Study the dynamics of reparative osteogenesis and the restructuring of the duplex Patriotic allograft prepared according to the Marburg bone banking system, in combination with osteoinductor substances


Objective: To study the effectiveness, dynamics of reparative osteogenesis and restructuring of a duplex domestic allograft prepared according to the Marburg bone bank system in combination with osteoinductive substances when filling bone defects in rabbits.


At present, the standard treatment for bone tissue defects of various etiologies is its filling with an auto- or allograft. However, most of the allografts used are imported and are not registered in the state register of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, which makes it difficult to use these drugs on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is worth noting the high cost of foreign bone-plastic materials for orthopedic operations, in addition, large volumes of these drugs are required when replacing defects. The creation of a duplex domestic osteoplastic material combined with osteoinductor substances will allow to cure patients with bone defects and false joints, reduce disability, obtain an economic effect from cost reduction and the possibility of exporting the drug to near and far abroad.

Expected results:

On the basis of the conducted comparative study, a method for treating bone tissue defects will be developed, which will fill the voids and enhance local bone regeneration. This technique will improve the quality of reconstructive and restorative operations on the bones. The economic effect of this study is to reduce the cost of purchasing an allograft, in view of the preparation of one's own, from the heads of the femoral bones removed from patients after hip arthroplasty. The above will reduce the cost of purchasing bone tissue from foreign manufacturers, create conditions for the production of domestic bone allografts in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and cover the need for safe donor bone in trauma and orthopedic departments. Stimulation of osteogenesis will make it possible to obtain a new technology of treatment in traumatology and orthopedics, reduce the time and number of hospitalizations, and reduce disability, which has not only an economic but also a social effect. The results of this study will allow the next stage of the clinical study.

    Research group:
  1. Kamyshansky Evgeny Konstantinovich - PhD, project manager. Hirsch index - 2, author ID in Scopus: 56324242300; ORCID
  2. Tuleubaev Berik Yerkebulanovich - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases. Hirsch index – 2. Author ID in Scopus:; ORCID .
  3. Saginova Dina Azimovna – PhD, Head of the Center for Applied Research NSCTO named after acad. N.D. Batpenov, scientific and pedagogical experience of 18 years. Hirsch index –2. Author ID in Scopus: ; ORCID .
  4. Kerimbekov Tolegen Ikramovich - Researcher, Assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases
  5. Koshanova Amina Amantaikyzy - Junior researcher, PhD, associate professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the NJSC "MUK". Hirsch index – 1. Author ID in Scopus: ; ORCID .
  6. Rudenko Alexander Petrovich - Junior researcher, doctoral student of the Department of Surgical Diseases of NAO "MUK".
  7. Tashmetov Elyarbek Rozmatzhanovich - Junior researcher doctoral student of the Department of Surgical Diseases of NCJSC "MUK". Author ID in Scopus: ; ORCID

In 2023, a histological study was carried out to determine the dynamics of healing of the bone defect. For this purpose, 5 groups (30 rabbits each) were formed: 1 group – allograft with PRP; Group 2 – allograft with bisphosphanate; Group 3 – allograft with BMP-2; 4- allograft with BMP-2+ bisphosphonate; Group 5 – with allograft, which were operated on to form a model of the femoral bone defect. Defects in the groups were filled with various biodegradable materials. The assessment was carried out on days 14 and 30. A previously tested defect of the femur was modeled on rabbits. The results of histological analysis show that the regeneration of the bone defect is more intense with a predominance of newly formed bone tissue in the PRP and BMP-2 groups. In the BMP-2+bisphosphonate and bisphosphonate alone groups, the bone defect was covered predominantly by fibrous tissue.

Information for potential users

Satisfactory results of the pilot study will allow for a clinical trial. In addition, the research results will be useful to a wide range of scientific specialists, undergraduates and doctoral students working in the field of orthopedics, surgery, oncology, etc

Main publications on the project topic
  1. Dina Saginova, Elyarbek Tashmetov, Yevgeniy Kamyshanskiy, Marietta Arutyunyan, Ibrahim Rustambek. The histological assessment of new bone formation with zolendronic acid loaded bone allograft in rabbit femoral bone defect// Journal of medicine and life.-2023.-16(4) doi 10.25122/jml-2022-0314. (65 процентиль)
  2. Saginova, D.; Tashmetov, E.; Kamyshanskiy, Y.; Tuleubayev, B.; Rimashevskiy, D. Evaluation of Bone Regenerative Capacity in Rabbit Femoral Defect Using Thermally Disinfected Bone Human Femoral Head Combined with Platelet-Rich Plasma, Recombinant Human BoneMorphogenetic Protein 2, and Zoledronic Acid// Biomedicines 2023, 11, 1729. (57 процентиль)
  3. Saginova, D.; Tashmetov, E.; Tuleubayev, B.; Kamyshanskiy, Y.; Davanov Sh. Effect of Platelet-rich Plasma Combined with Marburg Bone Bank-prepared Bone Graft in Rabbit Bone Defect Model// Shiraz E-Med J. 2023 September; 24(9):e136960. DOI: (36 процентиль)