School of Pharmacy

The School currently has 3 doctors of Pharmaceutical Sciences and 2 doctors of Chemical Sciences, 1 candidate of Biological Sciences, 2 pharmaceutical and 6 candidates of Chemical Sciences, 1 candidate of Technical Sciences, 4 PhD doctors, as well as masters of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

The direction of scientific research of the School:

  • development of phytopreparations based on domestic medicinal plant raw materials;
  • pharmaceutical market marketing research and social pharmacy;
  • safe synthesis of organic medicinal substances;
  • 3D modeling of medical devices;
  • synthesis, structure and study of the biological activity of alkaloid derivatives;
  • quantum chemical study of molecules of natural compounds.

According to the results of scientific research and educational problems, from 2018 to 2023, about 100 printed works were published, including more than 20 in international rating journals. There are more than 10 patents for inventions and copyright certificates.

Лосева Ирина Викторовна
Dean of the school
Loseva Irina Viktorovna
+7 7212 503930

School News

Educational programs

Dean's Office staff

Шакаримова Куаныш Казбековна
Deputy Dean for Academic and Social Work
Shakarimova Kuanysh Kazbekovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.????
Duisekeeva Ayazhan Yerbolatovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.????
Abdullina Asem Asylbekovna
+7 7212 503930

Student life

An interesting student life awaits you at the School of Pharmacy. There is a student government committee, which has been headed by Bolatbek Ayazhan Zhanatkyzy, a student of OP Pharmacy, since 2022.

The KSU includes several sectors:

  • educational, which organizes and conducts subject Olympiads, as well as provides information assistance on training issues
  • a researcher who coordinates the issues of student participation in scientific research, competitions, conferences and other scientific forums
  • sports, engaged in the organization and preparation of student teams of the school for sports contests and other competitions;
  • The cultural center is responsible for organizing and holding various events, festive concert programs for the Republic Day, Nauryz, March 8, as well as the holding of the competition "Mr. and Mrs. Pharmacy Schools", creative marathons and others have become traditional for the school.
  • informational - they cover the student life of the School in the social networks of the university and the School
  • legal and patriotic education
  • volunteering
  • "Жаңа step", engaged in the development of entrepreneurial skills

Student Science Club

The School of Pharmacy has a student scientific club, the guys, under the guidance of leading teachers of the school, perform various studies: they are engaged in 3D modeling of various medical devices intended for prosthetics, study medicinal plants, develop new pharmaceutical creams, ointments, gels, syrups, tinctures and cosmeceutical products - shampoos, lotions, soaps, scrubs, balms and many other products based on 100% natural ingredients with the addition of plant extracts and essential oils, which are also obtained themselves, are engaged in the synthesis of various organic medicinal substances, including taking into account the principles of "green chemistry".

Студенческая жизнь

Студенческая жизнь

The history of the school

The School of Pharmacy was established on the basis of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and Chemistry. The reorganization took place by September 1, 2020, due to an increase in the number of students to train specialists in the field of drug provision. The first set of applicants for the specialty pharmacy was made in 2002.

The first head and organizer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines was Abdullabekova Raisa Musulmanbekovna, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, one of the leading specialists of Kazakhstan in the field of pharmaceutical production technology and pharmacy organization. The School of Pharmacy is a graduate school for all levels of education in the fields of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Production Technology – Bachelor's, master's and PHD doctoral studies. The contingent of the Pharmacy School is currently represented by more than 800 students.

История школы