Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology

Табриз Нурлан Сулейменулы
Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Tabriz Nurlan Suleimenuly
+7 7212 503930,ext. 1474

Профессорско-преподавательский состав кафедры обладает богатым опытом подготовки бакалавров, интернов, резидентов и врачей, щедро передавая знания и умения врача-клинициста.The teaching staff of the department has rich experience in training bachelors, interns, residents and doctors, generously transferring the knowledge and skills of a clinician

Employees of the Department of Infectious Diseases carry out advisory work, supervise patients, travel through air ambulance to provide assistance to medical institutions throughout the country

The scientific interests of the department are related to the study of the pathogenesis, clinic, treatment and prevention of infectious socially significant diseases of the adult and child population.

The department employs 26 employees.

Scientific activity

The scientific interests of the department are related to the study of the features of pathogenesis, clinic, treatment and prevention of infectious socially significant diseases of adults and children.

The department actively participates in scientific research, the results of which are published in publications included in the indexed databases of the Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus, Thomson-Reuter, etc. Employees of the department take part in the organization and conduct of scientific and practical conferences and master classes, make scientific reports at international conferences.

There is a student scientific circle at the department. Students report the results of their scientific research at national and international student conferences and publish them in scientific journals.

The staff of the department are active members of the Society of Infectious Disease Doctors

Teachers of the department participated in the development of clinical protocols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely: Professor Alshynbekova G.K., ass. Professor Devdariani H.G., in international projects in the field of medical education of the TAME Erasmus+ project -Professor Alshynbekova G.K., assistant professor Dyussembayeva A.E.

Educational Activities

The teaching staff of the department has rich experience in training bachelors, interns, residents and doctors, generously transferring the knowledge and skills of a clinician. The educational process at the bachelor's and internship levels is carried out in the specialty "General Medicine", "Dentistry", "Medical and Preventive Care", "Pediatrics", "Family Medicine", "Infectious Diseases of Adults, Children".

Teaching at the department is conducted in the state, Russian and English languages

Clinical Activities

Teachers of the department carry out medical and consultative work at the clinical bases of the Regional Clinical Hospital, the Infectious Diseases Center, the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital, the Occupational Health Clinic of NJSC MUK, the Regional Center for Phthisiopulmonology, the Dermatovenerologic Center. The staff of the department performs advisory work, supervises patients, travels by air ambulance to provide assistance to medical institutions of the city, Karaganda region, and the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • 2018 – the Department of Adult Infectious Diseases, the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and the Department of Phthisiology were reorganized. The Department of Infectious Diseases, Phthisiology and Epidemiology was organized.
  • 2019 – The Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology was established

Tabriz Nurlan Suleimenuly – Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
