Policy of admission

  • The policy of admission and selection of students includes the process of selecting and attracting applicants with high motivation and degree of knowledge, the procedure of enrollment of students, understanding expectations and needs of applicants and their parents.
  • Admission of applicants is carried out by the Admissions Committee approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector. The Admissions Committee consists of an odd number, the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NCJSC KMU is the Chairman of the Admissions Committee.
  • The responsible secretary of the Admissions Committee is appointed by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Admissions Committee is decisive.

Persons with general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary and higher education are admitted to higher education programmes.

Graduates of higher education programmes are admitted to the magistracy, to the residency - higher education and internships.

The doctoral program is open to persons who have a degree of «master» and work experience of at least 9 (nine) months or have completed training in a residency in medical specialties.

Admission of persons to educational programs of higher education and postgraduate education is carried out by placing the state educational order and educational grant at the expense of the republican budget or local budget, as well as tuition fees from the student’s own funds and other sources.

Admission of persons entering KMU for educational programs of bachelor, is carried out on their applications on a competitive basis in accordance with the points of the UNT certificate (UNT profile subjects for entering the educational program KMU are biology and chemistry) and taking into account the results of a special examination for groups of educational programmes requiring special training.

Persons with general secondary education who have completed compulsory military service are admitted for training for a period of two years following the completion of fixed-term military service on a paid basis following an interview conducted by an admission board during a calendar year.

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have served in the fixed-term military service, have technical and professional, post-secondary or higher education, Are accepted for tuition on a fee-based basis for two years of compulsory military service in higher education programmes with shorter training periods following an interview; held by the admissions committee during the calendar year.

The quota for training with 100 (100) percent discount is determined by the agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and KMU.

At the same time, citizens who have completed their compulsory military service are enrolled in accordance with the academic calendar 5 (five) days before the beginning of the next academic period.

Applications for the special examination are accepted and held at the place of residence of the health education organization or the medical faculties(s) of the Department of Public Health from 20 June to 20 August of the calendar year.

Special examination programmes are developed by the university and approved by the Chairman of the Admission Commission.

The schedule of special examinations (examination form, date, time and place, consultation) shall be approved by the Chairman of the Admission Commission and shall be communicated to the documents received before the beginning of the admission.

Admission to the auditorium (premises) of a special examination is made upon presentation of an identity document. In this case, special examinations are held in classrooms (rooms) equipped with video and (or) audio recording.

When conducting a special exam online, the technical secretary of the admissions commission identifies the applicant during a video call on an identity document.

Prior to the commencement of the special examinations, applicants are given an explanation of the procedure for the special examination, as well as the start and end of the special examinations, the time and place of the announcement of the results and the procedure for filing an appeal.

The special exam for students in the field of education «Healthcare» is evaluated in the form - «admission» or «not admission».

Form of special examination for the following groups of educational programmes:

The applicant receives a certificate in electronic form for submission to the Organization of higher and postgraduate education at the place of admission.

During the examination period, in order to comply with the requirements of the special examination, to resolve contentious issues, to protect the rights of persons who pass the relevant examinations, by the order of the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University, an appeal commission shall be established, an odd number of members, including its Chairman.

The application for appeal shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Appeals Commission in person by the person who passed the special examination, shall be accepted until 13:00 the day after the announcement of the results of the special examination and shall be examined by the Appeals Commission within one day.

The decision of the appeal commission shall be considered valid if at least two thirds of its members are present at the meeting. An appeal against the results of the special examination shall be decided by a majority of the members of the commission present. If the votes of the members of the appeal commission are equal, the vote of the chairman is decisive. The work of the Appeal Commission shall be formalized by a protocol signed by the Chairman and all present members of the Commission.

On the day of completion of special exam KMU transmit to the information system of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan the results of a special examination of applicants for participation in the competition for awarding an educational grant of higher education at the expense of funds national and local budgets and (or) enrollment in the organization of higher and postgraduate education for tuition.

Admission of persons entering to KMU on educational programs of magistracy, is carried out on their applications on a competitive basis in accordance with the points of the certificate of complex testing (further CT).

Unified national testing and complex testing are carried out according to the Rules of conducting unified national testing and rendering of state services «Issuance of certificate on passing the unified national testing » and the Rules of complex testing..

Admission of persons who have served fixed-term military service to the specialized magistracy on a paid basis for three years after undergoing fixed-term military service is carried out without entrance examinations, based on the results of the interview conducted by the admissions commission of KMU during a calendar year. At the same time, citizens who have completed their compulsory military service are enrolled in accordance with the academic calendar 5 (five) days before the beginning of the next academic period.

