Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology

Амирбекова Жанна Түймебаевна
Head of the Department of Obstetrics,Gynecology and Perinatology, PhD
Zhanna Tuimebayevna Amirbekova
+7 7212 503930, ext.####

The department actively introduces effective perinatal technologies into theeducational process and the work of practical healthcare, aimed at improving theorganization of medical care for reproductive health in order to reduce maternaland infant mortality.

The department's staff is engaged in advanced training of doctors in the region.Systematically provides organizational, methodological and practical assistance toobstetric institutions, organizing scientific and practical conferences for doctors inthe region and seminars for doctors in basic institutions.

Scientific activity

The teaching staff conducts scientific research, the results of which are publishedin scientific indexed journals and presented at national and internationalconferences.

The department’s employees have published more than 650 scientific papers.

The department organizes scientific and practical conferences and master classes,teachers travel to international conferences.

Students and residents participate in research projects of the department, annually presenting the results of scientific research. Students make presentations atinternational conferences.

Educational activities

In the educational process, the department introduces innovative technologies.When conducting practical classes, the methods TBL, SBL, PBL, RBL, work insmall groups, mastering educational material through brainstorming, andorganizing role-playing games are used. Clinical cases are analyzed using theproblem-based learning method.

Education at the department is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English,the following disciplines are taught to students:

  • II-III years of the School of Dentistry - “Obstetrics and Gynecology”
  • II year of the School of Nursing Education – “Nursing in Obstetrics and Gynecology”
  • IV year of the School of Medicine - “Obstetrics and Gynecology”
  • V year of the School of Medicine - elective discipline “Counseling on family planning”
  • VI year of the School of Medicine (interns of the 1st year of study) - module “Obstetrics”, discipline “Children and Adolescent Gynecology”, discipline“Obstetrics and Gynecology in General Medical Practice”
  • VII year of the School of Medicine (2nd year interns) - modules “Gynecology”and “Pediatric Gynecology”, discipline “Outpatient Gynecology”, as well aselective disciplines “Surgical interventions in obstetrics and gynecology”,“Emergency conditions in obstetrics” and gynecology”, “Functional and laboratorydiagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology in the work of GPs”, “Effective antenatalcare in the work of GPs”;
  • Since 2018, the department has been training residents in the specialty “obstetricsand gynecology, including children’s.”
  • Advanced training courses are conducted for practical healthcare doctors.

Clinical activities

In clinical practice, employees of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology andPerinatology use advanced methods and types of surgical treatment.

At the Medical University Clinic, laparoscopic surgeries are performed in thescope of conservative myomectomy for women with reproductive plans, total andsubtotal hysterectomies; hysteroresectoscopic manipulations in the scope ofpolypectomy of the endometrium and cervical canal, dissection of adhesions,uterine cavity septa; collection of endometrial tissue for histological examination,diagnostic hysteroscopy, removal of submucosal nodes.

The clinical bases of the department are the Regional Clinical Hospital, RegionalClinical Hospital, Perinatal Center No. 1, Perinatal Center No. 2, RegionalObstetric and Gynecological Center, Gynecological Department of the GeneralMedical Center, polyclinics No. 1, 3, 5, 8, Temirtau Medical Center for Motherand Child, Zhusan Med clinic, NJSC MUK clinic, Karaganda Railway Hospital(Sorting), Merey Medical Center LLP, Family Planning and Reproductive HealthCenter, Miras Clinic, Institute of Public Health and Health “Professional HealthClinic”. Leading associate professors and staff of the department provide ongoingadvisory assistance to pregnant and gynecological patients in the city and region.

History of the department

  • 1952 - the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established. Thedepartment was headed by I. I. Kaganovich, a professor and doctor of medicalsciences.
  • 2018 - the Department of Perinatology was added to the Department of Obstetricsand Gynecology.

  • 1979 - 1997 - head of the department Kulbayeva Kamilya Zhakhanovna
  • 1997 - 1999 – head of the department Nellya Baltabekovna Palapanova
  • 1999 - 2002 – head of the department, associate professor Irina Vladimirovna Pak
  • 2002 - 2007 – head of the department Mustafina Gulyaf Gainullovna
  • 2008 - 2009 – head of the department Iskaliyeva Saira Seisembayevna
  • 2009 - 2012 – head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Mamalinova Gulban Kopeyevna
  • 2012 - 2018 - head of the department Kopobayeva Irina Leonidovna
  • Since 2018, the head of the department has been Amirbekova ZhannaTuimebayevna.

Department news