Information Management Policy

1) The University defines procedures for collecting, analyzing and using relevant information for effective management of educational programs and other areas of its activities.

2) The University ensures measurability, reliability, accuracy, timeliness and completeness of information.

3) To evaluate the quality assurance system, the University organizes the collection and analysis of information by the following methods:
  1. defining the requirements of stakeholders to the performance;
  2. assessment of satisfaction of stakeholders with the University's educational services;
  3. analyzing the external and internal environment of the University.
4) Global analysis of the University's external and internal environment is carried out as part of the development and updating of the University's strategic documents and includes the analysis of educational development and external challenges, research of the main groups of customers and competitors, determining the characteristics of the labor market and educational services, analysis of the current state of the University, its strong and weak point, internal and external risks.

5) The Department of Academic Work's block of registration the student enrollment conducts the collection, monitoring, analysis, and sharing of information, as well as the statistics and reference reporting on student enrollment and the development of orders on the movement of student enrollment.

6) The Department of Academic Work's registrar's office block is in charge of preparing summary examination sheets, a list of debtors, and an electronic archive of exam reports, which are used to analyze exam results and make decisions on how to improve the educational process.

7) Analysis and monitoring of the employment process, as well as the forming a database on employment and career development of the alumni is carried out by dean's offices/schools.

8) The requirements and expectations of the stakeholders are determined by analyzing external regulatory documentation in education, the results of feedback from joint activities (practices, seminars, meetings, joint projects, etc.), survey results. The main sources for determining the requirements and expectations of the stakeholders should be in the strategic documents of the University.

9) Sociological methods are used in the consumer monitoring process to enable reliable measurement of expected quality and existing satisfaction: document analysis, interviews with educational process participants, mass and expert surveys, questionnaires.

10) The University assures the use of relevant information exchange methods between different levels of management, structural divisions, faculty members, and students on issues related to ensuring educational quality. Maintenance of the website and its information systems, functioning of corporate e-mail, and reporting during meetings/sessions are examples of such processes.

11) The structure and volume of information, sources, frequency, time interval, responsible persons for reliability and timeliness are determined by internal regulatory documentation.

12) Information security is ensured by definite distribution of roles and functions in the information systems used, antivirus programs, system administration of servers, backup system on servers, restriction of access of individuals to the premises with servers, technical equipment of premises with servers to ensure the job security.

13) In order to prevent unauthorized access to the online resources of the University, periodic monitoring of the state of services responsible for the efficiency of service, restrictions for user access to the resource and to the network OS are introduced.

14) All students, employees and faculty members of the University, according to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and Their Protection”, draw up agreements for the processing of their personal data.