Admission of persons entering KMU for educational programs in residency and doctoral program, is carried out on their applications on a competitive basis on the results of the entrance exam.

Preliminary selection of doctoral students is carried out by the examination committee in the form of an interview. The result of the interview is sent to e-mail within five working days after the interview. The results of the preliminary selection for training in doctoral programs are «admission» or «not admission» to entrance exams.

Acceptance of applications for admission to master’s, residency, doctoral studies, taking into account the results of the preliminary selection (for doctoral studies) is carried out by the admission commission within the deadlines established by the Model Rules of admission to training in the organization of education, implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education.

The terms of enrollment in the educational programs of bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and residency are established by the Model Rules of admission for training in educational organizations, implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education.

Foreigners are admitted on a fee basis. The admission of free postgraduate education to foreigners on a competitive basis in accordance with the State educational order is determined by the international agreements of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the exception of the scholarship programme for master’s programmes.

Entering on educational programs of doctoral programs of KMU submit the following documents for preliminary selection:
  1. application addressed to the head of the organization;
  2. identity card (copy);
  3. copy of higher/postgraduate education documents (for graduates of previous years);
  4. a copy of the employment record book;
  5. certificate from the place of study (for those who are still studying);
  6. motivational essay in kazakh, russian or foreign (english/german/french);
  7. list of scientific, scientific and methodical publications, by form (if available);
  8. abstract of the dissertation in russian/kazakh.
Applicants after submission of documents are invited for an interview with the preliminary selection commission.

Admission to the rezidentura of KMU is carried out on a competitive basis on the results of the entrance exam, which includes stages assessed on a 100-point scale of assessment.

 At the same time, the applicant takes an entrance exam only in the educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in which he enters.

Examination commissions for related educational programs shall be established by the order of the Chairman of the Board - Rector for the period of the entrance examinations.

 The result of the Residency Examination (X) is calculated using the following formula:

where GPA – weighted average assessment of academic achievements over the whole period of study (bachelor’s and internship);

A – the result of the 1st stage of the independent examination or the result of the certificate of specialist;

В – result of complex testing on the profile of the educational program.

In this case, the results of the entrance examination are rounded up to a whole number in the conventional mathematical way.

In the case of the same competitive scores, priority is given to persons with medical experience (at the time of submission of the applicant’s documents), where 1 year of experience is equal to 1 point, if there are supporting documents (a copy of the employment contract, a copy of the employment record book, certified by the personnel service of the medical organization).

Then the scientific achievements of the last 5 years, corresponding to the profile of the educational program of the Residency according to the table:

In case of equality of the scores and taking into account paragraphs 39-40 of these rules, priority in enrolment shall be given to persons having a higher result of the 1st stage of the independent examination or the result of a certificate of specialist; Then there are those who have a higher result of complex testing on the profile of the educational program, and then - those who have a higher GPA. If all of these indicators are equal, the decision is made by the examination board.

The results of the entrance exams are announced on the day of their holding. Re-election of entrance exams is not allowed.

If there are no outstanding grants for a State educational order, a second competition is held. At the same time, the applicant repeatedly writes an application for participation in the competition for awarding a grant according to the educational program specified in the application.

According to the Model Rules of Admission to Educational Organizations Implementing Educational Programs of Higher and Postgraduate Education , Admission of foreign citizens for training in educational programs of higher and postgraduate education on a fee basis is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance tests conducted by the admissions commission of KMU during the calendar year. In this case, the admission of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the academic calendar for 5 (five) days before the beginning of the next academic period.

Foreign nationals who wish to study in english are tested on-line or directly at the University in the following subjects: mathematics, english, biology, chemistry as part of the curriculum of secondary education.

To determine the level of proficiency in english and communicative abilities conducted an interview in online format.

Foreign nationals wishing to study in russian or kazakh on medical specialties are tested on-line or directly at the University in three subjects - biology, chemistry and the language of instruction (kazakh or russian).

The number of students of the foreign branch on a fee basis is admitted foreign citizens who have successfully interviewed and who have scored a minimum level of at least 70% on the results of testing.

Documents in a foreign language are provided with notarized translation into kazakh or russian.

Educational documents issued by foreign educational organizations are recognized in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The admission of persons entering higher educational establishments of the Republic of Kazakhstan for training on a fee basis is carried out by higher educational institutions.

