Educational resources and student support system

1. The implementation and provision of academic, pedagogical and psychological support of students at the University is carried out through the system of academic advising (adviser service, supervision, tutorship and mentoring), the activities of which are regulated by this Academic Policy of the University and the Regulations on Academic Advising.
2. Academic advisors (advisers, supervisors, mentors) are appointed by the Dean of the School/Faculty for each academic year from among faculty members with professional experience and teaching experience at the University.
3. Academic advising is carried out during the entire period of study in the context of implementation of individually focused educational process and is one of the main forms of support for students in mastering the relevant educational programs.
4. Academic advisor:
1) represents the academic interests of students, participates in the preparation of necessary information materials on organizing the educational, upbringing, clinical process;
2) provides students with information materials on professional educational programs implemented at the University, on the organization of individually focused educational process;
3) assists in the forming an individual educational path by assisting in the preparation and adjustment of individual curricula;
4) monitors the preparation and availability of all methodological materials necessary for studying in this field of study, participates in the preparation of working curricula for the academic year;
5) advises students on the formation and implementation of individual curricula, supervising future career issues, determining areas of research, choosing a scientific adviser, the topic of graduation work, determining the framework of professional practice, which provides for academic advising on a regular basis during the academic year;
6) takes part in the work of various commissions that consider issues of students' academic achievement and academic status;
7) takes part in the development of regulatory and institutional materials regulating the activities of students.
5. Information about the work of the academic advisor is open and published on the University’s website on the page of the academic advisor (adviser, supervisor, tutor, mentor)

1. General terms

1. To ensure the quality of the educational process, the NCJSC “KMU” has sufficient and relevant resources for each implemented educational program. Capability of the NCJSC “KMU” with material and technical, information and communication resources, resources for clinical training and scientific research is a prerequisite for the implementation of educational activities. When planning and designing educational programs NCJSC “KMU” audits and monitors educational resources. Students have access to all material resources of study, which include: library, laboratories, classrooms, scientific testing laboratories, technical means of education, sports facilities, canteens, cafeterias and other resources used in the educational process.

2. The library fund is an integral part of information resources. The NCJSC “KMU” provides students with free access to library funds, information databases, including international sources, posted in e-libraries.

3. High-tech information and educational environment, including a website, information and educational portal, automated system to ensure credit technology of education, a set of information and educational resources are formed and are constantly being improved in the NCJSC “KMU”.

4. To ensure practical training of students, the NCJSC “KMU” has clinical bases, including its own.

5. To ensure the mobility of students and faculty members within the framework of educational programs, the NCJSC “KMU” has strong well-established partnerships with scientific organizations and educational organizations, including foreign ones.

6. For the implementation of postgraduate education programs, as a prerequisite, the NCJSC “KMU” has relevant research programs and projects in accordance with the scientific priorities in the study area.

7. Procedures of planning, provision of educational resources are determined by the NCJSC “KMU” independently, based on the analysis of the needs of educational programs.

2. Planning and recording the activity of the faculty members (planning of study load, calculation of hours, monitoring of study load fulfillment)

8. The following types of academic work are established at the University:

1) lectures;

2) seminars;

3) practical classes;

4) laboratory works;

5) student’s independent work;

6) student’s independent work under the teacher's supervision;

7) practice/internship (educational, introductory, pedagogical, field, professional, work, pre-diploma and etc.);

8) master’s thesis;

9) doctoral thesis;

10) monitoring activities (intermediate, academic and final certification, including advising).

9. Time standards by types of academic work are developed by the NCJSC “KMU” independently and are revised annually (annexes 1, 2, 3, 4).

10. Planning of teaching load of faculty members is made for the academic year. Study load is calculated for each discipline, with a split by types of classes (lectures, practical classes, SIWT, laboratory works, etc.), as well as for all types of work - supervision of diploma projects (works), practices, etc. Lectures are scheduled for professors, associate professors and assistant professors. The University may involve experienced professionals, practitioners of the relevant field of activity to give lectures. Seminars, practical classes and laboratory works can be conducted by professors and assistants. When calculating the load, it is based on the estimated planned number of students, the occupancy of batches for each type of classes and the draft schedule at the time of calculating the load. The planned calculation of teaching load of faculty members for the next academic year is made in May of each year. By August 25, the correction is performed, taking into account the enrollment of the 1st year students of all educational programs, as well as possible changes in other parameters. The calculation of the academic load of the faculty members is approved by the Vice Rector for Academic Work in August of each year. On the basis of the planned volume of academic load, the approved number of the faculty members and time norms of the annual academic load, heads of departments and heads of schools, in coordination with the Vice Rector for Academic Work, determine the specific amount of the academic load for each teacher for the coming year, taking into account the level of qualification and specialization of the teacher.

