Investigation of the interaction of a nanocellulose-based biocomposite in a model of a tubular bone defect in an in vivo experiment


Objective: To study in vivo the effect of a nanocellulose-based biocomposite on bone tissue in a model of a tubular bone defect.


Currently, in the treatment of bone tissue defects, they resort to filling them with an autograft, an allograft. The use of allografts used in clinical practice is not available to many medical institutions, due to the high cost, many of them are not registered in the state register of medicines, medical devices, this makes it difficult to use them in clinical practice in our country. From a clinical point of view, bone defects that need to be filled with grafts are large in size and a large amount of bone plastic material is required to fill them. The creation of a nanocellulose-based biocomposite designed to make up for bone tissue defects will solve the problem with the use of expensive bone-plastic preparations.

Expected results

A model of a tubular bone defect will be created in an in vivo experiment in rats. A method of transplantation of the prepared biocomposite based on nanocellulose in the formed models will also be developed. A security document will be obtained for the model of the tubular bone defect.

Experimental and clinical data (temperature, weight, activity, wound) on the interaction of the biocomposite with bone tissue in the comparison groups will be obtained.

X-ray data will be obtained (defect condition, degree of biocomposite lysis, periosteum condition) on the interaction of biocomposite with bone tissue in comparison groups.

The biocomposite tolerance to infectious agents will be evaluated.

A histological assessment of bone tissue rearrangement in the compared groups will be given.

The results of a bone reaction to a nanocellulose-based biocomposite will be obtained.

A comprehensive assessment of experimental-clinical, radiological, microbiological and histological data, the possibility of using a nanocellulose-based biocomposite will be given.

    Research Group
  1. Akhmetova Saule Baltabaevna – Project manager, Head of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Microbiology of NCJSC «KMU». The Hirsch index is – 6,,
  2. Tuleubaev Berik Yerkebulanovich – a leading researcher, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of "Surgical Diseases" of NCJSC «KMU». The Hirsch index is – 2,,
  3. Koshanova Amina Amantaykyzy – researcher, Associate professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the NCJSC «KMU». The Hirsch index is – 1,,
  4. Belyaev Ilya Andreevich – researcher, Assistant of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Microbiology of NCJSC «KMU».,
  5. Kosilova Ekaterina Yurievna – junior researcher, a 3rd-year doctoral student of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the NCJSC «KMU».
  6. Amirkhanova Zhanerke Talgatkyzy – junior researcher, assistant of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Microbiology of NCJSC «KMU».

The technology of surgical intervention has been developed to create an optimal model of a tubular bone defect in rats.

A technique for filling biocomposites based on nanocellulose when filling bone defects in rats has been developed.

Intermediate data of experimental and clinical interaction of biocomposite in a model of a bone defect of tubular bone in an in vivo experiment were obtained.

Based on the data obtained in vivo, forecasts of further application in clinical practice, in particular traumatology, transplantology, neurosurgery, will be given.

Expected scientific and socio-economic effect:

- Scientific justification will be given for the need to make changes to approaches and methods for assessing the knowledge of a graduate surgeon;

- A new Kazakhstani digital product will be developed and presented on the market - an IT platform for comprehensive training and monitoring of surgical competencies, which will completely automate the exam process and comprehensively evaluate all the surgeon’s skills without the “human” factor;

- Will be universal in language characteristics (Kazakh, Russian, English);

- A scientifically based, protected by security documents and proven IT platform for integrated training and control of surgical competencies will be introduced into the system of higher medical education;

- The resulting IT platform can become a science-based platform for conducting new research on the use and implementation of these systems in other areas of medical knowledge (therapy, gynecology, pediatrics, etc.).

Scientific publications within the framework of the project:
  1. A review article has been published in a domestic publication recommended by the KOKSNVO: "Traumatologiyada nanocellulose negizdegi biocompositterdi kolanu potentials" Toleubaev B.E., Kosilova E.Yu., Koshanova A.A., Feoktistov V.A., Kerimbekov T.I. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Kazakhstan, Special issue. Number 68(2023).