International Medical Faculty

The Dean's Office strives to ensure high quality education for international students , to intensify their participation in the public life of the university and prepare specialists who know modern medical principles and health care fundamentals. The faculty offers a bachelor's degree program in the specialty "General Medicine", organizes educational and methodological work and provides consultations to foreign applicants. Also academic mobility of teaching staff and students is carried out. The faculty is actively engaged in scientific research, attracts students to participate in scientific circles and supports them in the preparation of scientific publications.

The faculty provides all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay for foreign students, including housing, interaction with migration services and the organization of cultural and sports events.

Сарсенбаев Касым Куандыкович
Dean of the school
Sarsenbaev Kasym Kuandykovich
+7 7212 503930, ext.1270

School News

Dean's office staff

Жансейтов Азамат Толешович
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Zhanseitov Azamat Toleshovich
+7 7212 503930, ext.1822
Кумар Динеш
Social work specialist
Kumar Dinesh
+7 7212 503930, ext.1465
Bakytkhan Aytansyk
+7 7212 503930, ext.1671
Passport and visa control specialist
Beisembayeva Aigerim
+7 7212 503930, ext.1275

Student life

Students of the International Faculty of Medicine are actively involved in the cultural, social and sports life of the university and the city. They regularly become laureates and prize-winners of various competitions, forums and competitions, demonstrating a high level of competence and talent in various fields.


Students also actively participate in cultural festivals organized by the university and the city. These events provide them with a unique opportunity to present their culture and national traditions, including national cuisine and other cultural attributes, which contributes to the exchange of cultural experiences and strengthening intercultural ties.


Sport plays a significant role in the lives of students of the faculty. They actively participate in various sporting events and often take prizes. Our students excel in sports such as judo, football, basketball, volleyball and others. This not only promotes their physical development, but also strengthens team spirit and cooperation.

In general, the active participation of students in a variety of activities contributes to the formation of a broad outlook, develops leadership skills and contributes to their comprehensive development as professionals and citizens.

Студенческая жизнь

Спорт ММФ

School history

История школы

The International Faculty of Medicine was founded in September 2016 as a faculty for training international students and renamed in 2017. MBA Doskozhin Dulat Mukazhanovich was appointed the first dean of the faculty. Today, the faculty is home to more than 1,500 foreign students studying in the specialty 5B130100 “General Medicine” in English.

From September 2017 to February 2023, the dean’s office of the International Medical Faculty was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Toleubekov Kuatbek Kuanyshbekovich.

Since February 2023, the faculty has been headed by the dean, M.D. Sarsenbaev Kasym Kuandykovich.