11. The teachers fill out an individual plan in AIS "Platon". The order of filling is regulated by the "Regulation on the individual work plan of the teacher of the NCJSC “KMU”.

12. Excluded (the Senate protocol No. 6 of 19/01/2023).

1. The organization of the educational process on distance learning technologies (DLT) in the NCJSC “KMU” is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the Model Regulations of activity of educational organizations of corresponding types, the Order of the Minister “On approval of requirements for educational organizations to provide distance learning and regulations of organization of educational process on distance learning”.

2. Students from the category of individuals in respect of whom the DLT can be applied, and who have expressed their wish to study using DLT, submit an application in an arbitrary form to the Chairman of the Board – Rector for permission to study using DLT, on the basis of which an order is issued. The University provides the student with an individual curriculum and schedule of mastering the educational program, developed on the basis of the working curriculum.

3. When implementing educational programs or parts thereof using DLT, the University:

1) creates conditions for the functioning of the educational web portal of the information educational environment, ensuring the acquisition by students of educational programs or parts thereof in full, regardless of the location of students;

2) defines the procedure for providing educational and methodological support of the educational process, including in the form of individual consultations provided remotely using information and telecommunication technologies;

3) determines the ratio of the volume of classes conducted through direct interaction between the teacher and the student and classes using DLT;

4) provides access to students to the information system, in which there are all educational, reference and methodological material, testing system, to electronic resources and sources;

5) makes management decisions in the event of circumstances that do not depend on the actions of the participants of the educational process.

4. When teaching persons with special educational needs using DLT, information is received and transmitted in forms accessible to them.

5. The structural division responsible for organizing the educational process using DLT is the school, which implements the relevant EP.

6. Preparation of digital educational resources is carried out by their developers in accordance with the educational program and includes: digital learning materials, electronic educational platforms.

7. No more than twenty percent of the total of academic hours/credits of educational programs of Bachelor's degree (shortened form) and Master's degree (specialized direction) can be transferred to the distance learning format.

8. The list of disciplines and (or) modules, permissible for distance learning of technical and professional, post-secondary education, organizations of higher and postgraduate students is determined by the schools of the NCJSC “KMU” independently and approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector.

1. These rules determine how to organize and conduct professional practice for students in technical and professional, higher and postgraduate education. They are based on the State Compulsory Education Standards, State Compulsory Standards, and standard professional training programs for medical and pharmaceutical specialties. They also include rules for organizing the educational process in credit technology of education, conducting professional practice, and defining enterprises as practice bases for organizations of technical and professional education. They also cover Model Regulations for monitoring progress and for intermediate and final certification of students in technical and professional education organizations, as well as the Rules of Labor (Internal) Order of the NCJSC KMU.

2. Academic calendars, professional practice programs, working curricula for specializations and educational programs, and individual curriculum of students all determine the periods, duration, and terms of practice. It is acceptable to introduce professional practice into the educational process both concurrently with and apart from the academic period.

3. The practice's content is determined by professional practice programs that follow educational programs. In order to conduct professional practice, schools/faculties in coordination with enterprises (organizations) approve programs and schedules of practice.

4. Planning’s fundamental components are:

1) Professional practice program;

2) The practice/internship schedule;

3) The Dean’s (for higher and postgraduate education) or the Chairman of the Board-Rector’s (for technical and professional education) order regarding the practice;

4) The practice’s agreement.

5. The order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector (for technical and professional education) or Dean's order (for higher and postgraduate education) with the indication of the term, the base, and the head of the practice serves as the foundation for students to have practical training.

6. The department and school/faculty that train specialists in a specific specialty/educational program are responsible for assigning training practice.

7. Students are assigned supervisors from the University and the enterprise (organization). Advisers are appointed when needed.

8. Educational practice is carried out in training and production and training workshops, educational and auxiliary teaching facilities, as well as at the departments, in healthcare and education organizations, labs, pharmacies, and other bases, depending on the specialty or educational program. Professional practice is carried out in enterprises (organizations) in locations that fit the specialty/educational program specialization, provided by employers on the basis of an agreement, and the goal is the development of professional competencies.

