Application for the implementation of a scientific, scientific and technical program within the framework of program-targeted funding

BR 11065386-OT-22

The purpose of the program: A comprehensive assessment of the mechanisms of exposure to a new coronavirus infection, the search for new methods of diagnosis and treatment, the justification of the response system to the spread of coronavirus infection, adapted to possible new respiratory infections.


Coronavirus infection has become a challenge to the health care system, practical medicine and medical science in general. The epidemic has revealed many gaps in our understanding of viruses and the diseases they cause. The flurry of studies that followed the coronavirus outbreaks requires systematization, analysis, expansion of samples, as well as confirmation in different populations and groups. The interaction of the virus and the host is a key point in the development of infection, immunogenetic mechanisms make a significant contribution to the severity of symptoms, prognosis and outcome of the disease.

The available research results indicate the presence and possibility of developing both early and long-term consequences of coronavirus infection, which makes it necessary to further study the pathogenetic mechanisms of development, prognostic markers of adverse outcome, features of clinical manifestations, and complications against the background of COVID-19.

Expected results

Probable models of the infectious process in the event of new severe acute respiratory infections will be developed to predict the biological risks associated with new respiratory infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Recommendations have been developed to improve the system of response to possible biological risks associated with new respiratory infectious diseases, including COVID-19. An interactive map (geographic information system) with data on cases of respiratory diseases and reference materials on the resources of the health system, checkpoints at the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, population density has been developed. Methodological recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus infection, as well as for the prevention of risks of infection of medical workers, have been developed. Possible interactions in the host-pathogen system were identified and possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of coronavirus infection were studied. Rehabilitation programs for post-ovoid syndromes have been developed.

  1. Турмухамбетова А.А., d.m.s., рrogram мanager (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4668-3295; Scopus Author ID:56515487900).
  2. Омаркулов Б.К., c.m.s., Director of the Institute of Public Health and Occupational Health NJSC «Medical University of Karaganda» (Индекс Хирша WoS – 1, Scopus – 2.).
  3. Аманбекова А.У., d.m.s., professor Institute of Public Health and Professional Health (Индекс Хирша - 1 Scopus).
  4. Ларюшина Е.М., c.m.s., associate professor, head of the Department of Internal Medicine (Индекс Хирша - 4 Scopus, ORCID
  5. Турдыбекова Я.Г., PhD, associate professor of the departments of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (Индекс Хирша - 2 Scopus, ORCID
  6. Клюев Д.А., c.m.s., associate professor, Director of the Institute of Life Sciences NJSC «Medical University of Karaganda» (Индекс Хирша – 3 Scopus,
  7. Ахмалтдинова Л.Л., c.m.s., associate professor (Индекс Хирша – 1, Author ID в Scopus 56285614700, ORCID ID 0000-0001-5602-6136).
  8. Кадырова И.А., PhD, associate professor, senior researcher of the collective use laboratory (Индекс Хирша - 1 Scopus, ORCID ID 0000-0002-8329-407X).
  9. Никифорова С.А., master of psychological and pedagogical Education, head of the departments of history of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines.
  10. Жамантаев О.К. master of public health, teacher.
  11. Мамырбаев А.А., d.m.s., professor of the departments of hygiene disciplines with occupational diseases West Kazakhstan medical university named after Marat Ospanov (Индекс Хирша - 4 Scopus).
  1. Turgunova, L., Laryushina, Y., Turmukhambetova, A., Sorokina, M., Korshukov, I. The Incidence of Depression among the Population of Central Kazakhstan and Its Relationship with Sociodemographic Characteristics // Behavioural Neurology - 2017, номер статьи 2584187 DOI: 10.1155/2017/2584187 (Индекс цитирования 5, 40 процентиль)
  2. Laryushina Y., Parakhina V., Turmukhambetova A., Turgunova L., Ibraeva L., Amirkhanova D., Nildibayeva F. The Relationship Between the Level Fabp4, Risks of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Cardiovascular Events // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. – 2020. - Oct 10. - 8(B). - Р.762-768 (49 процентиль) DOI:
  3. L Muravlyova, D.Klyuyev, V Molotov-Luchanskiy, R Bakirova, O Ponamareva, D Omertayeva Red blood cell-derived microparticles and oxidative stress intermediates in erythrocytes of pregnant women with preeclampsia and hypertension // Free Radical Biology and Medicine.- 2019.- Vol.1.- P.139. (91 процентиль)
  4. L. Akhmaltdinova, A. Lavrinenko, I.Belyayev. Flow Cytometry in Detecting Resistant E. Coli Strains// Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. - 2017. - Vol.5(5). – Р.592-594 DOI 10.3889/oamjms.- 2017.- Р.104 (49 процентиль)
  5. Никифорова С.А., Ламанова А.С., Ковтун О.А. Использование метода научных проектов в образовательном процессе в медицинском вузе // Медицина и экология. - 2017. - № 2 (83).- С. 102-105.
  6. A.Mamyrbaev T.Djarkenov, A.Dosbayev, N.Dusembayeva, A.Shpakov, G.Umarova, Y.Drobchenko, T.Kunurkulzhayev, M.Zhaylybaev, G.Isayeva The Incidence of Malignant Tumors in Environmentally Disadvantaged Regions of Kazakhstan // Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. - 2017.- Vol. 17 (12). –– P.6103-6109. (57 процентиль)

Three COVID-19 propagation models based on different approaches (ARIMA and TBATS) were developed.

