Policy in quality assurance of the educational process

1) The Policy in quality assurance of the educational process of the University complies with international approaches to quality assurance in higher education, including the requirements of “The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)”, Rules and Standards of the ALE “Association of Medical Education and Science “Kazakhstan Medical Council”, as well as the national policy of educational activities in healthcare.

2) The Policy and internal quality assurance and standards are the basis of a logically arranged and consistent internal quality assurance system of the University. The system is a cycle of continuous improvement and supports the development of the culture of quality at all levels of the functioning of the educational process of the University.

3) The Policy in quality of the educational process has the following goals:

  1. determines the general structure of the internal system for ensuring the quality of education;
  2. contributes to ensuring and improving the quality of education;
  3. maintains mutual trust and promotes the recognition of learning outcomes and mobility of students outside the national education system;
  4. ensures academic integrity and freedom;
  5. protection from any kind of intolerance or discrimination against students or employees;
  6. participates with external stakeholders in quality assurance processes.
4) The Policy in quality assurance of the educational process determines the direction of the Policy focus in quality, reflects the connection between research, teaching and learning, taking into account the national and institutional context, the requirements of international standards and criteria, is consistent with the Mission of the University.

5) The Рolicy in quality assurance of the educational process was developed within the framework of the Quality Management System of the NCJSC “KMU” (ISO 9001:2015).

6) The University implements educational programs for training staff at the following levels of the national education system: technical and professional education, post-secondary education, bachelor’s degree, internship, master's degree, residency, doctoral studies, additional education, in accordance with the qualification requirements of the Dublin descriptors, European and National Qualifications Framework, implements the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

7) The objectives of the Policy in quality assurance of the educational process of the NCJSC “KMU” are:

  1. creating an environment for university students for the development of professional and personal qualities, civic position and patriotism, creativity;
  2. integration of education, science and practice, in order to ensure the quality of education;
  3. creation of an efficient personnel policy;
  4. organization of student-centered learning;
  5. ensuring the principle of openness and transparency of the educational process, promoting the adoption and strengthening of measures aimed at efficient combating corruption and maintaining academic integrity;
  6. passing the external quality assurance.
8) Ways to implement the Policy in quality assurance of the educational process:

  1. improvement of educational programs (EP), risk management in the development and updating of EP;
  2. expansion of practice bases;
  3. building up the material and technical base to improve the educational process;
  4. the use of new technologies to improve the effectiveness of training;
  5. improvement of the system of involving students in the development and evaluation of the quality of educational programs;
  6. internationalization of education through the expansion of international relations in order to integrate international experience into the education system;
  7. building a system to prevent corruption, introducing mechanisms to eradicate plagiarism and ensure the uniqueness of scientific, theoretical and practical developments and learning outcomes of students, master students, doctoral students, interns and residents, students of additional education;
  8. prevention of any form of intolerance and discrimination against students or University staff;
  9. introduction of recognition and consideration of the diversification of students and their needs, providing opportunities for the implementation of flexible learning paths;
  10. introduction of a student-centered approach in learning;
  11. ensuring the possibility of individualizing the training of students and the most favorable conditions for mastering the educational program, as well as getting a qualification (degree) upon completion of training in full compliance with educational and professional standards, Kazakhstani and international requirements;
  12. implementation of the interaction between teaching, scientific and clinical research and training;
  13. regular assessment of the degree of satisfaction of students with the quality of education, administrative and economic conditions, the level of teaching, the organization of practices/internships; the degree of satisfaction of the faculty members and employees with working conditions, the level of satisfaction of employers with the quality of training of University graduates;
  14. creation of an efficient and transparent system for assessing the achievements of students;
  15. using an external system for assessing the quality of educational programs: accreditation of educational programs, confirming the compliance of the quality of implementation and content of educational programs with international requirements, participation in ratings;
  16. implementation of a systematic approach in educational work, the development of student self-government;
  17. introduction and implementation of multilingual education.
9) The Management of the University commits to form the culture of quality and its effective implementation of the Policy in quality assurance of the educational process.

10) The Policy in quality assurance of the educational process is implemented at all levels of management and can be analyzed and revised if necessary.