9. Students have the opportunity to participate in practice based on agreements reached with organizations, including international partners, as part of the implementation of academic mobility.

10. The practice bases are determined by enterprises (organizations) whose statutory activities line up with the requirements of the educational program and the specialization of training specialists. These organizations are equipped with high-quality technical equipment and qualified personnel for supervising professional practice. The list of enterprises (organizations) for technical and professional education is gathered from the student’s list of enterprises (organizations) or from the list of accredited associations and industry associations that are listed

in the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan's “Atameken” register of certification centers of specialists.

11. The head of the practice from the University assigns the practice basis two months in advance, working with the students. The student may alter the practice base up to one month prior to the practice by submitting an application outlining their inability to practice on the previously assigned base. The student's illness, family-related circumstances, or other objective explanations supported by necessary documents may be the reasons. The application is reviewed by the Dean of the School (Faculty), and if the decision is favorable, the distribution of practice bases is adjusted.

12. When students are distributed on the basis of practice, tripartite contracts are concluded between the student, the organization of the practice, and the University, and bilateral contracts are concluded when the professional practice is in the structural divisions of the University. Contracts with organizations that serve as practice bases are concluded no later than one month before the professional practice on the basis of the Standard form of the contract for the conduct of professional practice of students.

13. The distribution of students on the practice bases is provided to the school by the head from the University in the form of a memo with signed contracts attached.

14. The order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector (for technical and professional education) / order of the Dean (for higher and postgraduate education) is issued not later than two weeks before the start of practice on the basis of the signed agreements and distribution of the students on the practice base.

15. 15. A student of a for technical and professional education for professional practice is given a referral and a form of a diary-report on the passage of professional practice, for students of military and air defense – only a form of a diary-report. Before starting the course, students are instructed on the goals, objectives, rules, professional practice program and safe working conditions on the basis of the enterprise (organization).

16. Students submit to the head of the practice from the University a written report in any form on the execution of the program of professional practice and diary-report on the professional practice, which is checked by the head and defended at the department, based on the results of the practice. The diary defense outcomes are graded using the recognized point-rating letter grading system.

17. If one specific practice head is appointed for the practice (often for educational, introductive, field, and so on), it is evaluated based on the results of the defense of the presented report in accordance with the demonstrated knowledge.

18. If two heads/supervisors are appointed for practice (often for work practice, etc.), a final assessment is assigned, taking into account the practice head/ supervisor's assessment from the practice base, which accounts for 40% of the final assessment, and the supervisor's assessment on the defense of the submitted report, which accounts for 60% of the final assessment. After the practice is completed, the head/supervisor responsible for the practice submits the supervisor's report to the dean's office.

19. When summing the outcomes of intermediate certification, the results of professional practice are taken into account. Students who have not completed the practice and/or have not fulfilled the practice program and/or have received negative feedback on their work or received an unsatisfactory assessment are sent to repeat the practice in the following academic year in parallel with theoretical training or during the summer term.

20. During the professional practice, the student must:

1) undergo a medical examination to get admission in the medical card before beginning the practice;

2) get a referral for outside practice at the school;

3) fill out the practice diary in the prescribed form daily during the practice and submit to the head of the practice properly executed journal at the end of the practice;

4) fulfill the practice program conscientiously and responsibly;

5) be responsible for the work performed and its results equally with the staff members;

6) fully complete the practice program, acquire practical skills according to the program and consolidate the material studied at the University;

7) master necessary medical procedures, acquire the skills in medical documentation and emergency care skills;

8) learn the principles of work of medical staff in medical organizations;

9) pass the final control on professional practice.

10) follow the internal rules of professional practice organizations, observe the basics of ethics and deontology, requirements for appearance and clothing;

11) follow the rules and safety standards, safety measures, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

21. When undergoing the research practice, students must:

1) develop research skills.

2) study fundamental and periodic literature, normative and methodological resources on the topics developed by the student in his/her final qualifying work.

3) confirm the relevance and practical significance of the chosen research topic.

4) collection, systematization and summary of practical material for use in the final qualifying work.

1. The procedure for organizing and implementing methodological work in the NCJSC “KMU” is determined by These Rules of Organization and Implementation of Methodological Work.

2. Organization of educational and methodological work is regulated by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (State compulsory standards for education of all levels of education, State compulsory standards for medical and pharmaceutical specialties, Rules of organization and implementation of educational and methodological and scientific and methodological work).

3. Organization and implementation of educational and methodological work in the NCJSC “KMU” in the implementation of educational programs of technical and professional, higher and postgraduate education, carried out in order to integrate science and education, to ensure and improve educational and upbringing processes, to develop and implement new learning technologies, and to provide professional development of teaching staff.

4. The educational and methodological tasks are as follows:

1) scientific and methodological support for educational program implementation;

2) development, introduction of new and improved technologies, methods, means, and forms of educational process;

3) development of a teacher's creative thinking, enhancement of the professional development and skills of teaching staff, enhancement of scientific and methodological capacity of teaching personnel.

5. Structural divisions carrying out educational and methodological work – departments, schools/faculty, the direct operators of educational and methodological work are the teaching staff of the departments, the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies (hereinafter – CSET), the Language Development Center, the Physical Health Center and schools of the University, the staff of schools, the Department of Academic Work.

6. Methodologists of schools, departments, CSET, responsible for the modules and disciplines, and supervisors of educational programs coordinate educational and methodological work in training units.

7. The School Councils are in charge of managing, monitoring, and controlling educational and methodological, scientific and methodological work. The Vice-Rector for Academic Work manages the University's educational and methodological, scientific and methodological work.

8. Educational-methodological documentation is discussed and approved at relevant meetings (department, School Council, Senate) in accordance with the procedure established by the University's quality management system. The Committee for Quality Assurance in Schools and the Academic Committee of the Senate examine and evaluate educational and methodological developments.

9. The University’s educational and methodological work includes

1) development of educational programs, academic calendars, working curricula, catalogs of elective courses, syllabuses of disciplines, internship/practice programs;

2) educational and methodological support of academic disciplines with textbooks, training manuals, collections of tasks, complex tasks, manuals for laboratory, test, course work, methodological recommendations for the study of disciplines, as well as materials for current and final control of knowledge, final assessment of students in all forms of education;

3) development of programs of all types of educational and professional practices, as well as methodological recommendations for writing theses/diploma works (projects);

4) development of modern educational technologies and training methods that increase acquisition of the training material by students;

5) educational and methodological support of self-study of students, aimed at developing their ability to search, analyze and formulate the result of the activities;

10. The academic calendar is a schedule of the educational process for the academic year for different levels of education for a specific educational program, with calendar periods of academic terms, exams, final assessment, holidays, internship/practice.

11. Academic calendars are developed by the Department of Academic Work (for technical and professional education – by the Associate Dean for Academic Work of the School of Nursing Education) on the basis of State Compulsory Education Standard, Model Curricula, Working Curricula for the Academic Year, coordinated with school deans, and approved by the Chairman of the Board – Rector.

12. Working Curricula for courses are developed by schools according to the forms approved by the University and approved annually, coordinated with the heads of EPs and the Director of Department of Academic Work, approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Work.

13. A discipline syllabus is a study program that includes a description of the discipline, the discipline's goals and objectives, a summary, topics and duration of their study, tasks for independent work, methods and criteria for assessing the student's academic achievements, a map of educational and methodological support, and other training materials (academic calendars, control and measuring means, methodological recommendations, and so on).

14. The syllabus is compiled in the form approved by the University, based on the EP and Model Curricula for disciplines (for the mandatory component of the General Education Disciplines cycle), and is annually updated and approved at the Department (School Council) meeting before the start of the current academic year. The discipline syllabus is uploaded on the NCJSC KMU's educational portal no later than September 1.

15. The syllabus is developed by the teachers in charge, coordinated with the heads of the EP (for general subjects used within multiple EPs), module coordinators, and authorized by the head of the EP (head of department if the syllabus is used across many EPs).

16. The practice/internship program is designed for all sorts of professional practices/internships (educational, work, research, and pedagogical) in accordance with the NCJSC “KMU” form. It includes a description of the practice's goals and objectives, the practice's final results, the necessary prerequisites, the practice's content, the preparation procedure, and deadlines for report defense. The practice/internship program is discussed at the department / working group of the EP meeting, at the School Council meeting, and is approved by the department head / dean of the school.

17. Catalogue of Elective Disciplines (CED) is a systematic annotated list of elective academic disciplines. It is compiled for the purpose of independent, prompt, flexible formation of individual learning path.

