The University Senate Committee on Youth Affairs in the period from August 14 to 21 held a competition for the award of a scholarship to the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the NCJSC “KMU”.

Dear students!

   The University Senate Committee on Youth Affairs in the period from August 14 to 21 held a competition for the award of a scholarship to the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University”.

41 applications were submitted to the Committee, namely:

- EP “General Medicine”, EP “Medicine” - 15 applications;

- ЕP “Dentistry” - 19 applications;

- ЕP “Pharmacy” – 4 applications;

- EP “PPT” – 2 applications;

- ЕP “IT-medicine” - 1 application.

To calculate the points of candidates, a temporary working group was created, which included: Chairman of the Committee Urmashov A.N., Specialist of the Youth Work Department Bieva S.K., 4th year student of EP “General Medicine” Iriskulov H.F., chairman SGC of the School of Pharmacy, 5th year student of EP “Pharmacy” Bolatbek A.Zh.

Based on the decision of the Senate, the scholarship of the Chairman of the Board – Rector was assigned to the following students:

1.      Pshenbayeva Dana Bulatovna (6th year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 66,90;

2.      Khomenko Vladimir Viktorovich (4th year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 60,93;

3.      Daulet Balzhan (5th year student of the EP “General Medicine”) – 57,23;

4.      Alimbatyrov Marlan Ruslanovich (3rd year student of the EP “Pharmacy”) – 54,05;

5.      Nurmanova Gulnaz Bauyrzhankyzy (6th year student of the EP “General Medicine”) – 54,00;

6.      Seitzhanova Aykhanym Dulatovna (5th year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 52,95;

7.      Turasheva Aizada Azamatovna (5th year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 52,60;

8.      Tursyn Adema Azatovna (3rd year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 51,15;

9.      Avgumbaeva Kamila Timurovna (3rd year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 51,13;

10. Darigulova Aliya Nurbolkyzy (5th year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 50,88;

11. Dostayev Zangar Kamarovich (4th year student of the EP “IT-medicine”) – 50,18;

12. Nurgalieva Nurbakhyt Ruslanovna (3rd year student of the EP “Medicine”) – 49,28;

13. Daribayeva Zhannur Daribayevna (3rd year student of the EP “Pharmacy”) – 48,55;

14. Kasymkhan Nurlym Zulkharnaykyzy (5th year student of the EP “General Medicine”) – 48,40;

15. Omelechko Danil Yurievich (5th year student of the EP “Dentistry”) – 48,35.

A general table of candidate scores is attached.

The University Senate Committee on Youth Affairs sincerely congratulates the holders of the scholarship of the Chairman of the Board - the Rector! We wish students new achievements and victories!

Rector's Scholarship 2023-2024 (summer) results

Opening of the competition for grant financing of promising projects for commercialization of scientific and technical activities for 2025-2027

Opening of the competition for grant financing of promising projects for commercialization of scientific and technical activities for 2025-2027

Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan will hold a competition for grant financing of promising projects for the commercialization of scientific and technical activities for 2025-2027.

- The beginning of the application: September 9, 2024.

- The date of registration of the application: October 9, 2024.

·         Competitive applications are taken in Electronic View, completed electronic digital signage of members of the project group, the head of the project group and the applicant through the automated information system (AIS) of the Center for expertise in the field of:

·         Consultation on the work with the AIS center of expertise for registration of applications and obtaining IRN can be obtained by Phone: +7 727 355 5002 vnutrenny 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228). Working hours: working days from 09:00 to 18:00 hours in Astana, with the planned passage of 13: 00-14: 00 hours.

·         Consultation on the distribution of competitive documents and on the preparation of applications can be obtained from September 9, 2024. Phone number: +7 7172 79 98 67 internal number 1051, 1054), +7 7172 79-98-70, 79-98-71 (internal number 1012, 1014, 1021, 1033). Working hours: working days from 09: 00 to 12: 00 hours on time in Astana.

On the online conference:

Zoom conference ID: 830 5247 8908, code access: 011676. working hours: working days from 15:00 to 17:00 hours in Astana.

Competition documentation_commercializations for 2025-2027

Announcement of a competition for grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym project for 2025-2027!

Announcement of a competition for grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym project for 2025-2027!

• The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for grant financing of fundamental and applied scientific research of young postdoctoral scientists under the Zhas Galym project for 2025-2027 in the following priority areas of science development according to the Tender Documentation:

     – Ecology, environment and rational nature management;

     – Energy, advanced materials and transportation;

     – Advanced manufacturing, digital and space technologies;

     – The intellectual potential of the country;

     – The science of life and health;

     – Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex;

     – National security and defense, biological safety.

• Call center for working with the information system of «NCSTE» JSC ( ) to register applications and receive IRN: +7 (727) 222 1102 (ext 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228). Opening hours: Mon. - Fri., 9:00 – 18:00, lunch 13:00 – 14:00.

