School of Residency and Professional Development

The main areas of work of the school of residency and professional development:

  • implementation of training programs for doctors of narrow specialties through residency training;
  • implementation of additional education programs;
  • clinical activity of the University.

Residency training ensures the integration of practice and theory, includes the content, sequence of training of a resident doctor with the definition of goals and learning outcomes based on the performance of tasks and the provision of medical care to the population.

Ташкенбаева Венера Базарбековна
Dean of the school
Tashenbayeva Venera Bazarbekovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1387

School News

Educational programs

Dean's Office staff

Шарапиева Жанна Бекетовна
Deputy Dean of Residency
Sharapova Zhanna Beketovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1601
Аимбетова Динара Булатовна
Deputy Dean for Additional Education
Aimbetova Dinara Bulatovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1732
Подилякина Юлия Сергеевна
Main expert
Julia Sergeevna Delyakina
+7 7212 503930, ext.1399
Рамазанова Гульжанат Кунтугановна
Main expert
Ramazanova Gulzhanat Kuntuganovna
+7 7212 503930,ext.1723
Айтжанова Резеда Мансуровна
Aitzhanova Rezeda Mansurovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1656
Искакова Динара Кайруллаевна
Iskakova Dinara Kairullayevna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1264
Кітапбай Алуа Сағатбекқызы
Kitapbay Alua Sagatbekovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1306

International cooperation

Joint educational programs have been developed:

  • "Family Medicine", University of Vilnius (Lithuania);
  • "Neurology, adult, children's", Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Yaroslavl State Medical University;
  • "Traumatology - orthopedics for adults, children", Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Academician Batpenov N.D.;
  • Pediatrics, Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery.

Academic mobility

Foreign partners

  • I.I.Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University
  • Siberian State Medical University
  • V.A.Almazov National Medical Center
  • Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov
  • Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibni Sino
  • N.I.Pirogov Russian National Medical University
  • "Erciyes University" Kayseri
Академическая мобильность

Kazakhstan partner universities

  • Astana Medical University
  • Semey Medical University
  • Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov
  • South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
  • National Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after academician Batpenov N.D.
  • National Cancer Research Center
  • Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases
  • University Medical Center Corporate Foundation
  • Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University

The history of the school

The School of Residency and Professional Development was established in 2019 as a result of the merger of the Department of Clinical Work, Innovation and the Faculty of Continuing Professional Development.