18. Departments (schools) draft and submit applications for elective disciplines to the head of the EP, which are examined and approved at the School Council meeting with the mandatory participation of advisers and the committee for quality assurance at schools. CEDs are approved and submitted to the Department of Academic Work, where they are entered into curricula (in AIS Platonus).

19. Electronic versions of educational programs, academic calendars, schedules, and working curricula are available in the relevant sections of the University’s website. Other educational and methodological documentation in electronic form, such as discipline syllabuses, examples of control and measuring means, and others, is available on the student portal in the relevant educational program.

1. Diploma works/diploma theses of graduates, dissertations/thesis works (projects), term papers/coursework (projects), educational and methodical publications submitted for preliminary examination to the School Council, monographs, articles submitted by students, faculty members for publication in scientific-methodical and scientific editions; scientific works of students, articles submitted to student research competitions are subject to mandatory check for plagiarism/improper borrowings from published sources.

2. The work is considered to have been verified with a positive result if it meets the following criteria:

1) term papers/coursework (projects) – no less than 60% of the original text;

2) diploma works/diploma theses – no less than 65% of the original text;

3) dissertation works/thesis works (projects) – no less than 75% of the original text;

4) scientific works submitted to student work contests – no less than 70% of the original text;

5) scientific works submitted for publication in scientific editions – no less than 85% of the original text;

6) educational and methodical publications – no less than 60% of the original text.

3. Originality check of papers is carried out using a licensed anti-plagiarism system installed at the University.

4. Deadlines for submitting works for checking:

1) diploma theses/diploma works, dissertation works/thesis works (projects) – no later than 20 working days before the final assessment;

2) updated works (projects) – no later than 5 days before the defense date;

3) scientific works – no later than 10 days before the deadline for accepting the publications.

5. For some final qualifying works, involving the analysis of regulatory and legal documentation, methodological problems of science by the decision of the School Council can be positive decisions on admission to the defense with a smaller percentage (deviation – no more than 5%) of the original text from the established permissible. The decision to admit such work to defense is justified by the head/supervisor in his/her feedback of the work of the student and recorded in the protocol of the meeting of the School Council.

6. The authors of works that have failed the originality check are allowed to revise them and recheck them within the deadlines set by the organizers of the publication, the conference organizers. In case of a negative conclusion in the recheck, the work is not accepted for defense (participation in the contest, publication).

7. In case of disagreement of an author, expressed in a written statement, with a negative conclusion on the verification of the work, the Dean of the School appoints a commission for expert review of the work for plagiarism. The final decision on the admission of the work to defense (publication, preliminary examination) is made at the meeting of the School Council on the basis of the experts' conclusion.

8. The protocol of originality check (if there is an expert review – the expert opinion), together with the feedback of the supervisor (review) is attached to the work.

9. In the submitted qualifying, dissertation/thesis, research works, the amount of legitimate borrowing implies the use in the text of the names of institutions, public authorities and local government; references to regulatory legal acts; texts of the laws; lists of references; repetitions, including frequently repeated set expressions and legal terms; citation of text, extracts from the

documents for their analysis, as well as self-citation, etc. The authors of the submitted works should explain in their comments that the borrowings are legitimate.

10. The Library and Publishing Center (hereinafter - LPC) checks diploma works/diploma theses of the graduates, dissertations/thesis works (projects) for originality.

11. Reception of papers that have been checked for originality is carried out by the secretary of the Attestation Commission.

12. Electronic versions of diploma works/diploma theses to be checked for originality are submitted as text files in doc, docx, rtf format. Verified works are posted in the cloud storage of the University.

13. The student is responsible for the timely submission of the diploma thesis/master's thesis for verification.

14. In case of detection of borrowings in the amount exceeding the permissible and established by this provision, the work must be mandatorily revised by the student with the maintaining the previously established topic and submitted for rechecking.

15. If plagiarism (borrowing) is not eliminated after checking the work or the student is unable to eliminate plagiarism (borrowing) for various reasons, the work is not allowed to be defended and must be reworked.

16. In case of evidence of plagiarism, after resubmitting the work to the supervisor, the student is regarded to have not completed the curriculum and is subject to expulsion from the University.

17. When submitting educational and methodical publications for consideration at a School Council meeting, the process for material originality check must be included. If an educational and methodical publication does not meet the volume of original text requirements of these Regulations, the work is not considered at the School Council meeting and the materials are returned to the author for revision.

18. The finished written work is submitted to the supervisor in electronic form by the student. The teacher of the department / school who is managing this activity verifies the written work.