• For clarification of the tender documentation and registration of the application, please call 8 (7172) 74-24-85, 74-24-71; for financial matters 8 (7172) 74-16-53. Opening hours: Mon. - Fri., 9:00 – 18:30 p.m., lunch 13:00 – 14:30 p.m.

• Competitive applications are submitted to the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form, certified by the electronic digital signature of the postdoctoral fellow and the applicant, through the information system of «NCSTE» JSC at the link: .

The start of accepting applications is from September 05, 2024.

The deadline for submitting applications is October 04, 2024 (inclusive).

The tender documentation of the ZG for 2025-2027.docx

On August 28, at 2 p.m., access to the Platonus AIS system will be opened to apply for a place in the hostel

Dear senior students!

On August 28, at 2 p.m., access to the Platonus AIS system will be opened to apply for a place in the hostel.

Unfortunately, the number of seats is limited.

KMU Invites you to participate in the hybrid conference «Mental health at the workplace»





OCTOBER 10, 2024 FROM 10:00 TO 18:00


The conference will be held at the address: Karaganda, Karaganda Medical University, Gogol str., 40

when sending money, it is necessary to specify «for participation in the conference «Mental health at the workplace»


(in the registration form, a mandatory item is to attach a scanned copy of the receipt for payment for participation!)

Based on the results of submitting documents to the admissions committee of NCJSC "KMU", we present you information about the distribution of places in dormitories:

Dear applicants!

Based on the results of submitting documents to the admission committee of the NCJSC "Medical University of Karaganda", we present you information about the distribution of places in dormitories:

I. In the 2024-2025 academic year, applicants are scheduled to move into dormitories №1, №3, №4, №6.

II. The deadline for submitting applications for the provision (reservation) of a place in a dormitory room from August 7 to August 25, 2024 online through the Platonus AIS system for applicants with state educational grants.

Mandatory conditions for submitting an application:  

1. Registration of the applicant in the Platonus AIS system.

!!! Attention: Applicants registered in AIS Platonus for psychometric testing do not re-register.

2. Get confirmation of registration in the Platonus AIS system

3. When applying for a place in a dormitory in the AIS Platonus system, it is necessary to follow the instructions (posted on the university's website with the choice of a dormitory and a room. The following documents must be attached to the application:

· ID card in pdf format;

· receipt of payment for accommodation in the hostel;

· Certificate of awarding a state educational grant (for holders of a state educational grant);

· documents on belonging to preferential categories are attached only to orphans and children left without parental care. Documents on belonging to other preferential categories do not need to be attached!

4. After submitting an application for the provision (reservation) of a place in a dorm room in the applicant's personal account in the AIS Platonus, the status "Approved without an order" will be released.

!!! Attention: it is necessary to regularly review the status of the application in your personal account in the AIS Platonus.

III.  !!! Dear applicants, copies of documents on belonging to preferential categories must also be provided to the dean's office after the start of training (in September).

IV. For applicants who apply for a fee, information about check-in to the hostel will be provided separately.

V.  !!! The actual check-in of students in dormitories will be carried out in the period from August 26 to September 1. During this period, the applicant, according to the application, is sent to check into the selected community with the following set of documents:

- file – 1 pc.;

- photo 3x4 – 1 pc.;

- a copy of the identity card.

VI. Upon check-in to the hostel, all applicants and students undergo a medical examination for pediculosis (if the check-in for pediculosis is positive, check-in to the hostel will be refused).

VII.  Applications for dormitory accommodation from applicants living in satellite cities (Temirtau, Abai, etc.) will be accepted from September 1 to September 15 this year, subject to availability.

!!! The cost of living in dormitories:

- Dormitory No. 1 – 330,000 tenge.;

- Dormitories №3, №4, №6 – 275 000 tg.

!!! The payment consists of the cost of living for 10 months, as well as a guarantee fee equal to the cost of living for one month in the selected hostel.

!!! Upon eviction from the hostel, the guarantee fee is refunded on the basis of a receipt and an application, in full compliance with all the conditions set out in the agreement "On the provision of a place in the hostel".

If you have any additional questions, please contact the admissions committee or the telegram bot @Acqmu_bot

Instructions for applying to the Platonus AIS system are available on the university's website, as well as on the official Instagram page @officialkmu.

The dormitories of NCJSC KMU are located at the following addresses:

Dormitory No. 1 – Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue, 41/2

Hostel No. 3 – Gogol str., 36/3

Dormitory No. 4 – 32 Yerubaeva Street

Hostel No.6 – Bukhar-Zhyrau Avenue, 92/3

We invite you to take part in the republican scientific and practical conference with international participation «Ulytau - the pinnacle of science, education and practice»


We invite you to take part in the republican scientific and practical conference with international participation «Ulytau - the pinnacle of science, education and practice», dedicated to the memory of the veteran of healthcare of the Zhezkazgan region Mukanov Umirbek Mukanovich, which will be held on October 10-11, 2024 in Zhezkazgan.

