Research on health literacy among students in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve approaches to promoting and strengthening health


Objective: To study the level of health literacy of students in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve approaches to promoting and strengthening the health of the population.


The influence of lifestyle on population health indicators, the growing burden of chronic non-communicable diseases observed in both developed and developing countries, determines widespread scientific interest in the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention.

Increasing the proportion of the population leading a healthy lifestyle and developing mass sports is one of the objectives of the national project “Quality and affordable healthcare for every citizen “Healthy Nation” for 2021 – 2025.

Building a constructive dialogue in the healthcare system will be most effective when a certain (sufficient) level of health literacy of the population is achieved.

Health literacy, or health literacy, as a set of knowledge, motivation and skills to obtain, understand, evaluate, and use health-related information to make informed decisions, is the subject of research in different countries of the world. The concept, initially studied primarily in North American countries, subsequently became widespread in Europe and Asia.

Increasing attention to this concept in research and practice is due to its strong links to social determinants and health behaviors, health outcomes, service utilization, and the quality of health systems.

Health literacy is fundamental to achieving one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals – universal health coverage.

Expected results

As a result of the implementation of the scientific project, the following results will be obtained:

1). The HLS19 questionnaire will be adapted into the Kazakh language and validated, which will allow the use of this tool for further research on health literacy in the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2). General health literacy, digital health literacy, vaccination literacy and navigation literacy in the healthcare system will be assessed among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan using an updated version of the questionnaire. HLS19.

3). Based on the results of the scientific project, at least 3 (three) articles and (or) reviews will be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty five), as well as 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by BY COMMITTEE FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. Each article will contain information about the identification registration number and the name of the program under which it was funded, indicating program-specific funding as the source.

4). The results obtained will be reported at an international conference, in the form of a publication in a peer-reviewed foreign scientific journal, indexed by the international databases Web of Science and (or) Scopus.

    Research group 



H-index, ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID

Publications Scopus/WebofScience


Takuadina Aliya Ibragimovna, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0002-9496-4307

Scopus ID: 57219358654

Omarova G., Atikoza Z., Sadirmekova Z, Takuadina A, Abdykeshova D. Devising a methodology for X-ray image contrast enhancement by combining clahe and gamma correction. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022, 3(2-117), p-18-29 ()

Aliya Takuadina, Sergey Kabanikhin, Olga Krivorotko, Darya Andornaya and Shuhua Zhang.. Geo-information system of tuberculosis spread based on inversion and prediction. Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 000010151520200022, eISSN 1569-3945, ISSN 0928-0219, DOI: (Q2, 59%).

Automation of business processes at the enterprise during a brand formation. Ad Alta. 2019;9(1):107-13. Kintonova A, Ye N, Arynova Z, Kussepova L, Karymsakova A, Takuadina A. (Q3)

Определение математической модели распространения эпидемии туберкулеза для Казахстана. ВЕСТНИК Алматинского университета энергетики и связи, Алматы, 2019, 1(44), 32-37. Имангалиев Ш. И., Такуадина А.И.

Takuadina A. I., Sagindykov K. M., Kintonova A. Zh. Application of information system of tuberculosis epidemic modeling on the example of Karaganda region. Вестник НИА РК №4 (78) 2020 

Обратные задачи фармакокинетики: анализ и методы решения. ВЕСТНИК ГУ им.Шакарима, серия «Технические науки», №4(84), 2018, 72-76. Такуадина А.И.

Идентифицируемость моделей в фармакокинетических исследованиях. ВЕСТНИК Восточно-Казахстанского государственного  технического университета им. Д. Серикбаева, серия «Технические науки и технологии», 2018, ТОМ II, 96-101. Такуадина А.И.


Dauletkaliyeva Zhaniya Abaevna, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0002-4855-2918

Scopus ID: 57194485453

Tuyen V.Duong, AltynAringazina, Gaukhar Baisunova,  et al. Measuring health literacy in Asia: Validation of the HLS-EU-Q47 survey tool in six Asian countries. - J Epidemiol (69%, Q2). 2017 Feb;27(2):80-86.

Kayupova G, Turdaliyeva B, Tulebayev K, Duong TV, Chang PW.  Health Literacy among Visitors of District Polyclinics in Almaty, Kazakhstan. - Iran J Public Health (40%, Q3), Vol. 46, No.8, Aug 2017, pp.1062-1070

Baisunova G., Darisheva D, Akanov A., Turdaliyeva B., Tulebayev K.,Chang P.W.  Health literacy survey in Kazakhstan -  The Second International Conference on Health literacy and health promotion. – Taipei, Taiwan. -  October 6-8, 2014. P.27-28.

