Application for the implementation of a scientific, scientific and technical program within the framework of program-targeted funding


The purpose of the program:to develop, test and implement an IT platform for integrated training and control of surgical competencies into the system of higher medical education


The current methods of evaluating surgeons' knowledge do not allow us to evaluate all the competencies that a graduate surgeon should have. They allow you to narrowly assess the possession of information, manual skills, and lack a comprehensive integrated approach to the final certification of a surgeon. The introduction of mandatory clinical residency in surgical specialties once again confirms the relevance of the Project and the digital Product being developed: "outdated" methods of assessing knowledge are not a level of control over resident surgeons. A comprehensive and independent approach is needed.

The IT platform proposed in the Project will allow automating the exam process and evaluating the surgeon's competencies without the participation of the "human" factor; it will be universal in terms of language characteristics.

Expected results

Obtaining a ready–made unique digital product of domestic (Kazakh) development - a multilingual automated system for integrated training and knowledge control of a graduate surgeon.

at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific field of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);

or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication in the scientific field of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five), and at least 1 (one) patent included in Derwent Innovations Index database (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics);

- at least one (1) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five) and the act of implementation (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Investment and Development "On approval of the form of the act of implementation of the results of scientific research, scientific and technical works and (or) the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and the rules for its approval" No. 791 dated November 14, 2018), prepared as a result of the implementation of a scientific and technical product project or a license agreement for it;

- at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by the COKNVO;

- or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and included in the 1st (first) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database;

- It is planned to publish abstracts in the materials of international conferences (annual participation in international Congresses is planned)

- It is planned to publish a scientific monograph dedicated to the IT platform for integrated training and control of surgical competencies.

It is possible to obtain at least 1 priority certificate for a patent, or 1 certificate for an intellectual property object.

Applicability of the results obtained: the result (digital product – IT platform) can be implemented in the educational process of medical universities and faculties of Kazakhstan and abroad.

  1. Dmitry Nikolaevich Matyushko – Project Manager, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the NAO "Medical University of Karaganda", Deputy Director of the KGP "Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 1Karaganda", a surgeon of the first qualification category, an independent expert on National accreditation and external comprehensive assessment of medical institutions in Kazakhstan, an independent expert in the field of accreditation of educational organizations (IAAR).Scopus ID: 57193721109. Reseracher ID: FLA-7171-2022. ORCID: 0000-0002-7884-0507.
  1. 1. D.Y. Amanova, A.V. Lavrinenko, D.K. Kaliyeva, D.N. Matyushko, P.A. Ivachyov, Y.M.Turgunov "Comparative evaluation of translocation GFP-producing Escherichia coli strains in acute intestinal obstruction".// Bulletin of Experimental biology and medicine".- 2019.,-V.167.-No. 5 DOI 10.1007/c10517-019-04593- y (Scopus, Web of Science, Q4, Cite Score-36%,).
  2. Amanova D., Koishibayev Z., Turgunov Y. M., Matyushko D., Akhmaltdinova L.The levels of biomarkers of bacterial translocation during experimental intestinal obstruction. //European Surgical research Journal.V1.- 2018. – P.109. (Cite Score-55%, Scopus,Web of Science).
  3. Mugazov, M., Turgunov, Y., Kaliyeva, D., Koishibayeva, L., Alibekov, A. The role of presepsin in patients with acute surgical diseases. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019, 7(8), стр. 1282–1286. doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.292
  4. The dynamics of levels of lypopolysaccharide-binding protein and procalcitonin during the experimental acute intestinal obstruction/ Аmanova, D.E., Koishibayev, Zh.М., Akhmaltdinova, L.L., Matyushko, D.N., Turgunov, E.М. Medical News of North Caucasusthis link is disabled, 2019, 14(1), pp. 145–148
  5. Koishibayev Z,Zhumakayev A., Tleukulova A.E.,Matyushko D.N., Amanova D.Y. Dynamics of intra-abdominal pressure and character of intestinal microflora in acute bowel obstruction in the experiment.// Bulletin of Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise.-2018.- N2(108).-pp.55-58 (Russian Citation Index 0.18).
  6. Amanova D.E.,Koishibaev J.M.,Akhmaltdinova L.L.,Matyushko D.N., Turgunov E.M. Dynamics of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein procalcitonin in experimental intestinal obstruction. // Medical Bulletin of the North Caucasus. – 2019. – Vol.14. – No. 1,2. – pp. 145-148. (RSCI-0.761; Scopus - CiteScore 0.3; 27%).
    Information about the main security documents:
  1. - Turgunov E. M., Teleuov M. K., Matyushko D.N., Koishibaev Zh. M., Amanova D. E., Zhumakaev A. Certificate of the object of copyright "Modeling of acute intestinal obstruction in an experiment", authors M.No. 278 dated 02/15/2017.
  2. - Mugazov M.M.,Matyushko D.N.,Kalieva D.K., Sevastyanov L.V., Turgunov E.M. Certificate of copyright No.5672 dated 09.10.2019 "Methodology for determining the level of intraabdominal pressure in patients with acute abdominal surgical pathology"
  3. - Mugazov M.M., Matyushko D.N.,Kalieva D.K., Turgunov E.M. Certificate of copyright No.6093 dated 10/28/2019 "Method for determining the critical level of abdominal visceral perfusion pressure as a predictor of the development of multiorgan dysfunction syndrome in patients with acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity"
    Research group:
  1. Dana Erlanovna Amanova is a researcher, Project executor, PhD in Medicine, associate professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2 of the NAO "ҚМУ", a young scientist, a surgeon of the first qualification category, an expert doctor at the KGP Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 1.Scopus ID: 57209749331. Researcher ID: AFF-3110-2022. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6293-7833.
    List of publications:
  1. D.Y. Amanova, A.V. Lavrinenko, D.K. Kaliyeva, D.N. Matyushko, P.A. Ivachyov, Y.M.Turgunov "Comparative evaluation of translocation GFP-producing Escherichia coli strains in acute intestinal obstruction".// Bulletin of Experimental biology and medicine".- 2019.,-V.167.-№ 5 (Scopus, CI-36%).
  2. Amanova D., Koishibayev Z., Turgunov Y. M., Matyushko D., Akhmaltdinova L.The levels of biomarkers of bacterial translocation during experimental intestinal obstruction. //European Surgical research Journal.V1.- 2018. – P.109. (Web of Science, Scopus, CI-55%).
    Information about the main security documents
  1. - Certificate of copyright object No. 1857 dated 02/20/2019 "Method of introducing a suspension of microorganisms into the gastrointestinal tract of rats"
  2. - Silishchev Danila Alexandrovich - Chief Specialist of the Informatization Department of NJSC KMU
  3. - Bakytzhan Ayim Duman kyzy - Bachelor of the 4th year of the specialty "IT medicine" of the School of Public Health and Biomedicine of NJSC KMU. ORCID: 0000-0001-5218-1155.
  4. - Bolatbekova Aiganym Aibolovna - performer, teacher of the Department of Public Health.

