Study of the relationship between intra-abdominal pressure, biomarkers of bacterial translocation and intestinal wall damage in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome


The purpose of the program to evaluate the impact of intra-abdominal hypertension, biomarkers of bacterial translocation and biomarkers of intestinal wall damage on the course and outcomes of the disease in patients with multiple organ dysfunction.


Identification of relationships between markers of microbial translocation, changes in intraabdominal pressure, and causes of multiple organ dysfunction will allow a more in-depth study of the pathogenesis of intestinal microflora translocation in this category of patients, and will allow using the results obtained to predict the course of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. It is expected that the new information obtained on the relationship between intra-abdominal pressure, biomarkers of translocation of intestinal microflora and biomarkers of intestinal wall damage into the systemic circulation with the mechanism of development and dynamics of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome will affect the tactics of managing patients with this syndrome.

Expected results.

The effectiveness of tests for the assessment of researched biomarkers, as well as the determination of intra-abdominal pressure in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, will be determined, ways of their rational use for scientific and practical purposes will be proposed, innovative methods will be introduced in scientific research, practical healthcare, and medical education

    Research group:
  1. Turgunov Y.M. - the head of the project, doctor of medical sciences, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of NJSC MUK; Scopus Author ID - 57215313148,
  2. Shakeyev K. T. - leading researcher of the department of surgical diseases NJSC MUK; Scopus Author ID- 56801885500
  3. Lavrinenko A.V.- r., master, head of RL of IoLS of NJSC MUK, Scopus Author ID –57193763117,
  4. Avdienko O.V. – junior researcher of RL of IoLS of NJSC MUK; Scopus Author ID -57221804349
  5. Matyushko D. N. – s.r., PhD, the head of the surgical service of the UC on REM "Multidisciplinary hospital No. 1 of Karaganda" HDKR; Scopus Author ID- 57193721109,
  6. Mugazov M. M. – s.r., PhD, аss. professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Aid, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care; Scopus Author ID – 57209321668,
  7. Аманова Д.Е. – s.r., PhD, аss. professor of the Department of surgical diseases; ResearcherID: AAF-4009-2022, Scopus Author ID 57209749331,
  8. Ogizbayeva A. V. – s.r., PhD, аss. professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Aid, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Scopus Author ID – 57331445400,
  9. Asamidanova S.G. – j.r., PhD doctoral student of NJSC MUK. Scopus Author ID 57193911046,
  10. Nuraly Sh.S. – j.r., PhD doctoral student of NJSC MUK
  11. Abdrakhman N. – economist NJSC MUK.

Development of SOPs for collection, transportation and storage of biomaterial, carrying out ELISA and measurement of intra-abdominal pressure in patients with multiorgan dysfunction syndrome.

Venous blood sampling is performing to determine the investigated biomarkers and measure intra-abdominal pressure in patients with multiorgan dysfunction syndrome.

Obtained preliminary data on the level of studied biomarkers in blood serum of 21 patients with multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. The median level of LBP on 1 day was 5710.0 ng/ml, on 3 day- 4835.4 ng/ml, on 7 day - 5871.2 ng/ml, sCD14-ST on 1 day - 168.7 ng/ml , on 3 day - 158.9ng/ml, on 7 day - 148.2 ng/ml, I-FAB on 1 day - 132.2 pg/ml, on 3 day - 112.0 pg/ml, on 7 day - 91.2 pg/ml.

Applicability of the obtained scientific results: methods for determining the studied biomarkers, as well as measuring intra-abdominal pressure, their relationship will allow further research in the study of intestinal microflora translocation not only in patients with multiple organ dysfunction. Improving the image of the Collective Use laboratory will help attract investments and conduct research by research teams in Kazakhstan and foreign partners. Mastering modern high-tech research methods will create the prospect of commercialization in the form of creating a learning platform (master classes, advanced training, specialization in the workplace, etc.)

Target consumers of the results: researchers, physicians; patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome of various genesis