Educational program

1) NCJSC “KMU” provides training to specialists on educational programs of the technical and professional education, post-secondary education, bachelor's degree, higher and postgraduate education, additional education.

2) Educational programs offered by the NCJSC “KMU” are developed based on the principles, methodology and development of modular training, where the efficiency of learning outcomes is achieved by complying with an integrated approach, when by the modular principle educational programs themselves, the curriculum, and the subjects/disciplines are formed.

3) The NCJSC “KMU” develops educational programs according to the license for the right to conduct educational activities within the groups of educational programs according to the classification of training areas.

4) The educational programs are developed by the Schools, in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework, professional standards, the Dublin descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework.

5) All educational programs of the NCJSC “KMU” pass internal and external examination in accordance with the established procedure, and are included in the National Register of Educational Programs.

6) In the process of the development of educational programs and monitoring of the educational activities within the framework of the EP all stakeholders are involved, including students and employers.

7) Basic principles of the development of educational programs in the NCJSC “KMU”:
  1. focus on global trends in the development of higher and postgraduate education: multidisciplinarity, student-centration, innovation, focus on the formation of systematic thinking and social communication;
  2. focus on national trends – internationalization, integration of education, science and production, digitalization, spiritual revival;
  3. compliance with the strategic goals of the University.

8) Educational program has a head/supervisor, who is appointed in accordance with the established procedure.

9) The following factors should be taken into account in the development of the educational program: staffing, availability of information resources for the educational program, material and technical support, the provision by the bases of practice, information support to the process for implementation of the EP, methodical support of the implementation of the EP.

10) The educational programs are approved by the management body of the NCJSC “KMU” in accordance with the established procedure.

11) The list of educational programs is regularly reviewed and submitted for approval by the management body of NCJSC “KMU”, in accordance with the established procedure.

12) The educational program can be excluded from the List of educational programs, implemented by the NCJSC “KMU”, based on the decision of the Board of Directors and on the proposal of the Board: 1) in case of refusal from its implementation; 2) in the absence of recruiting students for EP within 3 years of implementation; 3) negative decision of accreditation.

13) If the EP has received conclusions about the low quality of the implemented EP as a result of any of the EP's external or internal quality assessment procedures, the Senate has the right to submit the issue for consideration at the Board Meeting to exclude from the list of educational programs.

14) It is not permitted to change the content of the educational program (change of the disciplines) after the completion of the registration of students for the disciplines and formation of individual curricula. Amendments (updating) of the educational program is conducted in accordance with the established procedure. Implementation of the updated EP is carried out no earlier than the next academic year.