Public information

1) NCJSC “KMU” posts information on its activities, including the implementation of educational programs. The information provided to the public is clear, accurate, objective, relevant and accessible. It is provided promptly and completely.

2) Information policy of the University is implemented by the Public Relations Service ((hereinafter - Service) through interaction with all structural divisions of the University. For this priorities for information policy are determined, plans are created for its implementation using all available information sources, to cover all categories of students, applicants, graduates, employees and teachers.

3) Information is provided on the activities of the University, proposed programs and admission criteria, expected learning outcomes of these programs, qualifications, teaching, studying, assessment procedures with the indication of the passing scores, learning opportunities offered to students, and information on the employment of graduates

4) The Service provides public information on their activities through the media, official web-site, official accounts of the NCJSC “KMU” on social media, in accordance with the Rules of Informed Content of Internet Resources of the NCJSC “KMU”.

5) The Service monitors publications, comments on social media, regional and republican media to form a unified information policy of the University and providing credible information regarding the University's activities