19. The teacher checks the work in the University's licensed anti-plagiarism system and prepares a verification protocol. The verification protocol is delivered to the student and, if necessary, to the commission in charge of evaluating this type of work.

20. If the work fails to meet the requirements of these Regulations regarding text uniqueness, it is returned to the student for correction. If the work is not corrected or fails to meet the requirements of the Regulations after correction, it cannot be admitted to the defense.

1. Students, faculty members and employees of the NCJSC “KMU” are eligible to participate in academic mobility programs in accordance with the current legislation and Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The academic mobility program's goal is to provide students with high-quality educational services by establishing competitive educational and research programs.

3. Academic mobility aims to address the following tasks:

1) improving the quality of mobility of students, teachers, administrative and management staff, researchers; increasing the efficiency of scientific research, improving the management system;

2) professional and personal growth of the program participants;

3) increasing the competitiveness of the NCJSC “KMU” alumni in the Kazakhstan and international labor markets;

4) improvement of professional competences by studying and learning the experience of leading Kazakhstani and foreign educational organizations;

5) attracting the intellectual potential;

6) establishment of external and internal integration ties;

7) implementation of the strategic plan, mission and development program of the NCJSC “KMU”;

8) development of international cooperation in accordance with the mission of the NCJSC “KMU”.

4. Academic mobility is carried out within the framework of memorandums, agreements, or cooperation agreements signed by the educational organization with Kazakhstani and foreign educational and scientific organizations, based on personal invitations received from educational and scientific organizations, as well as participants' own initiative.

5. The International Cooperation Department, in collaboration with the schools, is in charge of conducting academic mobility and providing information support at the NCJSC “KMU.” ICD and schools/faculty inform departments and other University divisions about the current state of academic mobility by posting relevant information on the University's official website.

6. Agreements and contracts with partner universities, international and national organizations regulate the implementation of specific forms and types of academic mobility.

7. The partner university and its educational programs must be accredited in accordance with the educational standards of the relevant country and recorded in the Register of accredited educational organizations and accredited educational programs.

8. Sending applicants to participate in the academic mobility program to partner universities is implemented according to the Academic Mobility Plan.

9. The rules and procedures for the implementation of academic mobility apply to the students of bachelor's degree, internship, master's degree, doctoral studies, residency, full-time teachers, employees of the NCJSC “KMU” and students of bachelor's degree, internship, master's degree, doctoral studies, residency, teachers and employees of partner universities.

10. Academic mobility is in the form of:

1) studying in the partner university during one academic period (term or year);

2) studying the discipline chosen by the student during the period specified in the schedule of the educational organization or on the individual curriculum;

3) professional practice/internship (training and production, work practice) according to the requirements of the NCJSC “KMU” and the educational organization;

4) studying in winter/summer schools based on the invitation;

5) conducting lectures and seminars;

6) training in apprenticeships within the framework of credit mobility programs for teachers and employees of educational organizations under international grant programs;

7) conducting joint studies;

11. Participants in academic mobility programs are chosen through an open competitive process that adheres to the principles of equality of opportunity, merit, ability, and social activity.

1. The procedure for appointment and payment, as well as the amount of state scholarships to students (students, interns, master's students, residents, doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order, as well as transferred to study on the basis of the state educational order) are determined in accordance with the Government Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The procedure for the appointment and payment, as well as the amount of scholarships, established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to students are determined by the Rules for awarding the scholarships, established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Scholarship of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NCJSC “KMU” is awarded to the students enrolled in full-time education who are non-grant-holders, starting from the 2nd year of study, successfully mastering educational programs (if the GPA is not lower than 3.0 for the entire period of studies and have no disciplinary actions for the entire period of studies), engaged in research work, innovative, entrepreneurial, sports, cultural, creative and social activities. Scholarship of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NCJSC “KMU” is not a state scholarship.

4. The number of scholarships is determined by the decision of the Board of the NCJSC “KMU” and is assigned for one academic period.

5. The Senate Committee on Youth Affairs uses a point system to evaluate applicants for the scholarship of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NCJSC “KMU”. In case of an even score in points, students from preferential categories are given preference. If a candidate cannot be categorized into one of the preferential categories, the students with the most accomplishments are given priority.

6. The scholarship is awarded by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NCJSC “KMU” based on the decision of the Senate, in the same way that state scholarships are awarded, and it may be awarded to the same person multiple times by the decision of the Senate in compliance with the criteria.

