School of Nursing Education

The School of Nursing Education is a structural unit of the NJSC "Медицинский университет Караганды". A feature of the school of nursing education is the multi-level training of nursing specialists, which allows for a high level of qualifications and skills to handle complex medical situations and improve the quality of medical care. It also promotes the professional development of nursing staff and raises the status of this profession.

Multilevel training of nursing specialists means that professional education in this field provides several levels of training, from basic to advanced.

The first level of training includes obtaining a nursing diploma, which includes general education and specialized medical disciplines. During their training, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide basic health care services and patient care.

At the second level of education students can obtain a bachelor's degree in nursing. In this case, the training includes more theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of nursing, as well as in-depth study of other medical and social sciences.

The third level of preparation is a master's degree in nursing. In this program, students study more complex and specialized aspects of nursing practice, such as management and leadership, scientific research, and advanced clinical nursing.

Естемесова Карлыгаш Амангельдиевна
Dean of the school
Estemesova Karlygash Amangeldievna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1669

School News

Educational programs

Dean's office staff

Өмірзаққызы Айгүл
Deputy Dean for Social Work
Omirzaqkyzy Aigul
+7 7212 503930, ext.1663
Алдабаева Улпан Оразбаевна
TVE methodologist
Aldabaeva Ulpan Orazbaevna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1669
Болатова Асель Болатовна
Bolatova Asel Bolatovna
+7 7212 503930,ext.1687

Student life

In order to involve students in making collegial decisions at the school and university level, a system of student self-government has been built.The Student Republic “Samruk” was created. The Student Republic "Samruk" is a collegial body of student self-government.The task of SR Samruk is to assist management in the implementation of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.There are clubs and clubs for creative development and individual abilities: the oriental dance ensemble “Karakoz”, the discussion club “Namys”, the theater arts club, the modern dance club “Yes Team”, the student poetry club “Zhyr Zhauhar”, the vocal singing club, the sports club - ballroom dancing “Golden Step”, a fine arts club, and there are also 24 sports sections, where students from schools actively participate.

Студенческая жизнь

School history

Сотрудники и преподаватели

The school started its operations in March 2017 as a medical college.

Since July 2017, the medical college has been renamed into the faculty of training paramedical workers.

From 01.09.2018 The faculty of training paramedical workers was reorganized into the School of Nursing Education. Since then, the School of Nursing Education has been implementing educational programs at the following levels of education: Technical and vocational, post-secondary education, higher and postgraduate education.