A review of the literature, a detailed analysis of existing methods of knowledge assessment in the system of higher medical education in Kazakhstan and abroad, conclusions, advantages and disadvantages of each method are formed. A detailed analysis of the existing methods of knowledge assessment in the system of higher medical education in Kazakhstan and abroad. the conclusions, advantages and disadvantages of each method are formed.

A questionnaire in the form of a Google form has been developed and approved to assess the satisfaction of graduate surgeons of medical universities. A survey was conducted of 102 graduates of surgical specialties in 2021-2023 on the level of satisfaction with various methods of assessing the knowledge of NAO MUK and NAO MUA. According to the results of the survey, 87.2% (89 people) are completely dissatisfied with 3 assessment methods (OCE, written exam, oral), 48% are completely satisfied with the miniclinical exam. The remaining 12.8% are partially satisfied with the remaining methods of knowledge assessment.

A survey of the teaching staff was conducted on the level of satisfaction with various methods of knowledge assessment. Questionnaires have been developed and approved. 68 teachers of surgical disciplines of NJSC KMU and NJSC AMU took part in the survey

The product name was developed - IMC- Integrative medical cases. Contracts were concluded with external organizations implementing digitalization In the Figma software package, the sequence of the system's operation was built - the system is based on block–chain technology, the sequence of tasks is built in the form of logically connected modules distributed by levels of knowledge - from basic to special, as well as, recognition, understanding and application of the acquired knowledge. Structured and standardized algorithms of work have been created - the names of the "Exam" modules have been standardized with numbering from 1 to 7 with a description of the necessary content of each module.

Dissemination of the results of the work among potential users, the community of scientists and the general public: publications in domestic and foreign journals, the publication of a monograph, a number of speeches at national and international conferences, congresses, congresses on medical education and surgery are planned in order to familiarize with the new Kazakh development.

The advantages of the Project are that the creation of a ready-made digital platform will allow further commercialization of the Project and create a unique, in-demand Kazakhstani product (brand).

Within the framework of this research, it is planned to train scientific and technical personnel, a fragment of this research will be used to write a doctoral dissertation.

Expected scientific and socio-economic effect:

- Scientific justification will be provided for the need to change approaches and methods of assessing the knowledge of a graduate surgeon;

- A new digital product will be developed and introduced to the market of Kazakhstan – an IT platform for integrated training and control of surgical competencies, which will allow fully automating the exam process and comprehensively evaluating all the competencies of a surgeon without the "human" factor; it will be universal in language characteristics (Kazakh, Russian, English);

- A scientifically based, protected by security documents and proven IT platform for integrated training and control of surgical competencies will be introduced into the system of higher medical education;

- The resulting IT platform can become a scientifically based platform for conducting new research on the application and implementation of this system in other areas of medical knowledge (therapy, gynecology, pediatrics, etc.