9) In cases of providing an incomplete set of documents and (or) expired documents, the Student Service Center refuses to accept documents.

1. Rules for granting academic leave to students are developed in accordance with the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the Model Regulations of activity of educational organizations of corresponding types, the Rules for granting academic leave to students in organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education, the Rules of Labor (Internal) Order of the NCJSC “KMU” and determine the order for granting academic leave to students.

2. Academic leave for students of technical and professional education is granted in accordance with the Rules for granting academic leave to students in organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education.

Academic leave for students of technical and professional education, higher education and postgraduate education is granted to:

1) due to illness, lasting from 6 to 12 months, on the basis of the conclusion of the medical advisory commission at the in-patient department or outpatient polyclinic organization (hereinafter referred to as CMAC) according to the form No. 026/u, approved by the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) in case of tuberculosis disease, lasting no more than 36 months, based on the conclusion of the Central Medical Advisory Commission (hereinafter – CMAC) according to the form No. 026/u, approved by the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) in case of conscription for military service on the basis of a notice for conscription for military service in the form according to the Rules of military registration of persons liable for military service and conscriptions;

4) on child care until the age of three years on the basis of a birth certificate.

3. To apply for academic leave, a student (or his/her legal representative) submits an application to the Chairman of the Board – Rector, the original and a copy of the document, which is the basis for granting academic leave (the conclusion of the CMAC, or conscription for military service, or birth certificate) to the Digitalization Department.

4. If a full package of documents with unexpired term is submitted, after signing the application by the Chairman of the Board – Rector within three working days the order to grant academic leave to the student is issued.

5. In cases of providing an incomplete package of documents and (or) documents with expired validity by the students, the Digitalization Department refuses to accept documents.

6. Upon returning from the academic leave, the student submits an application to the Chairman of the Board – Rector and provides an original and a copy of the following documents:

1) when a student is on academic leave of absence due to illness – conclusion of CMAC with a conclusion on the possibility of continuing training in this specialty/educational program, according to the form No. 026/u, approved by the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) when a student is on academic leave in connection with the conscription for military service – a military ID in the form according to the Rules of military registration of persons liable for military service and conscriptions;

3) when a student is on academic leave on child care until the age of three years – birth certificate.

7. Upon returning from academic leave, the student continues his/her education on the same educational program, from the same course (and the academic period), from which he/she arranged this leave. For a student of technical and professional education in the absence of the relevant group of courses and specialties, it is possible to continue training in another organization.

8. The dean of the specialized school/faculty determines the academic difference, and if during the academic leave there were changes in the content of the educational program, the student together with the adviser and / or the dean / associate dean of the school / faculty prepare an individual curriculum in such a way that it allows to resume learning from the academic period that was interrupted by the academic leave. The individual curriculum of the student, indicating the disciplines of the academic difference, is approved by the dean of the specialized school/faculty in coordination with the block of the Office of the Registrar of the Department of Academic Work.

9. After signing the application by the Chairman of the Board – Rector within three working days the order on the student's return from the academic leave, indicating the specialty/educational program, form of education, course and group is issued.

10. The Department of Economics and Finance sends a copy of the order on the academic leave of the student on the state educational grant/ to the authorized agency by the 5th day of the following month for adjustment of the corresponding amount and financing terms of this program.

11. Students who have returned from academic leave, the appointment and payment of state scholarship is carried out in the established order in accordance with the Regulations.

12. If the date of leaving from the academic leave does not coincide with the beginning of the academic period, the student alongside with current training sessions completes study assignments on an individual schedule, passes all types of current control provided by the individual curriculum, and gains admission to intermediate certification in this academic period; or enrolls in the summer term on the disciplines of the academic difference.

13. 9) In cases of providing an incomplete set of documents and (or) expired documents, the Student Service Center refuses to accept documents.13 If a student who is on academic leave for health reasons continues to be ill, but the term of the granted academic leave ends, he must apply for an extension of academic leave due to illness. To do this, the student (or his legal representative) submits to the DSC an application addressed to the Chairman of the Board-Rector and a new conclusion of the IQC or CMAC.

14. If a student, who returned from the academic leave, in the process of resumption of studies became ill again or there was a relapse of the disease that served as the basis for the academic leave, he/she must undergo a re-examination and provide a conclusion of the CMAC about the need for resumption of treatment and a new need for academic leave.

15. A student who has not returned from an academic leave upon its completion is subject to expulsion within five (5) working days from the date of completion of the academic leave.