Кулов Д.Б, Сергалиев Т.С, Сыздыков М.М, Абдрахманов К.Т, Даулеткалиева Ж.А. Некоторые аспекты осведомленности городского населения о солидарной ответственности за свое здоровье. «Georgian medical news». – 2016. - №1(250). - С. 87 – 92.

Даулеткалиева Ж.А., Кулов Д.Б.Результаты изучения мнения медицинских работников о степени ответственности населения за свое здоровье в современных условиях. Астана медициналық журналы. – 2015. - №3.- Б. 139 – 145.

Turgambayeva A, Ospanova K, Kissamedenov N, Zhamantayev O, Tashmetov K. Infant Mortality Is One of the Leading Types of Death in the World. Iran J Public Health. 2020;49(3):603-605.

Nurbek Yerdessov, Asset Izdenov, Timur Beisenov, Roza Suleimenova, Bakhtiyar Serik, Ermek Sraubaev. Industrial traumatism and occupational morbidity in mining industry of Kazakhstan. J Public Health Res. DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2021.2169.

Karina Nukeshtayeva, Marina Lubchenko, Baurzhan Omarkulov, Nailya DeLellis. Validation non-English version of the modified checklist for autism in toddlers-revised with follow-up. J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 4-11

Saule Zhakenova, Gaukhar Kayupova, Olzhas Zhamantayev, Zhanerke Bolatova, Zhuldyz Kuanysh. Student’s health literacy level according to university type (preliminary results of the ongoing research in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. - The 7th International Health Literacy Conference. - 10-12.11.2019. – Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam,

Bolatova, Z; Toleubekov, B; Sukhanberdiyev, K ; Tussupova, K. Challenges of Access to WASH in Schools in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Case Study from Rural Central Kazakhstan. International journal of environmental research and public health, Volume 18, 9852,

Toleubekov, B; Bolatova, Z; Stafstrom, M. Assessing Access to WASH in Urban Schools during COVID-19 in Kazakhstan: Case Study of Central Kazakhstan. International journal of environmental research and public health, Volume 19, 6438;


Kayupova Gaukhar Serikovna, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0001-9813-2236

Scopus ID: 57195056383


Zhamantayeva Olzhas Kenzhegaliyevich

ORCID: 0000-0002-9687-2764

Scopus ID: 57215498134


Yerdessov Nurbek Zharkinovich

ORCID: 0000-0001-8095-3140

Scopus ID: 57547933600


Bolatova Zhanerke Yerlanovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-5624-9943

Scopus ID: 57254028600


Nukeshtayeva Karina Yerlanovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-4463-6874

Scopus ID: 58100149000


Based on the analysis of the literature review, the results of an analysis of studies of general health literacy among students in higher education institutions in the world and in Kazakhstan were obtained. Based on the results of the literature review, 114 publications were analyzed on various issues related to health literacy among students and youth. The analysis showed that a standardized international assessment tool is desirable. To improve well-being and reduce inequalities, a comprehensive approach that includes tailored interventions and technology initiatives is critical. One (1) review was submitted to the Journal of Clinical Journal of Kazakhstan, recommended by KOKSNVO.

Databases of 1071 people were generated with the results of a questionnaire survey on general health literacy and results from assessing literacy domains: digital literacy, vaccination literacy and navigation in the health care system, among students of higher educational institutions of the city of Karaganda («KMU» ), with specialties in the fields of medicine and healthcare, engineering and technology, humanities and social sciences. 45% of students have an adequate level of medical literacy in all its domains. There is a high frequency of adequate health literacy among medical students.

A correlation and regression analysis of data obtained as a result of a questionnaire survey among students of higher educational institutions in the city of Karaganda was carried out. According to the results of correlation and regression analysis, factors that are associated with the level of medical literacy are course of study, age, area of residence, father’s education (p-value for all indicators more then 0,001).

A correlation and regression analysis of data obtained as a result of a questionnaire survey among students of higher educational institutions in the city of Karaganda was carried out. Based on the results of regression and correlation analysis, it is noted that the level of health literacy affects the following indicators of health behavior among students: attitude towards vaccination, alcohol consumption, visits to doctors over the past 12 months, self-assessment of health (p-value for all indicators more then 0,001).

Information for potential users.

Based on the results obtained, recommendations will be developed to develop competencies in the field of health literacy among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (educational and methodological complex, including a textbook, control and measuring tools for mastering educational material, handouts)

Target consumers will be higher education organizations and health schools in primary health care organizations. All materials, as well as developed educational and methodological complexes, will be used in the educational process, and will also be available to teachers and students of NJSC «KMU»

Scientific publications: