Department of Morphology

Медеубаевна Лейла Стабаева
Head of the department, PhD, pathologist of the first category.
Leila Medeubaevna Stabayeva
+7 7212 503930, ext.1584

The department provides teaching of human anatomy. At the educational base, students master both traditional and modern methods of morphological research.

The teaching staff of the department constantly carries out consultative and diagnostic work in the pathology departments of city clinics.

The staff of the Department of Morphology has published more than 25 books, 3 atlases and more than 30 teaching aids.

The department develops students' abilities for systematic independent work, mastering the methodology of scientific research. Conducting scientific research takes place on the basis of three scientific student societies.

The staff of the department consists of 36 employees.

Scientific activity

The main scientific directions of the department at first were collateral circulation and issues of topographic anatomy of the sympathetic nervous system, current problems of modern surgery and radiobiology: the search and development of new methods of treatment and prevention of acute surgical infection (peritonitis, etc.). The staff of the department conducted research in several areas simultaneously: the study of the pathogenesis of various metabolic and pathophysiological disorders, changes in microcirculation and hemodynamics, immunological reactivity and morphological state of various organs in these pathological processes.

At the same time, methods of correction and treatment of endogenous intoxication syndrome, microcirculatory immunological and hemodynamic disorders (extracorporeal detoxification methods, stimulation of reparative processes and the development of new methods of suturing in peritonitis conditions) were sought experimentally and tested in the clinic, the possibilities of using endovascular laser blood therapy for purulent-septic and radiation lesions were studied.

Scientific directions such as: the impact of major surgical interventions on various organs and body systems and the development of the most optimal options for corrective therapy; studies of compensatory and regenerative processes in organs after various resection options under the influence of harmful environmental factors; current problems of modern surgery and radiology, the possibilities of using intravascular laser therapy of blood in radiation damage and reparative regeneration of dusty lungs after various resections; cytological assessment of the mitogenic and mutagenic effects of microwave radiation on liver cells. G.U. Zhanaidarova –«Embryonic and early postnatal histogenesis of cardiac muscle in antenatal ethanol intoxication»; PhD dissertations: M.M. Tusupbekova, V.A. Yugai, E.A. Nadirova, P.M. Kovalenko, B.H. Madieva, V.I. Medvedeva (1993).

The works of R.J. Efimova, K.T. Nurseitova and others were devoted to perinatal intoxication. Graduate students M.M. Unisyanova, N.A. Kocheryzhkina, K.B. Abzaliev, G.V. Akashev, D.H. Rybalkina successfully completed postgraduate studies and defended their PhD theses under the guidance of Professor A.V. Kurkin, doctoral studies with the defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Reactivity of the monocyte-macrophage system of connective tissue during dehydration of the body and correction of homeostasis with antioxidants" L.G. Proshina.M.M. Tusupbekova's doctoral dissertations were completed and defended –«Comparative pathology of fetal and newborn kidneys in complicated pregnancy in women of central Kazakhstan». Master's work of R. Zh. Nygyzbayeva on the topic «Сlinic-morphological algorithm for differential diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis and tuberculosis», I. Muhammad on the topic «Histopathological assessment of preand post-placental malperfusion for preeclampsia», S.N. Zhuravlev on the topic «Pathomorphological criteria for assessing arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels», There were also successful defenses by E.K. Kamyshansky on the topic «The diagnostic significance of CD15 immunophenotyping in the assessment of antenatal placental insufficiency», L.M. Stabayeva on the topic «Clinical and morphological differential diagnosis on thoracobiopic materials of diffuse lung diseases with sarcoidosis»


The development of students' ability to systematically work independently, mastering the methodology of scientific research, conducting scientific research takes place on the basis of three scientific student societies.

Educational activities

The educational process uses a computerized microscope with digital photographing of histological preparations by Leica Microsystems, multimedia systems and innovative teaching technologies PBL, CBL, TBL, mind mapping.

Clinical bases:

  • 6В10102- General Medicine
  • 6В10102- Medicine (NIMO)
  • 6В10102- Medicine
  • 6В10108- Pediatrics (NIMO)
  • 6В10108- Pediatrics
  • 6В10122- Dentistry (NIMO)
  • 6В10122- Dentistry
  • 6В10103- Pharmacy
  • 6В101100- Nursing
  • 6В05101- Biomedicine
  • 6В10106- Public health
  • 6В10111- IT- Medicine
  • 5В110300- Medical and preventive care (NIMO)

Anatomy and Top. anatomy block Histology block Pathological Anatomy block«Topographic anatomy», «Anatomy», «The nervous system», «The senses», «The endocrine system», «Respiratory system», «The digestive system», «Metabolism and energy», «Urinary system», «The reproductive system», «General pathology», «Hematopoietic system», «The genitourinary system», «Musculoskeletal system»,«Metabolism and energy», «Cardiovascular system, lymphatic system», «Movement and support. Musculoskeletal system», «Respiratory system», «Topographic anatomy of the head and neck», «Topographic human anatomy», «Clinical anatomy of the head and neck», «General and private anatomy of teeth», «Human anatomy», «Physiology with the basics of anatomy», «Anatomy, physiology», «Module Morphological foundations of vital activity (Structural and functional characteristics of cells and tissues, Structural and functional characteristics of organs)», «Module Morphology (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology)», «Anatomy with the basics of physiology», «Illness and health» «Histology and cytology», «Respiratory system» «Cellular and tissue bases», «Cellular foundations of vital activity», «Cardiovascular, lymphatic and immune systems» «Embryogenesis. The reproductive system. Genetics», «Histology», «Histology with human embryology», «The cardiovascular system», «Clinical pathomorphology», «Forensic medicine», «Medical law», «Pathology of organs and systems», «Pathology of the oral cavity», «Structural foundations of diseases of the dental system», «Clinical pathomorphology», «Pathology of tumors of the oral cavity, diseases of the salivary glands, lips and tongue», «Pathology», «The basics of pathology»