Admission of documents for paid training is carried out from applicants who have scored no less than 70 points on the basis of the results of the unified national testing in the areas of training «Healthcare», in other areas - no less than 50 points.

Admission of foreign citizens for training in english on a fee basis is carried out in accordance with the results of the entrance examination.

Persons with higher medical or secondary professional medical education are admitted for short periods of time.

The programme of entrance examinations and the timing of the examination for tuition and short-term studies are approved by a meeting of the school’s board.

The recognition of the results of previous levels of education is carried out in accordance with the current rules for the recognition of the results of formal education and the transfer table of disciplines, taking into account the results achieved, the forms of monitoring and the scale of traditional assessments.

The number of allocated places for paid department in the context of educational programs is considered and approved at the Board meeting.

Enrollment in the number of students to the paid department is carried out with a prepayment of at least 50% of the cost of training. In some cases, it is possible to conclude an additional agreement to the contract on another payment procedure.

In the case of incoming educational credit issued by second-level banks, incoming student is admitted to the number of university students when they submit to them the relevant certificate from the bank on the location of documents for consideration and prepayment of at least 20% of the cost of training. At the same time, he is given a grace period to pay the amount set out in the agreement for the provision of educational services, which is payable before the enrolment of the citizen, for the period of processing the educational loan, but not more than 4 (four) weeks after receiving the bank’s certificate.

Applicants whose training is financed by the 3rd party (Health Department, Employment and Social Programs Department, Akimat, etc. organizations) are admitted to enrollment if there is a letter of guarantee indicating payment terms and payment of at least 30% of the tuition fee.

Admission to the paid department in the number of students is carried out on the basis of the opportunities of the staff potential of the departments, implementing a specific educational program, as well as at the recruitment of cost-effective academic flows.

Enrollment of persons in the scientific and pedagogical magistracy is carried out on the basis of the results of complex testing in accordance with the Scale of 150-point system of assessments for complex testing in the master’s program with kazakh or russian language of instruction: not less than 75 points, with at least 25 points in a foreign language, in the profile of the group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer - at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers - at least 7 points, on the test of readiness for training - at least 7 points.

Enrollment of persons in the profile master’s program with kazakh or russian language training on a fee basis is carried out on the basis of the results of complex testing in accordance with the Scale of 100-point system of assessments for complex testing: at least 50 points, and on the test to determine readiness for training - at least 7 points, on the profile of the group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer - at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers - at least 7 points.

The admission of persons to the resident population is based on the results of the entrance exam in the field of educational programmes and having obtained at least 75 points out of the possible 100 points.

Admission of persons to doctoral studies on a fee basis is carried out on the basis of an international certificate confirming the foreign language proficiency in accordance with the European competence (standards) knowledge of a foreign language and on the basis of the results of the entrance exam on the profile of the group of educational programs of doctoral and got at least 75 points out of the possible 100 points.

Persons with the highest scores in the comprehensive testing and (or) entrance examination are admitted to study on the State educational order on a competitive basis:

1) for scientific and pedagogical magistracy: not less than 75 points, while in a foreign language - at least 25 points in the profile of the group of educational programs: in the first profile discipline - at least 7 points, in the second profile discipline - at least 7 points, on the test of readiness for training - at least 7 points;

2) for a profile master’s program with kazakh or russian language of instruction: not less than 50 points, and on the test of readiness for training - not less than 7 points, on the profile of the group of educational programs: in the first profile discipline - at least 7 points, in the second profile discipline - at least 7 points;

3) for residency - at least 75 points.

Persons who have scored at least 75 points on an entrance examination are admitted to doctoral studies on a State educational order on a competitive basis.

Persons who have international certificates of passing the test in a foreign language (english, french, german) are given 50 points.

Persons who have scored at least 75 points on an entrance examination are admitted to doctoral studies on a State educational order on a competitive basis.

In the case of the same competitive scores, priority in doctoral studies is given to persons with the highest marks in the profile of the group of the educational program. Then the scientific achievements corresponding to the profile of the educational program are taken into account: scientific publications, including in ranking scientific publications; certificates of scientific development; certificates of scientific scholarships, grants; diplomas/diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.

For participation in the competition on the state educational order at the expense of the local budget incoming educational programs of higher and postgraduate education until August 25:

  1. declaration (in any form);
  2. a copy of the educational document;
  3. certificate of entrance exam in a foreign language and complex testing, a copy of the international certificate of passing the test in a foreign language (if available); (for master’s);
  4. certificate confirming the foreign language proficiency in accordance with the European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency and the extract of the entrance exam on the group of educational programs indicating points (for doctoral studies);
  5. a copy of the employment record book;
  6. a copy of the identity document.