1. These Rules for awarding the vacant educational grants released in the training process have been developed in accordance with the Rules for awarding the educational grants.

2. Vacant educational grants released in the process of higher and postgraduate education, are awarded on a competitive basis to students on a paid basis by groups of educational programs and training period, taking into account the year of admission, with the issuance of a certificate of award of educational grant.

3. The announcement of the open competition is posted on the website with the number of vacant educational grants by area of training and course.

4. The criterion for selection by competition is the GPA calculated in all disciplines for previous periods of study.

5. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan or stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan, if they receive higher education for the first time, have the right to participate in the competition for awarding vacant educational grants in the process of higher education.

6. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, if they receive education of this level for the first time, have the right to participate in the competition for awarding vacant educational grants in the process of postgraduate education.

7. The competition for vacant educational grants is conducted during the summer and winter breaks based on intermediate certification results, with the deadline for submitting documents to the Ministry of Education and Science set for January 25, August 5 of the current year.

8. If the GPA rates are the same, students with grades only A, A- (“excellent”), then – grades from A, A- (“excellent”) to B+, B, B-, C+ (“good”), then – mixed grades for the entire period of study, have the preferential right to apply for a grant. Orphans and children left without parental care, persons with disabilities of I and II groups, persons equated in terms of benefits and guarantees to participants and persons with disabilities of the Great Patriotic War, persons disabled since childhood, children with disabilities, and persons with educational documents (certificates, attestations, diplomas) with honors have a preferential right.

9. The procedure for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of training is presented in the Algorithm.

10. The student registration unit of the Department of Academic Work issues an order from the Chairman of the Board – Rector for further training under an educational grant within three working days, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the award of a vacant educational grant of higher or postgraduate education and the issued certificate of award of an educational grant.

11. The awarding of vacant educational grants of Local Executive Body in the process of higher and (or) postgraduate education, is carried out by the Local Executive Body Commission during the summer and winter breaks to the available vacancies on a competitive basis in the order established by the paragraphs of the Rules.

12. Based on the protocol of the Local Executive Body Commission on the award of a vacant educational grant of higher or postgraduate education and the issued certificate of educational grant award, the student registration unit of the Department of Academic Work issues an order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector for further training at the expense of the Local Executive Body within three working days.

“Procedure for awarding vacant educational grants released in the training process” Algorithm

1) General regulations

1) These rules of dual education organization have been developed to determine the order of dual education organization at the level of technical and professional training and post-secondary education in accordance with the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as for the organization of the educational process with the introduction of dual education elements at all levels of education.

2) The following basic concepts are used in the Regulations:
  1. dual education – a form of training that combines studying in an educational organization with mandatory periods of apprenticeship and professional practice/internship at an enterprise (organization);
  2. joint activity agreement - a written agreement between an educational organization and an enterprise (organization), regulating the conditions of joint activity for the development and implementation of joint projects and programs that meet the interests, goals and strategic objectives of the parties;
  3. dual education agreement – a written agreement between a student, an enterprise (organization) providing a workplace for apprenticeship and professional practice/internship, and an educational institution, regulating the terms and conditions for employment training and professional practice/internship;
  4. medical organization (hereinafter – MO/Enterprise) – a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur participating in dual education in accordance with this Regulation;
  5. apprenticeship – training aimed at acquiring theoretical knowledge, practical skills by students, on the basis of educational organizations and (or) enterprises (organizations);
  6. mentor – a qualified employee of the MO/enterprise who supervises apprenticeship and professional practice/internship;
2. Implementation of dual education

3) Dual system of education is a training system based on the cooperation of two organizations: an enterprise and a university, which work together for the purpose of professional training. Both institutions are independent partners with each other.

4) Participants of dual education:
  1. educational institution implementing educational programs;
  2. organizations (enterprises), regardless of their form of ownership;
  3. the learner – student
5) The essential components of the elements of dual education are:
  1. dual education and/or joint activity agreement;
  2. approval of syllabuses for the disciplines with MO/enterprise managers;
  3. a schedule of training sessions and SIWT schedules, with their locations;
  4. training places and/or training and production center in organizations (enterprises) equipped for implementation of training and practice;
  5. mentors/heads of apprenticeship and professional practice/internship in MOs/enterprises.
6) When implementing dual education, students' practical training can be provided with a salary at the discretion of the enterprise (organization) for the purpose of future employment.

