Pathogenetic significance of the structural-functional imbalance of a vascular system in the pulmo-cardio-renal continuum

АР 19676870

The purpose of the project: is to study a structural and functional imbalance of the vascular system from the position of improving pathogenetic mechanisms of the pulmo-cardio-renal continuum.


Diffuse lung lesions of infectious and non -infectious genesis are not local in nature, by affecting local homeostasis systems. They are irritative because of a neurohormonal activation, an oxidative stress, functional disorders leading to interorgan changes primarily in heart and kidneys. These mechanisms became especially clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, when a level of lung damage was correlated with a functional damage of myocardium and kidneys. But the fact that these reciprocal changes are only half the time reversible makes it more dramatic; furthermore, a progression of fibrosis and functional disorders turns into structural dysfunctions.

Expected result

is an improvement of the concept of pulmocardiorenal syndrome to identify key risk factors effectively, correct them, and prevent the transition to the symptomatic phase. The expected social and economic effect is to prevent medical and social losses from the development and/or progression of organ dysfunctions in a pool of patients with chronic lung diseases.

  1. Ibrayeva Lyazat K., general practitioner and pulmonologist of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences (M.D.), professor «KMU» h-index (по базе Scopus): 2, Scopus Author ID: 56712888900 .Researcher ID: ABZ-8951-2022
  2. Molotov-Luchanskiy Vilen B., doctor-therapist of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences (M.D.), professor «KMU» h-index (по базе Scopus): 3,, Scopus Author ID: 56612038200
  3. Alina Asel R., rheumatologist of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences (M.D.), professor «KMU» h-index (по базе Scopus): 1,, Researcher ID: ABZ -7000-2022, Scopus Author ID: 36967305200
  4. Bacheva Irina V., doctor-therapist and nephrologist of the highest category, PhD, associate professor «KMU» h-index (по базеScopus): 1,, Researcher ID: AAR-4890-2020, Scopus Author ID: 56612421200
  5. Rybalkina Dina Kh., radiology doctor, candidate of medical sciences (PhD), associate professor «KMU» h-index (по базе Scopus): 1,, Researcher ID: AFF-7942-2022, Scopus Author ID: 54890642500
  6. Nygimetova Aynash A., head of the pulmonology department. Regional clinical hospital of the Karaganda region.
  7. Bazarova Nazira K., acting head of the Therapeutic Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital. Cardiologist of the highest category, Master of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Karagandy branch of the public association "Kazakhstan Cardiological Society", member of the Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan.
  8. Kaneyev Ilya Е., radiology doctor, Department of Radiation Diagnostics, assistant «KMU»
  9. Zhanabayeva Ayzhan S., pulmonologist, Department of Internal Medicine, traineeteacher «KMU»
  10. Krylov Andrey V., resident pulmonologist «KMU»
  11. Klassen Olga S., PhD student, pulmonologist «KMU»
  12. Aubakirova Meruert K., PhD student, pulmonologist «KMU»
  13. Borchashvili Seda A-K., resident nephrologist «KMU»
  14. Borchashvili Makka A-K., resident rheumatologist «KMU»
  15. Bekenova Aisulu V., resident rheumatologist «KMU»
  16. Avdienko Olga V., junior researcher, scientific research laboratory «KMU»
Publications of the Project manager (Ibrayeva L.K.)
  1. Turgunova L.G., Shalygina A.A., Ibrayeva L.K.,Turmuhambetova A.A. Metabolic syndrome as a factor affecting on intima-media thickness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (индексцитированиябазы Scopus 1) // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (General Medicine - 49-й процентиль), 2021, 9, pp. 411–416. DOI:
  2. Laryushina Y., Parakhina V., Turmukhambetova, A., Turgunova L., Ibraeva L.,Amirkhanova, D., Nildibayeva, F. The relationship between the level fabp4, risks of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular events (индекс цитирования базы PubMed 4) // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (General Medicine - 49-й процентиль), 2020, 8(B), pp. 762–768. DOI:
  3. Tulegenova D.E., Ibrayeva L.K.,Rybalkina D.K., Minbayeva L.S., Bacheva I.V. Justification of the need to normalize vitamin D status for immunoprophylaxis (индексцитированиябазыРИНЦ 1) // Voprosy pitaniia (General Medicine - 50-й процентиль), 2020, 89(6), pp. 70–81. DOI:
  4. Namazbaeva Z., Battakova S., Ibrayeva L., Sabirov Z. Change in metabolic and cognitive state among people of the Aral zone of ecological disaster (индекс цитирования базыScopus 1) // Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolutionthis link is disabled (Biological Sciences –40-й процентиль), 2018, 64(1-4), pp. 44–55. DOI:
  5. Grebeneva O.V., Rybalkina D.H., Ibrayeva L.K., ShadetovaA.Zh., Drobchenko E.A., Aleshina N.Yu. Evaluating occupational morbidity among energy enterprise employees in industrial region of Kazakhstan // Russian Open Medical Journal (General Medicine - 35-й процентиль), 2021, 10(3), e0319. DOI:
Publications of the main staff of the research group
  1. Omertayeva D., Muravlyova L., Ponomaryova O., Molotov-Luchanskiy V., Bakirova. R.., Klyuev D., Mugazov M. The level assessment of extracellular nucleic acids in the blood of pregnant women with chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia (индексцитирования базы Scopus 3) // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020, 8(B), pp. 514–518. DOI:
  2. Molotov-Luchanskiy V., Nukhuly A., Muravlyova L., Bakirova R., Kossybayeva A., Klyuyev D., Demidchik L., Beinikova I. Neutrophil Oxidized-Modified Proteins and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia // Pulmonary Medicine, 2020, 2020, 4897038. DOI:
  3. Sheryazdanova D., Laryushina Y., Vassilyeva N., Serikbaeva A., Alina A., Butyugina M., Tauesheva Z. Association between 1,5-anhydro-D-sorbitol, Insulin, and Incretins in Patients with Pre-diabetes and ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022, 10, pp. 464–469. DOI:
  4. Sheryazdanova D.N., Laryushina Y.M., Muravlyova L.Y., Turgunova L.G., Alina A.R., Vassilyeva N.V., Turmukhambetova A.A. Insulin resistance and contrainsular response in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with acute coronary syndrome // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020, 8(B), pp. 943–948. DOI:
  5. Rybalkina D.K.,Ibrayeva L.K., Salimbaeva B.M., Minbayeva L.S., Bacheva I.V.,Drobchenko Y.A., Aleshina N.Y. Assessment of medical and losses due to socially significant diseases in the East Kazakhstan Region // Przeglad epidemiologiczny, 2020, 74(3), pp. 543–549. DOI:
  6. Ibrayeva L.K., RybalkinaD.Kh., Zhanbasinova N.M., Drobchenko E.A. Medical and social losses from diseases of the circulatory system in industrial regions of Kazakhstan // Meditsina Truda I Promyshlennaya Ekologiya, 2019, 59(7), pp. 444–448.
  7. Bacheva I., Umbetalina N., Bregvadze-Tabagari N., Shalygina A., Baidildina B. Epidemiology, structure and algorithm of management of pregnant women with extragenital pathology of therapeutic profile (индекс цитирования базы Scopus 1) // Georgian medical news, 2017, (264), pp. 25–31. PMID: 28480844.
  8. Bacheva I.V.,Umbetalina N.S., Akhmaldinova L.L. The possibilities of serum cystatine C in diagnostic of pyelonephritis in pregnant women (индекс цитирования базы Scopus 1) // Klinichescheskaya Laboratornaya Diagnostika, 2016 (11), pp. 772–776. DOI:
  9. Koichubekov B., Sorokina M., Korshukov I., Bakirova R., Bekov E.,Omarbekova N.. Psychophysiological status and life quality in individuals with metabolic syndrome living in central Kazakhstan // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020, 8(B), pp. 463–469. DOI:
  10. Классен О.С.,Шатько В.Э., Кулымбетов А.К., Бачева И.В., Ибраева Л.К., Рыбалкина Д.Х. Течение и исходы хронической болезни почек и острого повреждения почек при COVID-19 // Материалы XXVII Всероссийской научно-практ. конф. с межд. участием. Клиническая лаборатория: вклад в борьбу с пандемией. Сборник тезисов. Москва, 2022. С. 62-63.
  11. Алиякпаров М.Т., Турмухамбетова А.А., Канеев И.Э. Методы лучевой диагностики при новой короновирусной инфекции COVID-19// Медицина и экология.-2021.-№4 (101).-С.5-7
  12. Байдильдина Б. Н., Тургунова Л. Г., Бачева И. В., Ахмалтдинова Л. Л., Ларюшина Е. М. Ассоциация «традиционных» факторов риска и уровня хемокина СXCL16 в развитии кардиоваскулярных событий// Медицина и экология. - 2019.-№1 (90).-С.92-98. (ККСОН в 2019 году)
  13. Жанабаева А.С.,Сағади Н.М. (резиденты пульмонологи), Ибраева Л.К. (науч. рук.) и др. Повышение темпа старения, как фактор утяжеления течения COVID-19 // Мат. II Нац. конгресса с межд. участием по экологии человека, гигиене и медицине окружающей среды «Сысинские чтения – 2021», 17-19 ноября 2021 г. – Москва: ФГБУ «ЦСП» ФМБА России, 2021. С. 160-165. ISBN 978-5-9500159-4-6.

Work is underway to identify differences in the clinical and functional state of people with chronic lung diseases with and without heart failure and impaired renal function:

- Monitoring of the function of respiratory organs (spirometry, capnography, acid-base state of the blood)

- Monitoring of the functional state of a cardiovascular system (echocardiography with vascular dopplerography);

- Identification of radiographic features of structural changes in lungs and their assessment over time;

- Monitoring of the life quality according to the WHOQOL-BREF scale;

- Assessment of the function of the urinary system (according to anamnesis, physical examination, with determination of the degree of renal failure);

- Determination of brain natriuretic propeptide (BNP), Mid-regional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR - proANP), highly sensitive troponin T (hsTnT), endothelin-1, galectin-3, blood creatinine, PAI -1, albumin-creatinine index urine, assessment of the acid-base state of the blood(60 patients were examined, work continues). A literature was researched by using the Web of Science, Scopus, Pub med databases to form a literature review highlighting clinical and functional changes depending on the presence/absence of heart failure, the presence/absence of impaired renal function with changes in markers of endothelial dysfunction, fibrosis, and heart failure.

Area of application: medical organizations, medical education organizations. The impact of expected results on the development of the main scientific direction and related areas of science and technology: the achievement of the project goal will allow to form understanding key pathogenesis mechanisms of the vascular dysfunctions development within the pulmo-cardio-renal continuum, which can improve the early diagnosis of organ lesions and their correction. Applicability and (or) the possibility of commercialization of the obtained scientific results: early diagnosis in the "gray" zone of heart failure using MR-proANP, hsTnT markers; the formation of a pulmo-cardio-renal continuum can form the basis of rehabilitation measures to reduce the burden of cardiovascular complications.