The organizers of this conference are the «Karaganda Medical University» NCJSC, Health Department of Ulytau region, Republican public association «Kazakhstan Society of Surgeons».


1. The state and prospects of development of the surgical service of the Ulytau region.

2. Issues of training doctors of surgical specialties, educational trends in surgery.

3. The introduction of endoscopic technologies and minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of surgical patients.

4. Highly informative examination methods in clinical surgery and related specialties: traumatology, urology, oncology, angiosurgery, gynecology.

5. Problematic issues of emergency surgery: errors and dangers in surgery, medical errors.

6. New directions in surgery: bariatrics, aesthetic surgery.

7. The role of a nurse in clinical surgery. Features of the preparation of laparoscopic instruments, difficulties and peculiarities of sterilization.

8. Educational trends in the training of nursing staff.

The conference is planned in a mixed format on-line, off-line. Form of participation: report, poster report. The conference language is Kazakh, Russian and English.

The materials of this conference will be published in the scientific and practical journal «Medicine and Ecology».

Within the framework of this conference, it is planned to hold a pre-conference master class «EDUCATIONAL TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS IN SURGERY» dedicated to the memory of Professor Mukanov Marat Umirbekovich.

A certificate of 10 credits is awarded for participation in the conference and 8 credits in the master class.

During the master class and the conference, there will be an exhibition of international manufacturers of medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies.


The Presidium of the Conference:

¾  Baimakhanov Bolatbek Bimendeevich – Chairman of the Board of JSC «National Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov», Chief Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

¾  Turmukhambetova Anar Akylbekovna– Chairman of the Board-Rector of the «Medical University of Karaganda» NJSC, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

¾  Ranova Lyazzat Nabievna – Head of the Ulytau Region Health Department.

The Organizing Committee::

1.  Chairman: Turgunov Ermek Meiramovich – Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of the «Medical University of Karaganda» NJSC, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

2.  Deputy Chairman: Shakeev Kairat Tanabaevich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the «Medical University of Karaganda» NJSC.

3.  Kulbaev Beisen Turganovich – veteran of the region's healthcare, an endoscopist of the highest category.

4.  Beisembayeva Yerkebulan Abdulmanapovich – Deputy Head of the Ulytau Region Health Department.

5.  Akhanov Gabiden Arinovich – Director of the «Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital of Zhezkazgan».

6.  Motorykin Vladimir Mikhailovich – Director of the «Zhezkazgan» Medical Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

7.  Nurbekov Amanzhol Nurbekovich – General Director of «Karaganda Medical Intercolledge», Candidate of Medical Sciences.

8.  Abdigulovich Sattar Maratovich – Director of the «Karaganda Regional Higher Nursing College» Department of Health of the Karaganda region.

9.  Moldina Meruert Aitmaganbetovna – Director of the «Regional Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan» Department of Healthcare of the Ulytau region.

10.  Mukanov Aldiyar Askarovich – Director of «KARL STORZ ENOSCOPY» LLP of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11.  Zhanasova Maral Maratovna – Associate Professor of the «Medical University of Karaganda» NJSC, Candidate of Medical Sciences

12.  Kalieva Dinara Keneskhanovna– Associate Professor of the «Medical University of Karaganda» NJSC, PhD.

13.  Kulymzhanov Nurtilek Marlanovich – Chief surgeon of the Health Department of the Ulutau region, head of the surgical department of the «Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital of Zhezkazgan».

14.  Kuliyev Ravshan Shamilogly – Head of the surgical service of the «Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital of Zhezkazgan».

15.  Shaimagambetov Bekbolat Sovetkalievich – Deputy Director of the «Zhezkazgan» Medical Center.

A creative evening meeting «SONGS ABOUT THE PAST - OUR HISTORY» with Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Professor Tokpanov Serik Imakovich is planned within the framework of the conference. This meeting is dedicated to the memory of veterans of healthcare in the Zhezkazgan region. The songs of the past years will be presented, which will nostalgically remind you of our history.



1.  Full name: Zhanasova Maral Maratovna. Phone number: +7 777 889 2041. E-mail:

2.  Full name: Kalieva Dinara Keneskhanovna. Phone number: +7 701 227 6103. E-mail:


1.  Kulymzhanov Nurtilek Marlanovich – Chief surgeon of the Health Department of the Ulutau region, head of the surgical department of the «Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital of Zhezkazgan».

2.  Kuliyev Ravshan Shamilogly – Head of the surgical service of the «Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital of Zhezkazgan». Phone number: +7 777 073 7283.

3.  Shaimagambetov Bekbolat Sovetkalievich – Deputy Director of the «Zhezkazgan» Medical Center. Address: Zhezkazgan, Health Department of Ulytau region, Alashakhana str., 34. Phone number: +7701 806 6560.