3. Goal and objectives of implementing the elements of dual system of education

7) The goal for introducing dual education aspects is for students to acquire high-quality core competences of educational programs, including practical skills of work in the professional sector.

8) Achievement of the goal is possible upon the implementation of the following tasks:
  1. efficient implementation of educational programs;
  2. ensuring a high percentage of employment of graduates;
  3. establishing mechanisms of cooperation with employers within the framework of development of production and educational environment;
  4. improvement of student-centered education;
  5. improving the quality of education and competitiveness of graduates of EPs.
4. Organization of dual education (training using the elements of dual education)

9) The organization of the educational process with the introduction of elements of dual education is carried out in accordance with agreements with the practice bases.

10) The current educational programs establish the forms, content, and extent of apprenticeship and professional practice/internship.

11) To implement elements of the dual system of education, the University plans and organizes educational programs that combine theoretical study at the University with practical training in the MO / enterprises.

12) The elements of dual education, implemented at the practice bases, may include the following components of the educational program:
  1. part of practical and laboratory classes with the possibility of acquiring and applying practical skills in the core subjects of the EP, including elective courses developed jointly or coordinated with representatives from the practice bases;
  2. a part of independent work of students with teachers within the framework of core subjects of the EP;
  3. conducting educational and professional practices with writing of reports
  4. doing course/term projects, as well as thesis/diploma works (projects) of the corresponding profile/specialization.
13) Intermediate certification is conducted by the educational institution, with the assistance of mentors/managers and specialists from MOs/enterprises engaging in dual education as needed.

5. Functions of the participants in the process of organizing elements of dual education

14) The University:
  1. creates the necessary conditions for the educational process;
  2. coordinates with the MO/enterprise the schedule of practical classes of students;
  3. implements educational programs taking into account the recommendations of the MO/enterprise;
  4. monitors the practical (laboratory) classes, SIWT, practice of the students in MO/enterprise;
  5. provides students with the training materials.
15) The MO/enterprise:
  1. ensures the conditions for practical (laboratory) classes, SIWT, practice;
  2. appoints a mentor/manager for students;
  3. introduces the material and technical base;
  4. introduces with working conditions, regulatory legal acts regulating this area, security conditions and labor protection;
  5. ensures the organization of classes and practice in accordance with the educational programs;
  6. informs the University about violations of labor discipline and internal rules of the MO/enterprise.
16) The student:
  1. gets acquainted with the conditions of the MO/enterprise, regulatory legal acts regulating this area, security conditions and labor protection;
  2. maintains educational and production discipline, rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection and safety measures requirements;
  3. attends classes and practice according to the schedule;
  4. strictly follows and fulfills the requirements of the training program;
  5. keeps a diary-report on the apprenticeship and professional practice/internship, prepares other reporting documentation in accordance with the requirements of the EP and syllabuses for the disciplines.
17) The mentor/supervisor:
  1. requires the student to follow instructions on issues related to work activities;
  2. monitors the student in the preparation of reporting documentation;
  3. assists the student in introduction with the work activities, corporate culture and in subsequent professional development, consolidating it at the workplace;
  4. trains in practical approaches and ways of qualitative performance of job duties and assignments;
  5. monitors the execution of instructions given to the student;
  6. identifies and helps to eliminate mistakes made by the student, assists in eliminating existing shortcoming;
  7. confirms the performance of the obligations of the student during the training and internship/practice with an assessment in the checklist.
6. Implementation options of dual education

18) Theoretical training (lectures, practical classes) is implemented on the basis of the NCJSC KMU. Acquisition of practical knowledge – on the basis of MOs/enterprises during the SIWT. Students are distributed and assigned a supervisor from the staff of MOs/enterprises. Students are given assignments according to the thematic plan of the discipline syllabus. Monitoring over attendance and completing assignments is carried out by the teacher responsible for the discipline. After completing the hours of SIWT, the student provides a report and a diary with subsequent evaluation.

19) On the basis of MO/enterprise separate components of EP/discipline (practical classes, SIWT) are conducted. Theoretical training (lectures, seminars) is conducted at the University, while for the theoretical classes that the university teacher visits the MO/enterprise or to conduct classes online. The student is assigned a mentor/responsible employee of MO/enterprise, competent in the field of the discipline taught, who conducts training and makes recommendations for evaluation. Control and evaluation of the acquired skills is carried out by the responsible university teacher according to the checklist.