The competition for the state educational order of the local executive body is held in accordance with the scores of the entrance examination by groups of educational programs.

Admission of students to technical and vocational, post-secondary education programmes is carried out in accordance with the Model Rules for admission to studies in educational organizations that implement educational programs of technical and vocational education.

Applications for technical and vocational education and post-secondary education are accepted in the form of technical, vocational and post-secondary education programmes, Providing for the training of middle-level specialists and applied bachelors, and for full-time study on a state contract - from 25 June to 20 August of the calendar year on the basis of general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education, On a fee basis on the basis of basic secondary, general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education in medical specialties - from 25 June to 15 August of the calendar year.

Documents for admission are presented personally by adults, and minors - in the presence of a legal representative.

Persons entering technical and vocational, post-secondary education in medical specialties undergo psychometric testing in accordance withthe Model Rules for admission to studies in educational organizations that implement educational programs of technical and vocational education and psychometric testing in medical specialties are evaluated in the form of "Admission"/"Non-admission".

The results of psychometric testing are directed by the organization of technical and professional, post-secondary education in the information system of the Department of Education for participation in the competition for training on the state order (hereinafter - the Competition).

Persons entering technical and vocational, post-secondary education are admitted to the competition on the results of psychometric testing.

To participate in the Competition, applicants on the basis of basic secondary education apply until August 18 calendar year, on the basis of general secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary education - until 20 August of the calendar year, in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Model Rules for admission to studies in educational organizations that implement educational programs of technical and vocational education.

When submitting an application for the Competition, applicants choose up to four specialties, qualifications (if necessary), approved by local executive bodies of regions, cities of national significance and the capital, up to four technical and professional organizations, Post-secondary education approved by the Commission for the Placement of a State Order for the training of personnel with technical and vocational, post-secondary education, the language of instruction (kazakh, russian, english), the level of education.

Technical, vocational and post-secondary education programmes providing for the training of mid-level specialists and applied bachelors, On a full-time basis, on a State-ordered basis, from 25 June to 18 August of the calendar year on the basis of basic secondary education, from 25 June to 20 August of the calendar year on the basis of general secondary, technical and vocational and post-secondary education, on a fee basis - from June 25 to August 25 calendar year, on evening forms of education - from June 25 to August 15 calendar year.

The average competitive score (hereinafter referred to as the ACS) is defined as the average of the sum of grades for subjects/disciplines, evaluations of special and /or creative examinations to their total number.

The average score is formed by:
1) for students with basic secondary education (grade 9) - from grades/points in three subjects: compulsory subject (kazakh or russian), two subjects in specialty (biology and chemistry):

ACS = (MS1/MD1+PS1/PD1+ PS2/PD2)/NE,

where MS1/MD1 – mandatory subject/discipline evaluation 1;

PS1/PD1 – evaluation for the first profile subject/discipline 1;

PS2/PD2 – evaluation for the second profile subject/discipline 2;

NE – number of evaluations;

2) for students with general secondary education, technical and vocational education, post-secondary education - from evaluations in four subjects: compulsory subjects/ disciplines (kazakh language or russian language, history of Kazakhstan) and two subjects/ disciplines in the specialty (biology and chemistry are core subjects):

ACS = (MS1/MD1+MS2/MD2+ PS1/PD1+PS2/PD2)/NE

where MS1/MD1 – mandatory subject/discipline evaluation 1;

MS2/MD2 – mandatory subject/discipline evaluation 2;

PS1/PD1 – evaluation for the first profile subject/discipline 1;

PS2/PD2 – evaluation for the second profile subject/discipline 2;

NE – number of evaluations;

3) for persons having technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher education, entering medical specialties that do not correspond to the specialty profile - in two subjects/disciplines in the specialty:

ACS = (PS1/PD1+ PS2/PD2)/NE,

where PS1/PD1 – evaluation for the first profile subject/discipline 1;

PS2/PD2 – evaluation for the second profile subject/discipline 2;

NE – number of evaluations;

In the case of equality of the average competitive score, the average score of the certificate of education and the quota category are taken into account.

Enrollment of students in educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, providing training of mid-level specialists, applied bachelor, is conducted by the order of the head of the organization on the basis of the minutes of the meeting of the admissions commission on the full-time form of training until August 31 calendar year.

Enrollment of students in the university is carried out by admission commissions in the terms established by the Model Rules of admission to training in the educational organization, implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education by the order of the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the university.