Clinical activities

On the recommendation of the Department of clinical practice «Macroscopic study and examination of the mucous membrane», «Еxamination sheet on pathological anatomy», «Мorphological criteria of vascular malperfusions in placentas in the physiological course of pregnancy and preeclampsia»

Of particular interest was a master class on topical issues of maternal and child health, conducted by the department together with Russian Professor V.A. Tsinserling.

Clinical bases:

  • CSE «Regional Clinical Hospital»
  • CSE on REU «Multidisciplinary hospital named after Prof. H.J. Makazhanova»
  • Clinics of NAO «MUK»
  • CSE «Regional Children's Hospital»))

The history of the department

  • 1951 – 4 departments were organized: histology, pathological anatomy, normal anatomy, topographic anatomy and operative surgery.
  • 2007 – the Department of Normal Anatomy was merged with the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery.
  • 2023 – unification of the departments of pathological anatomy, Histology and Anatomy, the Department of Morphology was formed.

he Department of Pathological Anatomy was organized in 1951, the first head of the department was Professor Sergei Fedorovich Serov, one of the first to study the pathomorphological aspects of dust pathology in the Karaganda coal basin. Subsequently, in different years, the department was headed by prof. H.S. Nugmanova (1956-1975), prof. A.E Shkutin (1975-1985), associate professor. R.H. Akimzhanov (1985-1996), in connection with the unification of the department of histology and pathological anatomy, led the pathological anatomy course, associate professor M.T. Aitkulov (1996-98). From 1998 to 2018, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tussupbekova Maida Maskhapovna. Since September 2023, the department has been headed by Associate Professor, PhD L.M. Stabayeva

Anatomy block

The Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery was founded in 1951. The first head of the department was professor A.I. Lubbock. From 1952 to 1960, the department was headed by associate professor E.M. Medvedeva. During 1962 and 1971, the department was again headed by Professor A.I. Lubbock. From 1971 to 1976 them from 1984 to 1989 the department was headed by N.А. Khlopov, who is the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, and also he was the Rector of Karaganda State Medical Institute between 1984 and 1989. Since 1990, the department is named after him. From 1976 to 1984, the Department was headed by the Honored Doctor of the Republic, the Doctor of Medical Sciences professor Chernov T.G. In the years between 1990 and 1992, the Department was headed by the candidate of Medical Sciences P.S. Sychev. Then during 1993 and 1996, the department was headed by the Associate Professor Sh.K. Bazarbekov. From 1996 to 2007, the department was headed by theAssociate Professor K.K. Kapenova. The founder of the Department of Normal Anatomy was MD, Professor Moisey Markovich Trostanetsky (year of 1950). In the same year the anatomical museum was founded. In 1951, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Abram I. Lubbock. From April 1951 to 1964, the department was headed by Zinovy Gerasimovich Slobodin, MD and professor. From 1964 to 1969, the Department of Normal Anatomy was headed by theDoctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Bella Mikhailovna Erez. From 1969 to 1990, the Department was headed by the doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Lyubov Sergeevna Kochkina. From 1990 to 2007, Department of normal anatomy was headed by the candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor Mukhamediya Yermekovich Tebenov.In 2007-2008 academic year department of the normal anatomy, topographic anatomy and operative surgery were united. From 2007 until 2008 year department of anatomy was headed by the candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant professor Kamariya Kabdeshovna Kapenova. From 2009 to 2010 Auezkhan Omarkhanovich Omarkhanov candidate of medical sciences. From 2009 to 2010, the acting head of the department is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Auezkhan Omarkhanovich Omarkhanov. From 2010 to 2023, the head of the department was candidate of medical sciences Nauryzov Nurlan Nygmetovich.

Histology block

The Department of Histology was founded in 1951. In the 1950's. A.A. Zorina, at the invitation of the first rector of KGMI Peter Moiseevich Pospelov, arrived in Karaganda from Kazan and headed the department of histology. From 1981 to 2012, the department was headed by Professor A.V. Kurkin (born 1941). Doctor of Medical Sciences (1974), dissertation on "Calculous pyelonephritis in children", Professor (1977). Under the leadership of A.A. Zorina, 20 PhD theses were defended in the discipline of histology, and more than 270 scientific articles were published. In 1960, a postgraduate course was established at the department. Under the guidance of Professor A.V. Kurkin, 25 dissertations (3 doctoral and 22 PhD) were prepared and defended, 2 monographs were published, more than 400 scientific articles were published, and a patent for an invention was obtained. 2 people completed their master's degree and defended their master's theses. He is the author of more than 250 scientific and methodological works published in the international and national press, 3 monographs, standard curricula on "Histology". Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council at the Kazakh Medical Academy (Astana). A number of students head research teams in the CIS countries and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
