School of Dentistry

The teaching staff provides consultations and reception for children and adults. The reception is conducted on the basis of the dental clinic of the university and healthcare organizations in Karaganda. They are involved as experts in the analysis of controversial clinical cases.

The educational program allows students to be introduced into a professional environment, starting with junior courses.

In senior courses, under the guidance of the teaching staff, they are introduced to clinical admission to develop clinical skills and thinking, and analyze interesting clinical cases. Professional practice as a dentist's assistant is conducted on the basis of public and private dental clinics in the cities of the republic.

During their studies, students can travel as part of academic mobility to study at universities in the near and far abroad, take part in international and national conferences and Olympiads, attend world and international exhibitions in the field of dentistry, listen to lectures by visiting professors from near and far abroad.

Калина Айнур Сериковна
Dean of the school
Kalin Ainur Serikovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1407

School News

Educational programs

Dean's Office staff

Омарова Айнур Куралбековна
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Omarova Ainur Kuralbekovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1454
Рақымғали Рымгүл Жанболатқызы
Deputy Dean for Social Work
Rakhimgali Rymgul Zhanbolatovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1497
Аринова Эльмира Орашовна
Arinova Elmira Orashovna
+7 7212 503930, ext.1729

Student life

Students of the School of Dentistry participate in the work of 18 sports clubs, 29 art and public associations of the university:

  • Dana Pshenbayeva – head of the "Kuretamyr" club
  • Aisha Akhmerova – head of the "Entertainer" club
  • Moldayp Aidana – head of the Dombra Orchestra
  • Tamerlan Tursumbekov – head of the volunteer organization "StudMed volunteers"
  • Тurasheva Aizada is a representative of the School of Dentistry of Karaganda Medical University in the Dental Association of Students of Kazakhstan "Dental Association of students"

The School has a Student Government Committee, the chairman is Dana Bolatovna Pshenbayeva. All events are held jointly by the School of Dentistry's ticket office.

In order to motivate and involve students in the professional environment, they participate in national and international Olympiads and conferences; at the world dental exhibition "International Dental Show" Germany, Cologne, and the international Central Asian dental exhibition "Cadex".

История школы

The history of the school

In 1978, the Faculty of Dentistry was opened and the first dean was appointed Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Galym Tazhibaevich Eslyamgaliev.

In 2002, the dental and preventive Medicine faculties were merged into one faculty, in 2010 the specialty of Dentistry became part of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry.

In 2018, the School of Dentistry was established, which, together with the dental clinic, were merged into the Integrated Academic Health System (IAS).