The most significant associations of clinical manifestations with workload and high neuro-emotional stress (R2 39.98%, p=0.004), weekly and daily workload (R2 33.06%, p=0.0008), failure to staff PPE (R2 25.29%, p=0.017) in healthcare workers were.

There is a tendency to develop both individual symptoms and phases of emotional burnout negatively affecting personal and professional characteristics of medical specialists.

In the structure of complications, cardiovascular complications and type 2 diabetes mellitus prevailed in patients after COVID-19.

Intervillous thrombi and deposits of fibrinoid deposits enveloping the chorionic villi with obliteration of the intervillous space were more frequently detected in the placenta in the group with COVID-19.

The results demonstrate the need to adjust the current dosing regimen of Sputnik-V depending on the presence of COVID-19 in the history. Postvoid syndrome is characterized by a decline in specific antibodies, a sharp (16-fold) chronic decrease of CD32BC, a prolonged increase of IL-27 (2.5 times). In 34% of cases there is a significant decrease in phagocytic activity, which correlates with the volume of primary lung tissue lesion.

The proportion of pregnant women registered before the twelfth week remains insufficiently high, which to a certain extent influences the maternal mortality rate.

The target consumers will be specialists in the field of health care and organizations of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Health and social impact: strengthening the system of response to threats associated with new respiratory infectious diseases, including COVID-19, risk assessment, monitoring and forecasting in order to prevent population losses.
Научные публикации в рамках проекта:
  1. Mekhantseva I., Turgunova L., Laryushina Y., Akhmaltdinova L. The role of neutrophil indices in the prognosis of COVID-19 with a focus on diabetes Mellitus //16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2023) taking place in Berlin, Germany & Online, 22-25 February 2023. А229.
  2. Alyona Lavrinenko, Svetlana Kolesnichenko, Irina Kadyrova, Anar Turmukhambetova, Lyudmila Akhmaltdinova, Dmitriy Klyuyev Bacterial Co-Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance in Patients Hospitalized with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Pneumonia in Kazakhstan//Pathogens. – 2023. – V.12(3):370. doi: 10.3390/pathogens12030370 (Scopus 52 %).
  3. Koichubekov, B., Takuadina, A., Korshukov, I., Turmukhambetova, A., & Sorokina, M. Is it possible to predict COVID-19? Stochastic system dynamic model of infection spread in Kazakhstan//Healthcare. – 2023. - V.11 (5).- статья № 752, ( Scopus 65%).
  4. Olzhas Zhamantayev, Gaukhar Kayupova, Karina Nukeshtayeva, Nurbek Yerdessov, Zhanerke Bolatova and Anar Turmukhambetova COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on the Maternal Mortality in Kazakhstan and Comparison with the Countries in Central Asia// Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. – 2023. – V.20. – Р.1-15. (Scopus 75 %).
  5. Nurbek Yerdessov, Olzhas Zhamantayev, Zhanerke Bolatova, Karina Nukeshtayeva, Gaukhar Kayupova and Anar Turmukhambetova Infant мortality trends and determinants in Kazakhstan//Children. - 2023.-10.-923. (Scopus 47%)
  6. Ибраева Л.К., Исабекова А.М., Рыбалкина Д.Х., Бачева И.В., Ныгиметова А.А. Клинико-лабораторные особенности обострения ХОБЛ у пациентов, перенесших COVID-19 // Фармация Казахстана. - 2023. - № 1. - С. 38-45. (КОКСНВО)
  7. Turdybekova Ya. Effect of COVID-19 infection on markers of inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and fibrosis in pregnant women: prospective case-control study// 16th World Congress оf Perinatal Medicine. -2023.- Р.333-334.
  8. Шадетова А.Ж., Аманбекова А.У., Гребенева О.В., Отарбаева М.Б., Акынжанова С., Алексеев А.В., Русяев М.В. Основные симптомы, сохраняющиеся у переболевших COVID-19 на протяжении года. Авторское свидетельство на объект интеллектуальной собственности №37674 от 30.06.2023 г.
  9. Yasminur Gabdulhakovna Turdybekova, Irina L. Kopobayeva, Yevgeniy K. Kamyshanskiy and Anar A. Turmukhambetova Comparative clinical and placental pathologic characteristics in pregnancies with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection// Journal of Perinatal Medicine. Received July 30, 2022; accepted June 11, 2023; published online July 24, 2023 (Scopus 68 %)
  10. А.А. Турмухамбетова, С.А. Никифорова, А.А. Инджиголян, А.С. Ламанова, М.Т. Әли Методология оценки эффективности информационного сопровождения профилактической работы по нераспространению новых респираторных инфекций, включая коронавирусную инфекцию в условиях пандемии Covid-19//Методические рекомендации. Караганды, 2023. - 50 с.
  11. А.А. Турмухамбетова, С.А. Никифорова, А.А. Инджиголян, А.С. Ламанова, М.Т. Әли Социально-психологическое самочувствие медицинских работников в условиях распространения новых респираторных инфекций, включая коронавирусную инфекцию (COVID-19).//Методические рекомендации. Караганда, 2023. - 50 с.
  12. А.А. Турмухамбетова, Е.М. Ларюшина, Л.К. Ибраева и др. Программа диагностики и реабилитации постковидного синдрома).//Методические рекомендации. Караганда, 2023. - 68 с.
  13. Turgunova L.G., Mekhantseva I.V., Laryushina Ye.M., Alina A.R., Turmukhambetova A.A. Predictive value of hemogram indices in the evaluation of the 30-day mortality risks in COVID-19 depending on gender // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. -2023 - Vol.25,№ 3. - Р. 7-15. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.3.001 (КОКСНВО).