School of Public Health

Public health – the rapidly growing field of healthcare in the world practice. The knowledge offered will open up a wide range of opportunities around the world. Our school offers basic knowledge and skills with which you can build your career in areas related to health and science.

The main directions of the school's work:

  • implementation of training programs for public health and IT medicine specialists;
  • implementation of postgraduate education programs;
  • preventive activities of the University

The purpose of the School – to prepare qualified, competitive specialists in the field of public health who meet the modern requirements of science and healthcare.

The field of professional activity of graduates:

  • healthcare;
  • education;
  • the science;
  • social protection;
  • public administration bodies
Dean of the school
Dauletkalieva Zhania Abayevna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1779

School News

Educational programs

Dean's Office staff

Deputy Dean for Academic and Social Work
Komarova Aisulu Makashevna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1271
Ospanova Zhansulu Umitkerovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1568

Student life

The student life of the School of Public Health is organized by the Student Government Committee. Together with the dean's office and the staff of the School, various events of a patriotic, spiritual, moral, and educational nature are held.

Some events have become traditional. For example, "Team Building", "Gender Equality", "Nauryz meiramy", "New Year's Eve" and many others.

The history of the school

Студенческая жизнь

The faculty was founded in 1959. In 1963, the dean's office of the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty was organized, which was headed by a specialist in the field of food hygiene, Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Nikolai Nikiforovich Mamas. Due to the training of specialists in various fields, since September 2013 the faculty has been called preventive medicine, biology and pharmacy. In the 2017-2018 academic year, the dean's office was called the Faculty of Public Health, Biology and Pharmacy.

Since September 2018, the Faculty of Public Health, Biology and Pharmacy has been transformed into the School of Public Health and Pharmacy, in September 2019, the School of Public Health and Pharmacy was renamed the School of Public Health, Biomedicine and Pharmacy, and since September 2020 was renamed the School of Public Health and Biomedicine.