Adaptive learning environment as prerequisite for developing softskills in university students and providing for continuity of school education


Objective: The project aims to define the prerequisites, strategies and mechanisms to effective adaptive learning of soft skills and to create the efficient educational environment of higher education reckoning the role of secondary education and personal characteristics of learners and promoting soft skills predisposing to successful future career.


In today’s ever changing world, the universities are no longer required to transfer the existing body of knowledge to the future specialists, but rather teach them how to think critically, make quick decisions and acquire ability to life-long learning. This task requires to harmonize the secondary and higher education, to stimulate adaptive learning of soft skills and to individualize the curriculum in the context of knowledge triangle of research, innovation and education.

In the project, we will thoroughly investigate and try to find the solution to the problem of soft skills development in university students using adaptive learning approach and considering both the specificity of previous secondary education and current university training. The developed methodology of adaptive learning will be evaluated from economical and educational points of view.

Expected results:

Creating the concept for adaptive learning and development of information system that supports it.

Developing of enrollees’ profiles to medical and pedagogical higher education programs.

Creating guidelines to implement the methodology of adaptive learning into the university educational process.

Carrying out investment analysis to determine the rationale for implementing adaptive learning.

Expert evaluation of methodology to create the educational environment of higher education favoring the development of soft skills.

- Preparing recommendations for higher educational institutions to stimulate adaptive learning and fostering soft skills development in their learners to allow them to gain competitive advantage on labor market

    Research group:
  1. Riklefs Viktor - PhD, Vice-Rector for Academic Work, Karaganda Medical University, The Principal Investigator.
  2. Bukeyeva A.S. - PhD, Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Quality Management, Karaganda Medical University,
  3. Riklefs V.V. - specialist in the Department of Academic Work, Karaganda Medical University,
  4. Barikova A.R. – assistant professor, E.A. Buketov University of Karaganda.
  5. Umurkulova M.M. - PhD-student, E.A. Buketov University of Karaganda, specialty "Psychology of education"
  6. Kassatova A.M. - PhD-student, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
  7. Omarbekova N.K. – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics and Biostatistics.
  8. Ospanova M.B. – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, psychologist, assistant professor of the Department of Kazakhstan’s History and socio-political disciplines.
  9. Drobchenko Е.А. – master student of 7M10123 Biomedicine.

Psychophysiological parameters of medical students with the use of different educational technologies were monitored and a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of different educational technologies that develop flexible skills in terms of psycho-emotional state andlearning outcomes was given. T

The educational technologies closest to the real situation cause higher psychophysiological tension. The combination of soft physiological mode of learning and detailed feedback leads to learning efficiency and mastery of all required flexible skills by the learners. The effectiveness of learning depends not only on the educational technology used, but also on the type of task at hand. Different learning tasks require different flexible skills that can be mastered more or less effectively when used. Individual responses are most pronounced in the types of learning that are closest to practice. External academic stress, perceived psychologically, leads to an overreaction to peak loads during learning, reducing its effectiveness. The author's certificate for the developed method of adaptive learning was obtained

The economic and educational effectiveness of different learning trajectories stimulating the development of flexible skills in medical education was evaluated. Approaches to optimize costs while maintaining high educational efficiency are proposed.

The educational effectiveness of the implementation of adaptive learning methods has been analyzed. Based on the results of two-stage expert evaluation of Delphi methods, the draft methodological recommendations for creating an adaptive environment of higher education of different teaching methods are compiled.

The primary project application area is the secondary and higher education. The projects results will benefit the school and university teachers, administration of schools and universities, as well as regional Departments of Education, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Healthcare.

Main publications on the project topic
  1. Психометрический тест как индикатор профессиональной пригодности абитуриентов / G. Kemelova, V. Riklefs, A. Kassatova, D. Aimbetova // «Росмедобр-2022. Инновационные обучающие технологии в медицине». –Moscow, 2022. –
  2. V. Riklefs, M. Umurkulova, A. Bukeyeva, V. Riklefs. Психолого-педагогическоеобоснование необходимости развития навыков конвергентного обучения у студентов напримере медицинского и многопрофильного университетов Казахстана // KhabarshyBulletin of the National Pedagogical University named after Abay, series “Psychology”. –2021.– №3.– P. 60-65.
  3. Psychometric testing and adaptive learning as prerequisite to successful adaptation to higher medical educatio / V. Riklefs, A. Bukeyeva, V. Riklefs // Abstract Book, Annual Conference of Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). – Lyon, 2022. – P. 179. –
  4. F. Mindubayeva, V. Riklefs, Y. Drobchenko, A. Bukeyeva. Опыт использования новыхобразовательных технологий при модульном обучении студентов в Карагандинскоммедицинском университете / Abstract Book, VIII International educational and methodological conference “Medical education: the choice of the 21st century generation”, 2022. - Kazan: Kazan State Medical University. P. 50-55
  5. Stress response in medical students to different fidelity of simulation: impact for curriculum designers / V. Riklefs, Y. Drobchenko, A. Bukeyeva, G. Kemelova, D. Aimbetova // Abstract Book, Annual Conference of Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). –Glasgow, 2023. – P. 940-941
  6. The master's thesis “Analysis of the effectiveness of educational technologies from the perspective of the development of soft skills and the level of psychophysiological stress in students” was defended by E.A. Drobchenko, part of the research group.