Prognostic significance of bacterial translocation markers as predictors of infectious and inflammatory complications in acute mechanical bowel obstruction


The purpose of the program: The aim is to determine the diagnostic and prognostic significance of bacterial translocation as the complications development’s predictor in patients with acute bowel obstruction of tumor and non-tumor origin by assessing the relationship of LBP, sCD-14 in the systemic circulation with the detection of microorganism genes in mesenteric lymph nodes.


Based on changes in bacterial translocation biomarkers in the blood serum, it’s suggested that patients with researched pathology can be stratified according to the risk level of developing infectious and inflammatory complications. It will be possible to take preventive measures to reduce the frequency and severity of these complications and mortality. This method will be a reliable, quick and less expensive, without need for invasive collection of Mesenteric lymph nodes and detection of 16s rRNA. It will be possible to revise the criteria for the diagnosis “sepsis” in these patients: a high level of bacterial translocation biomarkers, the presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and organ dysfunction, will allow early diagnosis of sepsis even without an obvious focus of infection.

Expected results

New information will be obtained on the mechanisms of the bacterial translocation development in patients with colon tumors, the effectiveness of tests for the detection of bacterial translocation will be established, ways of their rational use for scientific and practical purposes will be proposed, innovative methods will be introduced in scientific research, practical care, and medical education

    Research group:
  1. Turgunov Y.M. - the head of the project, doctor of medical sciences, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of NJSC MUK; ResearcherID R-2915-2016, Scopus Author ID - 57215313148,
  2. Shakeyev K. T. - major researcher of the department of surgical diseases NJSC MUK; Scopus Author ID- 56801885500
  3. Kadyrova I.A. – r., PhD, associate professor of RL of IoLS of NJSC MUK; Scopus Author ID– 56297966100,
  4. Avdienko O.V. – junior researcher of RL of IoLS of NJSC MUK; Scopus Author ID -57221804349,
  5. Matyushko D. N. - r., PhD, the head of the surgical service of the UC on REM "Multidisciplinary hospital No. 1 of Karaganda" HDKR; ResearcherID: AFX-9845-2022, Scopus Author ID- 57193721109,
  6. Mugazov M. M. - r., PhD, аss. professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Aid, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care; ResearcherID: ADC-0851-2022, Scopus Author ID –57209321668,
  7. Zhumakaev Aю M. - r., the head of the Department of Abdominal Surgery of UC on REM "Multidisciplinary hospital No. 1 of Karaganda" HDKR (oncological center)
  8. Ogizbayeva A. V. – r., PhD, аss. professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Aid, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, ResearcherID:ABX-6274-2022, Scopus Author ID –57331445400,

• Immunological studies were carried out for the detection of markers of bacterial translocation LBP, sCD14-ST in blood serum by ELISA and molecular genetic studies for the detection of bacterial translocation in mesenteric lymph nodes in studied patients, based on the results of which a preliminary statistical and complex analysis were carried out

Published 3 article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 %

• 1 article was published in a peer-reviewed domestic publication recommended by CECSES -Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan.

Received 3 certificates of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright.

• Presented 7 reports at international and republican conferences

Applicability of the obtained scientific results: the proposed methods for detecting biomarkers will allow further studies of bacterial translocation. Some of diagnostic methods can be used in practical health care. Improving the image of Collective Use Laboratory will help to attract investment and conduct research by the scientific groups of Kazakhstan and foreign partners. The development of modern high-tech research methods will create the prospect of commercialization in the form of creating a learning platform (master classes, advanced training, specialization in the workplace, etc.).

Target consumers of results: researchers, doctors; patients with complications of bacterial translocation.